How do I make a movie for upload to YouTube from a series of PNG images on the iPhone? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does anyone know how to make a movie (avi / mpg) thats uploadable to YouTube from a series of PNG images? Also, how would I add a .caf audio file to that videostream?

There are plenty of libraries like x264 to do this type of thing for you, but you'll probably need to use a library. Video encoding is not an easy task.

I'm pretty sure you can do it with ImageMagick which has been ported to the iPhone Try the 'convert' command. (I haven't done this myself, so you might need to do some research on the latest iPhone port and how to use the command.)


Streaming webcam to my webpage [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am trying to build a webpage that shows the video of a webcam on live.
Right now, I have no webcam, so I'll have to buy one. I don't mind how much it costs, I just want it working with a good resolution (at least 720p).
I don't know which kind of camera I should buy and which programming language is better for that (if it's possible I would prefer not to use Flash).
Can you help me?
Sorry for my bad English, I'm trying to improve ;)
To show in a webpage, you can use IP-Camera. They cost a little more, but they can serve their images as independent network node. They also supports voice and live compression (H264 and MPEG4).
Best brand is Axis, but there are lots of options.
For Axis camera models, adding view to page would be as easy as add this item to your page:
<img src=''>
It works for most browser, not IE. For IE, they have support as well here.

RTSP video streaming for iOS [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I want to display on the iPhone screen video stream RTSP. Can throw the source code of the project or details on how to implement it. Found 2 project, but they have not compiled:
Source code from the site VLC also does not compile, no files.
Tell me, is it possible to record the stream to a video file? And how is it implemented?
Thanks in advance.
You can use FFmpeg for displaying RTSP video stream.
As example you can look at my project hosted on github.
It's movie player for iOS using ffmpeg and OpenGLES.
For me appears that the best choice is
Yes, it's pretty old and it won't work out of the box, but if you'll update mpeg libraries to 3.0, refactor project to ARC and get rid of deprecated mpeg methods, it seems to be a good choice. Definitely better than VLC.
All above can be found here

camera streaming between website and iphone [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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i was wondering how would i be able to stream a video from a website to my iphone.
I dont know how to stream my videos to an iphone. since flash isnt supported on the iphone what would be the best approach to do this.
iOS supports (as a client) HTTP Live Streaming (as described in this StackOverflow question) which should suit your purposes.

Convert .flv to .mp4 [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a good tool that I can try out to convert my .flv file to .mp4? I need to use it on a mac, so not on a windows PC.
I have made an iPhone application and I want to try out how a webcast of 40 minutes streams on it. To do this i must convert my .flv file to .mp4.
I have found a converter (This one) but if you use it as trial you can only edit 3 minutes.
I've done this in the past using ffmpeg:
I really like handbrake. I have used a converted video in my app.

Tool to draw transparent icon for iPhone app [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Is there a handy tool to draw transparent icons for an iPhone app?
I know PhotoShop can do this, but I prefer a simple one.
Pixelmator is simple, quite cheap and popular on the Mac.
I find it too simple and prefer Gimp, which is nowhere near as simple to use, but is very powerful and free.
If you are looking for free image editors, I recommand you to follow this link.
Link to free image editors question ( Super User )
It was an question asked by me & there were many good answers for mac image editors.
you might choose any of them.