Iphone development [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am new to iphone .How can i develop appstore using store kit .can any one explain the necessary steps ..Thanks in advance

1) You need a mac. If your on a budget get a macbook or mac mini.
2) Get the developer tools with the iphone SDK. This will give you GCC and all of the basic tools required. Its free but you do have to register at developer.apple.com . You can pay the $99 later on when you actually are ready to sell an app in the app store.
3) You need to know objective C. If have C experience you can pick up objective C pretty fast. I recommend "Programming in Objective-C" by Kochan
4) Learn Cocoa. The book that really opened my eyes to this was "Cocoa Programming for Mac OSX" by Aaron Hillegass. Any of the Aaron Hillegass books are great. I think he has some specific stuff to the iphone now as well.
5) Learn Cocoa Touch. I would use the online documentation. Its gotten me pretty far.
At this point your off to a good start. I highly recommend reading the apple documentation and using google. If you like to learn by looking at working code, Apple also has allot of ready made simple apps. There is allot of information out there for people willing to look it up. Don't be afraid to ask questions here but be specific and provide lots of details. No one started out knowing everything. I wish you happy learning and good luck.

Get a Mac
Join the developer program, download tools. Learn cocoa, Objective C
Send application to Apple for approval
MonoTouch allows you to use C# (or another .NET language) instead of Objective-C.

Learn Objective-C whilst creating Cocoa apps. Once you understand, learn the iPhone APIs and start to create iPhone apps


Where to start for Augmented Reality in iPhone? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have done lots of applications for iOS using Xcode. And i want to explore the feasability of Augmented Reality in iPhone. I searched for it and found that we need SDKs for it i.e Qualcom or String. Can anybody suggest me whichone is best to start with? And any sample tutorial for start-up related to that.?
If you want to learn about Augmented Realty and many different APIs, IDEs, Engines and SDKs, this book may be the best resource for you
Pro iOS 5 Augmented Reality
It is for iOS 5, but I see no adoption that prevents it from working with iOS 6. It is great! It shows Qualcomm demoes, Open-CV, String and more!'
The author works with you throughout the book with examples and explanations which are beyond interesting and cool.
After reading this book I feel like a professional, just read the reviews, a great valuable book!
Answering your ultimate question, which is the best SDK/API? I think that it depends on what you want, they have different purposes, functionalities, learning curves etc. I suggest you read this book to explore all
You could use iPhone-AR-Toolkit. It's up on GitHub, and I've added in lots of helpful things like a radar, modern callouts etc...

iphone/ipad game development [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
I'm a iOS developer. I have developed many apps for iPhone and iPad. Now planning to start with game development. I need few details before starting with it??
How different is game development from appl. development?
Any extra training required for gamin?
Is 2D gaming possible with just Objective C??
what search engines or libraries should i use for 2D/3D games?
any tutorials or books for game development?
Will gaming work purely on Objective C? or other languages like C/C++ needs to be used?
Thanks in advance :)
There are many answers out there, and StackOverflow is not the best place to answer these questions, and you will need to learn a lot about it until you can make something nice (but you will, if you work enough). To answer your points, there is never one true answer, but anyway:
Game is something visual (unless you are writing a text-based game), you'll need good object-oriented programming skills and a thinking that will associate objects at your code level with your actual objects on screen. Most games have loops that handle physics/draw objects every second for many frames.
For a professional game, you'll be needing a framework/tool to develop. It's hard to write barebone Objective-C code and make a game out of it.
Yes, it is possible, but hard.
For 2D, have a look at Cocos2D and Flash, and using Box2D physics engine is a good idea. For 3D, I recommend Unity.
Not one specific I can think of, just search over the web, there are TONS of resources. Everyone understands concepts differently, so one 'super tutorial' of someone may be the 'worse' tutorial for another. Just search until you find a one you understand clearly.
Theoretically, yes, games can run purely using Objective-C, but most of the tools that help creating games use other languages too.

