Enterprise distribution apps on iOS, possible to drag and drop the ipa into iTunes? - iphone

Just curious, if I compile an app configured for enterprise distribution can I simply drag and drop the IPA built into iTunes then install it on an iDevice?

Yes, you can also set it up for wireless distribution. This is assumping you know how to build and code sign it with the correct provisioning profile. See this question for info on how to distribute it wirelessly.
iOS 4: wireless app distribution for in-house applications

Definitely possible. That used to be the regular way, until OTA came along in iOS 4.0. The app can be mailed to the user, or can be downloaded by her from intranet portal, which is then copied to iTunes and synced like an app store app.


Generate ipa without paid apple developer account

Can we generate ipa from Xcode without paid apple developer account? I want to share ipa so that it can be installed on any of the iPhone.
No, unless the iphones are jailbroken, you cannot run unsigned code on iOS devices. There's not way to generate a signed IPA for iOS without a developer account. A free developer account will allow you to build an app that will run for 7 days on a pre-defined set of devices (you would need to register any devices on which you want the code to run).
But if you could build and deploy an app without the signing process, developer could bypass the App Store, which is something Apple doesn't want for multiple reasons.

how to deploy an app to another ipad without usb connection?

Is it possible to deploy an app on a friend's ipad for testing without the app being on the app store yet. My friend is far away so cannot connect to my mac via usb.
If the UDID of your friends iPad is added to your developer account and you compiled the app with an Ad-Hoc distribution profile, you can just use the Product -> Export Menu Item in Xcode and email him the .ipa File. He can use iTunes to drop the file onto his iPad.
Another good solution to distribute beta versions of your software to testers and get feedback is Testflight App
Here's a link to a similar question: how do you beta test an iPhone app.
Their question references iPhone, but the process should be the same for iPad.
Hope this helps!

Developer Program

I created an iPhone app on a computer and installed it on an iPhone at home.
Being currently abroad, is it possible to use the same developer program on a different mac and install the same app on a differetn iPhone?
Yes, I dont think it matters... all the best!
yes you can..add your new iphone udid in the ios provisioning portal and get the new(old provisioning with newly added udid) provisioning then drop into your xcode.make sure you have to place your developer certificate also.

Flash CS5.5 Iphone App OTA distribution and or sync without removing apps

I've been having some fun with Flash developing IOS apps. I currently have two devices provisioned but each device is synced with a different iTunes account. My work iPad and personal iPhone.
I'm currently using my work iPad as the testing device. Adding the .ipa to iTunes and syncing. It works great.
I would like to be able to add the .ipa file to my iPhone too, but iTunes will erase all my apps in order to sync and I don't want that.
Is there anyway to get around this?
Can I go about this using the over the air wireless distribution method? Flash has publish settings for adhoc deployment does this deal with OTA? Also don't you need a .plist file and to get OTA to work?
Any ideas or suggestions would be appreciated.
It is possible to distribute flash created IPAs using adhoc OTA distribution. Apple has information on creating the necessary manifest plist here. You do not need an enterprise developer account for this to work but you will need access to a web server to host the files and talk to the apple servers (this can be hosted locally). Once everything is set up you can visit the web server from your iPhone and download the app. We distribute internal testing builds using this system and it functions very nicely.

How to install AdHoc IPA file to iPhone without backing up apps of iPhone?

I want to install an AdHoc IPA file to an iPhone, but I don't want to back up the apps of iPhone into iTunes, because the iPhone is not mine, and there are too many apps in it. Is that possible?
You could also use Xcode (at least Xcode 4, haven't tried it with earlier versions):
Open the Organizer and select 'Applications' under your device in the Devices tab. Now use the Add button to add your ipa to the device.
This web app may be what you need: http://testflightapp.com/
Take a look at Hockey, from the project description:
Hockey is a iOS Ad-Hoc updater framework. It can be used for all apps that target the Apple AppStore and improves the beta testing process dramatically. All beta testers. It consists of two components, a server and a client framework.
The server component is required for all scenarios. But it also can work standalone without the client library. It provides a web interface which beta testers can use to install the latest AdHoc provisioning profile and also the latest beta version via Safari right from the device. One server installation is able to handle multiple applications via different bundle identifiers
This procedure was published this morning, so I am not sure if it works as advertised. Basically it talks you through setting up Adhoc distribution OTA in something like ten easy steps.