Facebook graph api with 'NATIVE' (no PHP) iPhone application - iphone

I want to use the Facebook Graph API in a NATIVE iPhone Application. I need help to POST images/message on facebook.
I know of these two resources on the net but they do not provide any help with posting on the user's feed.

Facebook's new iOS documentation should help point you in the right direction. See the iOS Scrumptious tutorial https://developers.facebook.com/docs/tutorials/ios-sdk-tutorial/ which walks you through the basics.


Post picture to Facebook from iPhone/iPad app

I have developed an app for the iPad and iPhone that uses the camera to take a picture
Can someone tell me the easiest way to publish that to a users Facebook page?
Do I need to use the Facebook api's? I am not writing a Facebook app, just want to post the picture on the users wall.
Would not make sense not to use FB API. There might be some other API that uses FB API itself but not sure about that..
I found a similar question:
Hope that helps!

iphone integrate facebook

i want to post any photo on to the facebook wall .so through iphone i want to develop such application please help me
you can use graph API for post image on facebook.
see this link:
Grab the latest Facebook iOS SDK, there you should find all of the posting examples to get you started. You will need to register an app on Facebook and get an Application Secret code to include in your app to test properly.

Facebook Canvas Application iFrame OAuth 2.0 using Graph API

Hi I need a latest tutorial on Authentication using the new Graph API and building an App with the graph API.
I am new to facebook Apps and wanted to build a HelloWorld App with basic functionalities like Authentication, Publishing etc.
Thanks for your responses.
What is wrong with the documentation on facebook: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api
Also you did not specify what language your tutorial should focus on? There is a huge difference for a tutorial depending on which programming language you choose. Also it shouldn't be too hard to google for such a tutorial.

iphone - facebook api in ios4

Facebook released new API that works perfectly on iOS4.
The API's that are in older facebook api are no longer working in new api.
I have the experience of integrating facebook api in iphone3 Apps. but now the api's are no more available.
I'd like to post a message the user's wall. How can I do it with latest API. Is there any tutorial. I googled a lot and I couldn't find perfect URL
Have a look at Dominic Dimarco's tutorial part 1 and part 2. Hope that helps.
There is an example in the Facebook Connect iOS SDK, download here.

How to put public comment blog using facebook in iphone application?

I am a new in a iphone application development i have a required to publish a wall using a facebook connectivity so that user can write a comment on that wall so how to provide this kind of functionality.
You should look at facebook's API: developers.facebook.com
Not really sure what you are looking for and what framework you're using but you might be interested in looking at this http://pointlesscrap.net/mkabefook/