Development and Distribution certificate for iPhone dev - iphone

I am building an iPhone app that will be submitted to the App Store. I am a bit confused about Development and Distribution certificates that you get from Apple.
Do I need to install both? Why are both needed?
Does this mean that when I am ready to distribute that I need to sign the app with the Distribution certificate and when i am debugging, it should be signed with a Development certificate?

You just need development certificate for development, distribution is needed:
a) when you are doing ad-hoc distribution to multiple iphones/ipod touches. (this requires you to be enrolled in $299 dev program, you can also submit to app-store with this.)
b) Or when you want to submit your application to app-store for distribution (this requires you to be in $99 program)
You can start with development first and install the deployment only when you distribute or submit to app-store.

You can still distribute your iphone app using ad-hoc distribution with the Standard ($99) memberships, for beta-testing.


In-house distribution - ios sdk

I have confuse about in-house distribution and ad-hoc distribution.
Does in-house and ad-hoc distribution application need to get apple review team to review?
What is different between in-house distribution and ad-hoc distribution?
Any example/guide line for create in-house application certificate and process for distribution?
Did in-house distribution need to collect user UDID to configure?
If I started distribute "A" application using in-house / ad-hoc distribution, can I distribute the "A" application to App store later?
No they do not.
With the in-house distribute you are allowed to install the app on any iOS device that is used by employees of the company without the device's UDID. The Ad-Hoc is for testing app on selected number of devices(100 unique device per account per year).
Yes, see Apple iOS Developer Enterprise Program
No, in-houe distributed app do not have any UDID restrictions.
YES, but you will need to enter the AppStore developer program and not the Enterprise one used for the in-house distribution.
Ad Hoc Distribution Authorizes a Limited Set of Devices to Run Your App
iOS developers enrolled in the Standard Program can also distribute an app outside of the App Store on up to 100 different devices for testing purposes only. To use ad hoc distribution, create an archive of your app, or have a teammate send you an iOS App Store Package (.ipa) of the archived app.
You distribute your app by providing the .ipa file for users to install on their devices. Because you select a valid ad hoc provisioning profile to archive the app, users don’t need to install the profile on their device, only the .ipa file. Users can use iTunes to install the app on their devices. If users want to use Xcode to install the app on their device, share the archive as an .xcarchive file package.
In-House Distribution Allows Companies to Distribute Apps Internally
iOS developers enrolled in the Enterprise Program can distribute in-house without identifying individual devices or using the App Store. To distribute your app in-house, create an archive of your app, or have a teammate send you an archived app. Distribute your internal app using your company’s authorized software distribution mechanism. Because the app file can be installed on any iOS device, make sure you protect the distribution of this file. Members of your company can use iTunes, iPhone Configuration Utility, or Xcode to install the app on their devices.

Enterprise distribution apps on iOS, possible to drag and drop the ipa into iTunes?

Just curious, if I compile an app configured for enterprise distribution can I simply drag and drop the IPA built into iTunes then install it on an iDevice?
Yes, you can also set it up for wireless distribution. This is assumping you know how to build and code sign it with the correct provisioning profile. See this question for info on how to distribute it wirelessly.
iOS 4: wireless app distribution for in-house applications
Definitely possible. That used to be the regular way, until OTA came along in iOS 4.0. The app can be mailed to the user, or can be downloaded by her from intranet portal, which is then copied to iTunes and synced like an app store app.

Difference between Development and Distribution Provisioning Profile on Provisioning Portal? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
iPhone development - what is the difference between a development and distribution provisioning?
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am going to activate APNS on my app, so i am having bit confusion over following.
What is basic difference between Development and Distribution Provisioning Profile on Provisioning Portal
I am going activate APNS(Apple Push notification Service) to an Application which i am going to upload on Apple Store. what should i use?
This will be great for me. Thanks in advance.
Just to explain a bit more, the development provisioning profile is for testing your App on a device (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch), and the distribution profile is used when you're submitting your application to Apple to get it onto the store.
Both profiles are linked to your account as well as keychains on your computer.
If you'd like to install your software on several devices without using the App Store, you'll have to create an Ad Hoc distribution profile with the device ID numbers, and install that profile as well as the software, on all of the devices.
1) Development provisional profile, used for testing your app
2) Distribution provisional profile, used when you are ready to submit your app to the app store
Follow - iPhone development - what is the difference between a development and distribution provisioning?

iPhone provisional vs distribution installation on device

Is there a way to install a provisional app on the iPhone without it overwriting the distribution app? I would like to have both running since the provisional development app points to our test servers, while the distribution app, which is from the app store, points to our production servers.
Any help would be wonderful. Thanks!
Just change the Bundle identifier to a different one for provisional app (other than the distribution app identifier) in this way you can have two app at the same time.

iPhone Development Developer Program and a Client

Note: I have given up on compiling iPhone Apps without a developer certificate for the SDK 3.x... for now. But it wasn't for a lack of trying. Anyway...
I work for a client who will will be making iPhone Apps but will not deliver them through the AppStore for the time being. I will be testing and deploying iPhone apps to a device I own, and they will need to distribute to their iPhones/iPod Touches. If I buy a $99 developer certificate, will that be enough to distribute an app onto iPhones that are not connected to my computer?
If not, how can this be done for testing -- distributing to other iPhones -- with the least number of certificates? I have checked this out a bit, but I haven't been able to fully undertand it (I'm kind of busy trying to learn to program for the iPhone :)
You want to use an Ad Hoc distribution certificate (available as part of the $99 program). This will enable you to install on up to 100 devices. To install all the user needs is a device with the correct provisioning profile and iTunes (Mac or PC)
Purchasing the $99 iPhone Developer Program will give you the ability to create ad hoc builds which will be able to run on up to 100 provisioned devices.