Facebook Canvas Application iFrame OAuth 2.0 using Graph API - facebook

Hi I need a latest tutorial on Authentication using the new Graph API and building an App with the graph API.
I am new to facebook Apps and wanted to build a HelloWorld App with basic functionalities like Authentication, Publishing etc.
Thanks for your responses.

What is wrong with the documentation on facebook: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api
Also you did not specify what language your tutorial should focus on? There is a huge difference for a tutorial depending on which programming language you choose. Also it shouldn't be too hard to google for such a tutorial.


Codename One - Facebook Marketing API

I was looking for a way to integrate my CodenameOne app with Facebook. Particularly to collect data aimed to improve the adds shown on Facebook to users who have, for example, installed the app. What I found for integration with Facebook on CN1 is (mainly) this https://www.codenameone.com/javadoc/com/codename1/social/FacebookConnect.html
This seems useful for publishing photos or posts to Facebook as a user, but not for gathering data as I need it. Is there a way to access this part of the Facebook SDK in CN1? If there isnĀ“t is this planned for the future?
The connect API is designed for authorization and authentication which need to be native. From that point on you can use the token against the standard Facebook Graph API.
I'm not really familiar with the marketing API but does it require functionality from the native SDK which isn't available in the current SDK?

Sharing image on facebook and twitter from QtQuick application

I have a nokia Qt application (QtQuick QML App) that should share an image on facebook and twitter . is there is any way to do that ?
Simple answer, yes.
Long answer, yes. You'll need to decide how you want to post it but both Facebook and Twitter have exposed APIs for uploading images to their services, or you can post it off to an image hosting service like YFrog or TwitPic then use the returned URL with the Facebook & Twitter APIs to share the link.
I'm not sure on Facebook but there's definitely a Twitter Qt library that'll play nice, I'd assume there's one for Facebook but I've never had need to look into one.
Edit: here's the Qt Twitter lib I've looked at before, had to dig into my GitHub bookmarks https://github.com/minimoog/QTweetLib.
you can do actions on Facebook as well as described on Facebook Graph
that api can be used by javascript QML

Facebook sharing in a J2ME application? Is there any facebook API for J2ME?

I need to share a text in Facebook from my J2ME app. Is there any Facebook API available for J2ME?
Hi there are some approaches in below link
But we preferred to do it another way. We have written some services(helpers) which connects to Facebook over php sdk. And we have used our simplified services. But this might require to have an application in Facebook side.
There are no free libraries to do this. You can use Facebook APIs to do this.

Facebook app - Where to start?

I have read many articles about facebook apps, but I can't find anything what I need. Is it possible to create an App for Facebook with HTML/ CSS / Jquery without to using FBML and load this app from my server? Is it possible to use in this app the facebook functions like share, add app to my account etc? Is there any doku or example apps, where I can take a look?
What delayed my app getting to work was realizing that the canvas URL request is HTTP POST - not HTTP GET as otherwise usual. A simple way to start is looking at example apps that have their source code open. There're examples both for PHP and python at the developer pages. A good example of a simple facebook app that uses google app engine is runwithfriends
FBML is in the process of deprecation in favor of the Graph Api for quite a while now.
Excerpt from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fbml/:
We are in the process of deprecating FBML. If you are building a new application on Facebook.com, please implement your application using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You can use our JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins to embedded many of the same social features available in FBML. While there is still functionality that we have not ported over yet, we are no longer adding new features to FBML.
The Graph Api is easily accessible through JavaScript.
For a quick start you can use this page as a start.
First of all, fbml is not supported anymore. so forget about that.
You can write your fb app in many languages, for example you can do it in Ruby on Rails, PHP, or C#/ASP.NET etc, whatever you prefer (although you might want to look if there are some frameworks available for your platform, for using facebook. will make your life easier).
Then, setup your app from facebook developer to match your ip, and you're set to go

Facebook graph api with 'NATIVE' (no PHP) iPhone application

I want to use the Facebook Graph API in a NATIVE iPhone Application. I need help to POST images/message on facebook.
I know of these two resources on the net but they do not provide any help with posting on the user's feed.
Facebook's new iOS documentation should help point you in the right direction. See the iOS Scrumptious tutorial https://developers.facebook.com/docs/tutorials/ios-sdk-tutorial/ which walks you through the basics.