Convert .flv to .mp4 [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a good tool that I can try out to convert my .flv file to .mp4? I need to use it on a mac, so not on a windows PC.
I have made an iPhone application and I want to try out how a webcast of 40 minutes streams on it. To do this i must convert my .flv file to .mp4.
I have found a converter (This one) but if you use it as trial you can only edit 3 minutes.

I've done this in the past using ffmpeg:

I really like handbrake. I have used a converted video in my app.


Get a sample video .MOV files [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I need a sample video file for testing an iphone application.Can anyone tell a site from where i can download one and add to my resource file.
Refer apple sample video link for sample video.

Decompile ipsw? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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How do hackers decompile ipsw files and read the code ?
Recently I read an update that some hacker was able to find out about jabber and aim services integrated in new versions of ios.
How did he do that ?
First off, it is a IPA file. Every app is a IPA file. IPSW is the iOS file type.
He did not get the full code, he probably just jailbreaks his phone, looks in the file directory of the phone that you can only see when jailbroken and looks for any new files.
He most likely saw a name like AIM.plist or something like that.
This really isn't a coding question and more of a hacking questions in general for the iPhone.

Which file or directory do I point to for the Application Upload step for the Apple App Store? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I have read several sites and they all say to upload the app, but I don't know what the exact file to point to is. Anybody out there know the answer?
As it turns out, there was a really helpful question which I didn't find. It is How can I build for release/distribution on the Xcode 4?
In the answers was one by benvolioT which points to a webpage. This webpage is just the answer for this question. It is worth bookmarking.

How do I make a movie for upload to YouTube from a series of PNG images on the iPhone? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Does anyone know how to make a movie (avi / mpg) thats uploadable to YouTube from a series of PNG images? Also, how would I add a .caf audio file to that videostream?
There are plenty of libraries like x264 to do this type of thing for you, but you'll probably need to use a library. Video encoding is not an easy task.
I'm pretty sure you can do it with ImageMagick which has been ported to the iPhone Try the 'convert' command. (I haven't done this myself, so you might need to do some research on the latest iPhone port and how to use the command.)

Apple Segmenter - is it working right? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm trying to get our video files (m4v) converted to the Apple http streaming and ran into some questions.
I have a file that is 6mb in size and when I pass it through the segmenter using all default settings the files that output add up to 32mb in size. The last file is 17mb in size.
I'm not sure if that is how it is supposed to be but I'd rather use the smaller file if that is the case.
Anyone have any luck with this for vod content?
I had the same problem, there is an "optimise" setting in the install process that needs to be set.