Displaying what the Camera can see in a View - iphone

How would I display what the Camera can see in a view as if you were using the Image Picker in Camera Mode?
Is this possible, to access the camera directly?

I should have looked further…
Check out this question iPhone: Camera Preview Overlay, which provides the below. link to a tutorial on how to do something very similar to my question.


Accessing camera and placing a button - Beginner

I am creating an application that is similar to the camera app provided in the iPhone. When the user launches the application, the camera should pop out, But i need a button to be displayed on the camera's view. (Similar to the slider provided in the camera app).
1.) Can this be done ?
2.) Are there any tutorials on this ? sample code to begin or any suggestions that might help
Here are your answers:
http://www.musicalgeometry.com/?p=1273 //Sample code is in the tutorial.
Mark it correct if it helps.
Yes, you can create your overlay camera view. Just set yourPicker.showsCameraControls=NO; and pass your view to your picker camera overlay view: yourPicker.cameraOverlayView=yourView;
This can be done.
First checkout Access the camera with iPhone SDK for accessing the camera.
Next adding a button can be achieved by setting cameraOverlayView property

How to disable/Hide the UIImagePickerController Camera shutter in iPhone app?

I searched lot in google and tried my level best but, still i cant fix this issue. I want to disable or hide the UIImagePickerController Camera shutter when it is opening.
I searched in google and got advice to use AVCaptureSession. But, in my app i used CustomOverlayView in UIImagePickerController Camera with some buttons. In this case i want to disable or stop to show the Apple's Camera shutter. Simply the user won't to see the camera shutter when they pick the Camera UIImagePickerController. How can i do this? Can you please help me to solve this problem. Thanks in advance.
I have seen some apps cover it up with their overlay, but you can't remove it. AVCaptureSession really does sound more appropriate for your purposes. I see one example here:

Accessing UIImagePickerController Camera's Preview Screen

I am working with a basic UIImagePickerController. I have read about camera overlays and am not ready / don't need to dive into that world yet.
After the user takes a photo, the UIImagePickerController displays a "Preview" screen. All I want to do is change the text on the button on the preview screen from "Use" to "Upload".
It seems to me that there should be a very easy way to access this, but I have found very few references to the "Preview" screen.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
That functionality is not exposed in the SDK. There is no way to customize the Preview screen.

Is it possible to make persistent full-screen camera like System camera app?

I am building a custom camera app, and would like to have the camera view similar to the native camera app in iPhone. (i.e., picks videos as a non-modal view, stays in the camera view after each video taken. I found the retake and use views unnecessary). Is there any possible way to do it? Thanks.
you can't do it for videos at present, but you can do it for still pictures in OS 3.1. if you search for "takePicture" and "cameraOverlayView" you should find helpful information; you can resize the preview window to be any size you like.

mpmovieplayer - can I do an end run?

I would like to be able to display a video on the iphone screen - preferably in a view so that I can control its display coordinates. I want to be able to load the view and overlap and partially overlap a subview ... is any of this feasible? I have read that mpmovieplayer is the only method for video display (and is full screen)? Any workarounds?
You can place an overlay view on top of the video player, but that is pretty much it. There is a sample application in the SDK that shows how to do this.