Sharing image on facebook and twitter from QtQuick application - facebook

I have a nokia Qt application (QtQuick QML App) that should share an image on facebook and twitter . is there is any way to do that ?

Simple answer, yes.
Long answer, yes. You'll need to decide how you want to post it but both Facebook and Twitter have exposed APIs for uploading images to their services, or you can post it off to an image hosting service like YFrog or TwitPic then use the returned URL with the Facebook & Twitter APIs to share the link.
I'm not sure on Facebook but there's definitely a Twitter Qt library that'll play nice, I'd assume there's one for Facebook but I've never had need to look into one.
Edit: here's the Qt Twitter lib I've looked at before, had to dig into my GitHub bookmarks

you can do actions on Facebook as well as described on Facebook Graph
that api can be used by javascript QML


Upload image from as3 to instagram/facebook

I'm planning to create a photo booth program using AS3. I'm searching for this questions but can't find any solution so i just want to clarify it here if it is possible or not.
My questions are:
1.It is possible to post an image from AS3 to Instagram using my account?
2.It is possible to post an image from AS3 to Facebook page?
Thank you.
Facebook - Yes,
Instagram - Maybe.
I found This, which is a library for instagram to AS3 communication, but I am unsure on how well it handles.
You can test your code for Instagram's API here
I would suggest that you check the Instagram api console here:
They are listing every available api calls,after getting what you need it is a matter of using a URLLoader with URLVariables that contains all the HTTP vars the console shows and of course with the access token.
All the API is Rest .

Facebook sharing in a J2ME application? Is there any facebook API for J2ME?

I need to share a text in Facebook from my J2ME app. Is there any Facebook API available for J2ME?
Hi there are some approaches in below link
But we preferred to do it another way. We have written some services(helpers) which connects to Facebook over php sdk. And we have used our simplified services. But this might require to have an application in Facebook side.
There are no free libraries to do this. You can use Facebook APIs to do this.

Uploading audio to facebook from iOS app?

I've been trying to integrate my app with Soundcloud, but I'm just finding that impossible and way too difficult, and there are no good tutorials out there. Are there any other ways to upload audio files to facebook for playback? Any other services besides Soundcloud? Or does anyone know a useful tutorial for setting up Soundcloud with iOS?
you can use their api to do what you want. first upload the audio file to soundcloud and then post the link to the file on facebook.
here is a link to iOS sharing and here is a link to the soundcloud api wrapper.
iOS sharing will help you post the link to Facebook.
This is kind of cheating, but you could upload your "audio" to youtube, and then use the facebook api to post the link (pretty easy using facebook api). Uploading to youtube would have better support, like this
The soundcloud instructions here aren't terrible, a little tricky at first. Perhaps you could share with us what you've done on these three requirements. Where are you getting stuck?
1)Getting the users connections
2)Provide UI for choosing connections (public sharing) or mail addresses (private sharing)
3)Upload the file
Additionaly, here is a useful tutorial link for soundcloud uploading
Both SoundCloud and Facebook have Cocoa wrappers and tutorial for their APIs:
SoundCloud Cocoa API Wrapper + tuts
Facebook iOS Tutorial
Hope these help.

Facebook ,twitter and Linkedin integration with Full Functionality in iphone

I have experience of integration of facebook and twitter api. But Its just feed post.
I want full Facebook application which shows friends list their messages and events.
And i want same thing for twitter and linkedin.
If any body have idea or code for this please give me link or post that.
the API for Linkedin You can refer this :
You can use UIWebView to load twitter and facebook. It will let you exploit the entire functionality offered by these two Social networking sites. Though It's not impossible to build an application the way you want it to be but using webview will save your time as well as efforts. Since you are already aware of the FB and twitter integration so I am sure you are already aware as to what all we can do from iPhone application..viz.. Setting Status, reading POSTS etc.. I am not quite sure about Linkedin.. Just in case if you come across any solution for this let me also know about that.

Twitter integration iPhone app?

I am looking for a simple method to allow the user to share their score using Twitter. Originally I just opened a Twitter share URL in Mobile Safari to make the Tweet, however I can't seem to find a valid Twitter share URL. What would you suggest?
I would suggest you look at MGTwitterEngine. It's what MOST people I know of are using for twitter integration in their iPhone apps.
For just sharing, try ShareKit:
Here is My FACEBOOK and TWITTER framework with basic app