How to disable/Hide the UIImagePickerController Camera shutter in iPhone app? - iphone

I searched lot in google and tried my level best but, still i cant fix this issue. I want to disable or hide the UIImagePickerController Camera shutter when it is opening.
I searched in google and got advice to use AVCaptureSession. But, in my app i used CustomOverlayView in UIImagePickerController Camera with some buttons. In this case i want to disable or stop to show the Apple's Camera shutter. Simply the user won't to see the camera shutter when they pick the Camera UIImagePickerController. How can i do this? Can you please help me to solve this problem. Thanks in advance.

I have seen some apps cover it up with their overlay, but you can't remove it. AVCaptureSession really does sound more appropriate for your purposes. I see one example here:


In need of basics of AVFoundation to capture images from device camera

I want to know that how can we capture image using AVFoundation framework, I have managed to activate the camera and my Cocos2D view is over the camera and is tranparent. I have tried using some tutorials but I am unable to capture the images( Still Image). I do not want to capture the images of a video, I want a normal camera functionality of clicking the images and then saving them to the camera roll.
I am trying this since two days and I am really stuck at this, when I press the capture button the only thing I get in camera roll is blank white screen.
Please suggest me any tutorial that would cover the basics of how to use AVFoundation framework or any help will be really appreciated. :)
Thanks for your time. :)

How to add photo library button on a UIImagePickerController?

Does anyone know how to enable the photo album button on a UIImagePickerController when it's in the camera mode?
I am very new in iOS development. I have seen this kind of question, but I can't understand it so please help me out by explaining step by step and give sample code if possible.
I'm afraid (I looked into doing this recently) that there is no easy way (i.e no built in setting) that you can simply enable.
You must use the cameraOverlayView property of the UIImagePickerController to add a custom view over the camera view which will include a photo album button.

Using xcode to access rear camera, iphone iOS5

I'm sorry if this is already answered...
All I need is how to fire up the rear facing camera and display it in an image taking pictures, no accessing the photo library, just turning on the camera...simple.
I believe AVCapture is the thing to use, but anything I look into goes way deep than I need and I'm just not that smart. Any help is appreciated.
The AVCam sample from Apple is the best place to start. Be warned that the seemingly simple task of displaying a live video preview from the camera is non-trivial.

Use camera as overlay for uiview iPhone

I was wondering if it was possible to make the camera feed appear in a custom screen. Basically I have a uiview that I want the camera feed to appear in. I would then have custom buttons on the screen and stuff like that to take pictures and then email out the pictures.
Is there an easy way to do this, that will not get rejected upon app review? I have read before about using UIImagePicker and using cameraOverlayView, but I could not get that to work.
Sample code is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!
Yes, you can use AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer from the AVFoundation framework.

Is it possible to make persistent full-screen camera like System camera app?

I am building a custom camera app, and would like to have the camera view similar to the native camera app in iPhone. (i.e., picks videos as a non-modal view, stays in the camera view after each video taken. I found the retake and use views unnecessary). Is there any possible way to do it? Thanks.
you can't do it for videos at present, but you can do it for still pictures in OS 3.1. if you search for "takePicture" and "cameraOverlayView" you should find helpful information; you can resize the preview window to be any size you like.