Learn iOS development (Already know Objective-C) [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
I want to start programming for iOS. I already have a solid footing in Objective-C, so I am not looking for a guide on Objective-C. I am NOT a beginner.
Could any of you please point me in the right direction for tutorials on developing iOS apps, NOT for learning Objective-C?
Thank you very much!
If you want to follow written tutorials these are some I found helpful but I recommend you to go through iOS developer Library and Apple sample codes first. If you start following tutorials you will simply copy paste code snippets:
1) http://mobile.tutsplus.com/category/tutorials/iphone/
2) http://www.raywenderlich.com/
3) http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/IOS_iPhone_iPad_eBooks (One of the best reource)
4) http://www.cimgf.com/about/
5) http://appsamuck.com/
And most important
Before you get started here are few links from Apple which will help a lot and one must go through it once.
1) iOS App Programming Guide
2) Start Developing iOS Apps Today Recently Posted by Apple
3) Your Second iOS App Tutorial with Storyboards
4) Your First App Store Submission Guidelines about creating certificates and submitting Apps to App store
5) WWDC videos by Apple.
For specific example guides on making iPhone apps, have a look through the iOS tutorials on Mobiletuts. Their tutorials are usually well written, and easy to follow.
Ray Wenderlich's early tutorials (> 1-2 year ago) are also another good place to start. Recently he's been tackling much more advanced tutorials.
TreeHouse is also a good place to learn. They have some free tutorials, but otherwise there's a membership required. It's from the ThinkVitamin guys and their tutorials are A++ for clarity, detail, and quality.
I wrote a blog post on the subject about a year ago. Most of the resources are still relevant. I'd recommend reading through the following at least before releasing an app:
iOS App Programming - Good primer on the subject and worth reading because Apple published it.
Human Interface Guidelines - This is a must. It will keep you from making mistakes that get your app rejected from the app store.
Memory Management - ARC takes care of most of this, but it's worth having a cursory knowledge of it.
If you're doing non-game apps, read up on View Controller Programming and when I learned to program iPhone I referred to apple's Core Data Recipes frequently.
AppsAmuck has 31 example applications you can look at as well, albeit they have some bad habits/programming practices so take their tutorials with a grain of salt.
Go up to iTunes U and look for the stanford lecture series. They go through about 20 lectures on iPhone/iPad development. One of the early classes focuses on Obj-C, but it still has a glean towards using Obj-C for iPad/iPhone development, so it might be worth a watch.

cinema App in Iphone [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
M very new to this field of iphone development.I need to make one app in which customer will be Purchasing ticket for movie by selecting the Location,Movie,Timing of show and seat.
Can anyone help me out in implementing Ticket Purchasing Part.
Although you haven't asked a specific question and you say nothing about your experience in other programming languages I can give you some hints:
Look at the WWDC videos on http://developer.apple.com
Understand the Model-View-Controller paradigm
Make sure you really understood the Model-View-Controller paradigm
Start with designing your user interface first. Take your time for this. Make mockups on paper, each sheet of paper corresponds to a screen and play with it and show it to some colleagues and watch if they get what to do on each screen. You can also do this in Photoshop or Illustrator or omnigraffle, but in the early stage maybe paper is a simple option.
Build a mockup of your app on the phone itself. Using UIImageViews you can insert the digital screens made digitally to the phone and see how it looks like. Show this version to you customers. If they like the design and feature, you can go on coding.
Code everything
If you want to write a serious application it is good to invest a lot into design. The coding itself is much easier if you know how it will look like in the end, because then you can design the underlying model such that it will be great for your UI.

What are all the debugging tools available for the iPhone? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
I'm looking for a comprehensive list of all tools for debugging iPhone apps, and any online resources relating to them.
How about the tools that come with Xcode, like gdb and Instruments?
This will also help: http://google.com/search?q=how+to+debug+iphone+apps
Here is a good Apple document entitled: "Xcode Debugging Guide"
I assume this questions is about Xcode debugging. However i am developing web based iPhone apps using the like IUI and iWebkit etc. Normally for web development i would use Firefox/Firebug but for iPhone the Webkit is better (IMHO) and the javascript debugging is excellent. I also use the iPhone simulator rather then needing to deploy the code to a server.
I've incorporated the following tools into my Xcode pipeline:
GHUnit - Unit testing which can run on the simulator and devices, and allows debugging.
OCMock - Mocking framework for use in the unit tests.
Appledoc - For creating more apple like API docs and including them into XCode.
WiCon wireless console helps to send debug messages to iPhone/iPad screen from another iPhone/iPad or from a computer. I use it to track my apps for example if the connection to a usual debugger is not available or if I need to take care of a long process (WiCon gives sound alarms on debug messages and I don't need to stare at screen to notice messages).