What are all the debugging tools available for the iPhone? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm looking for a comprehensive list of all tools for debugging iPhone apps, and any online resources relating to them.

How about the tools that come with Xcode, like gdb and Instruments?
This will also help: http://google.com/search?q=how+to+debug+iphone+apps

Here is a good Apple document entitled: "Xcode Debugging Guide"

I assume this questions is about Xcode debugging. However i am developing web based iPhone apps using the like IUI and iWebkit etc. Normally for web development i would use Firefox/Firebug but for iPhone the Webkit is better (IMHO) and the javascript debugging is excellent. I also use the iPhone simulator rather then needing to deploy the code to a server.

I've incorporated the following tools into my Xcode pipeline:
GHUnit - Unit testing which can run on the simulator and devices, and allows debugging.
OCMock - Mocking framework for use in the unit tests.
Appledoc - For creating more apple like API docs and including them into XCode.

WiCon wireless console helps to send debug messages to iPhone/iPad screen from another iPhone/iPad or from a computer. I use it to track my apps for example if the connection to a usual debugger is not available or if I need to take care of a long process (WiCon gives sound alarms on debug messages and I don't need to stare at screen to notice messages).


my app installed weird between iPhone and iPad [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have an Enterprise Account(installing via Over The Air). I made a test app, which is a universal app, and i tested it on my device. But it installed in a strange manner.
If i install the app, you can see the installation icon on the iPhone app doubled(see two app icons). but on iPad it doesn't happen. I don't know why?
First, I thought that it's because of the hardware difference of the two devices. But the app size is only just 2.7MB, so I expect that both devices can easily handle the app.
The following link shows this issue: this link shows weird app installing situation
if you are installing over the air(via a download link with configured plist), probably the "bundle identifier" set on the plist of your download link, doesn't match the "bundle identifier" of the app being downloaded. This is usually caused by reusing your plist(with old/wrong bundle identifier) for download instead of making a new one.
Run a clean in Xcode and then delete the app from the device itself and then try again

App not working on iPhone 3gs [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
So, I delivered a app that I made in xcode 4.0.1 ... and then i had to make it work properly on iOS 5 also (there were some things not shown properly). Anyway, my client mailed me that the app doesn't work on his iPhone 3GS. What should I look for ?
EDIT: It actually crashes only when opening a webview that streams a youtube video.
Thinks you should check:
what deployment target is selected -> at least should match your clients iOS Version
what build architectures are selected in the build settings? Is it only ARM 7 (i am not shure if 3GS already supports ARM7 so you can change it to ARM6+ARM7.
since i understand from your question that you deploy adhoc there is maybe the possibility of a new/changed device and the UDID does not match any more
To find out the reason of "not work", You should read the crash log. There are a lot of possibilities, for example, 3GS has less memory, which can cause system kill you app more frequently.
If the app had been distribute on the appstore, you can get crash log from the iTunes Connect. In the iTunes Connect, select "Manage Your Applications", Select your app, and the "View details", then you can find the "Crash Reports" link.

application slow on iphone with phonegap [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
We testing our app on simulater is fast but slow on iphone.
We are initializing canvas for drawing and try to draw multiple line on the canvas is very slow.
The simulator runs using the full power of the machine it is running on, it is not an emulator. That's why you can't trust it all the way through a project - every app must be test run on an actual device.
Although this isn't what you have asked for: Don't use phonegap. Please. It employs web technology to make development easier, but web technology is just not as performant as a native application would be. If you need to do extensive graphics operations, consider developing a native app.
Aside from not actually asking a question, you need to consider that the iphone has a much slower processor than what ever you're running the simulator on.

Possible to develop J2ME applications on IPhone, Android (HTCs..), Samsungs etc? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I know for a fact that most Blackberry Handsets is Java enabled and supports J2ME development but i haven't found any useful information on the same topic regarding IPHone, Androids etc..
any help much appreciated.
iPhone only supports apps written in HTML ('web apps') or Objective-C/C++ ('native apps'). It won't support J2ME applications.
Neither will Android (at least via the marketplace), but because Android apps are written in Java it will be probably be easier for you (if you're coming from a Java background) to get started on that platform.
On Android you can run J2ME applications (not everything will work correctly though). I don't know details of how this is done, but I just downloaded JAR file and it was started fine on my HTC Evo 4G.
Note, however, that J2ME and it's applications were mostly designed for 12-key phone keyboards, and on touch screen they are not too usable.
I've had some success getting Java application running on iOS using XCode and a cross-compiler known as XMLVM... Keep in mind my success was only on an emulator. Not running the app on the actual device. Though, I suppose the difference varies only in some aspects.
P.S. My iPhone was jailbroken at the time and running 5.1.1

Iphone development [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am new to iphone .How can i develop appstore using store kit .can any one explain the necessary steps ..Thanks in advance
1) You need a mac. If your on a budget get a macbook or mac mini.
2) Get the developer tools with the iphone SDK. This will give you GCC and all of the basic tools required. Its free but you do have to register at developer.apple.com . You can pay the $99 later on when you actually are ready to sell an app in the app store.
3) You need to know objective C. If have C experience you can pick up objective C pretty fast. I recommend "Programming in Objective-C" by Kochan
4) Learn Cocoa. The book that really opened my eyes to this was "Cocoa Programming for Mac OSX" by Aaron Hillegass. Any of the Aaron Hillegass books are great. I think he has some specific stuff to the iphone now as well.
5) Learn Cocoa Touch. I would use the online documentation. Its gotten me pretty far.
At this point your off to a good start. I highly recommend reading the apple documentation and using google. If you like to learn by looking at working code, Apple also has allot of ready made simple apps. There is allot of information out there for people willing to look it up. Don't be afraid to ask questions here but be specific and provide lots of details. No one started out knowing everything. I wish you happy learning and good luck.
Get a Mac
Join the developer program, download tools. Learn cocoa, Objective C
Send application to Apple for approval
MonoTouch allows you to use C# (or another .NET language) instead of Objective-C.
Learn Objective-C whilst creating Cocoa apps. Once you understand, learn the iPhone APIs and start to create iPhone apps