Facebook app - Where to start? - facebook

I have read many articles about facebook apps, but I can't find anything what I need. Is it possible to create an App for Facebook with HTML/ CSS / Jquery without to using FBML and load this app from my server? Is it possible to use in this app the facebook functions like share, add app to my account etc? Is there any doku or example apps, where I can take a look?

What delayed my app getting to work was realizing that the canvas URL request is HTTP POST - not HTTP GET as otherwise usual. A simple way to start is looking at example apps that have their source code open. There're examples both for PHP and python at the developer pages. A good example of a simple facebook app that uses google app engine is runwithfriends

FBML is in the process of deprecation in favor of the Graph Api for quite a while now.
Excerpt from http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/fbml/:
We are in the process of deprecating FBML. If you are building a new application on Facebook.com, please implement your application using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You can use our JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins to embedded many of the same social features available in FBML. While there is still functionality that we have not ported over yet, we are no longer adding new features to FBML.
The Graph Api is easily accessible through JavaScript.
For a quick start you can use this page as a start.

First of all, fbml is not supported anymore. so forget about that.
You can write your fb app in many languages, for example you can do it in Ruby on Rails, PHP, or C#/ASP.NET etc, whatever you prefer (although you might want to look if there are some frameworks available for your platform, for using facebook. will make your life easier).
Then, setup your app from facebook developer to match your ip, and you're set to go


Full Facebook PHP SDK app (no JS SDK). Is it even possible?

In my work we often need to build Facebook apps in the form of Facebook Canvas and Website. These apps are available on Facebook direclty (an iframe) and as mobile versions (outside Facebook, in the browser).
We are working with a code base which mixes Facebook JS SDK (authentication and authorization) with PHP SDK (API calls). I find it rather dirty, and not easy to understand for people freshly working on the projects.
It's inconvinient to make API calls with JS, and making them with PHP forces extending access tokens. Authenticating user with JS SDK involves client-side redirects which are ugly to be honest, as they usually occur moments after the current page starts rendering, and so on...
I googled a lot about separating these two SDKs but did not find a clear answer to my questions:
Is it possible to create Facebook app (Canvas, Website) which bases ONLY on PHP SDK? Check login status, login, permissions, making API calls, etc. Would signed request be enough?
Is JS SDK the only full-proof way to determine user's login status at any time?
This link seems to describe what I'm thinking of, however the docs are rather brief (which seems to be a problem of Facebook documentation in general). Can anyone suggest other sources that might help? Does anyone have experience with builing FB aplications based only on server-side?
The link I posted above covers the case of not using ANY SDK, so no, it's not what I'm looking for.
You can even create an App WITHOUT any SDK - with simple CURL calls, for example. So yeah, it is indeed possible to use the PHP SDK only, but the login process is much better with the JS SDK (no redirection needed) and you canĀ“t auto-refresh a user session like it is possible with FB.getLoginStatus afaik.
In short, i would not recommend it, the JS SDK is the very best way to authorize users and refresh Access Tokens. I would only use the PHP SDK (or simple CURL calls) for stuff that MUST happen on the server, and for stuff that includes using the App Secret, for example.

can i integrate a wordpress blog into a facebook application

i was wondering whether i can incorporate wordpress blog into a facebook application so that i specify the Canvas URL to point to the blog's url.i haven't really tried it out,was just thinking about it.
2.if the answer is no,are there any other blogging platforms that allow this e.g blogger and the likes.thanks
Simply put yes although there are some things you need to be made aware of:
Facebook Applications now require a Secure URL, that is a URL that is accessed via HTTPS:// not the standard HTTP://
Facebook does not allow the use of custom Javascript and only allows you to implement the Facebook javascript SDK
Styling can be a bit of a pain. If your placing the application into a page then remember there are sizing (width) issues that you have to bear in mind.
Hope this helps out a little bit. If not here's an article I followed some time ago relating to your questions: http://www.hyperarts.com/blog/tutorial-add-an-iframe-application-to-your-facebook-fan-page-fall-2012/
Facebook Apps are simply just iFrames to another URL anywhere on the internet. You can put anything you want inside of this iFrame (within Platform Policy of course) and it will work. It won't bring you any additional functionality though, for that you'll need to start integrating plugins and APIs.

Canvas app using the FaceBook 3.1 API?

I used to develop a few FB apps in the past (using the old rest-ased api), and now I'm considering to make them actually usable again by porting them to the new 3.1 API.
Sounds nice, but for some reason this is way harder than I should be...
So here are few questions:
Is there any example of a canvas app using the 3.1 API? Google did not give me anything useful
Is there still a difference between iframe and FMBL canvas applications? In my app settings, I checked the fmbl-option, but when I'm back at the app overview page, it still says it's an iframe app.
The SDK mentions the getUser() function to get the user-id, but how do I request the necessary permissions for my app? When I do some googling, I find even another solution which calls a specific url and then performs a callback. This solution however doesn't seem to php sdk at all!
Where is the documentation of the php-api? The only usable thing I find is this: https://github.com/facebook/php-sdk which consists only a few lines of code. And I suspect this is for having a fb login-button on your own website, not for a canvas app.
Firstly, good luck, and best wishes - you'll need it. Maintaining Facebook apps is way harder than it should be, because Facebook doesn't believe in legacy support, changes things all the time, and deprecates things quickly and completely. As a (former) Facebook app dev myself, I can tell you there is only one constant: apps will die if you leave them alone. As an app developer, Facebook owes you no favors, and it is vicious when it comes to breaking apps.
As for specifics: as of June 2012, Facebook has deprecated and removed FBML and the REST API, and there is no longer any difference between canvas apps and iFrame apps. This isn't a soft, "you shouldn't use it" deprecation - it's a hard, "your apps are now broken" deprecation. All apps are now iFrame apps, as there is no longer any other way to build them. The docs on how to build a canvas/iFrame app are here, and there's an auth migration guide that may be helpful in conversion. Oh, and you'll need to get your app running on HTTPS too, if you haven't already.
As for the rest of it, it sucks, but the only way you're really going to be able to maintain and get your application working is using the Open Graph API. Using the PHP SDK, you just run $facebook->api('/graph/url/here') - for instance, to get user information, run $facebook->api("/$userid"). You get the URLs off of the Open Graph docs - just grab everything after the graph.facebook.com bit and pass it to api(). It's another learning curve, and (depending on the complexity/modularity of your code) is anywhere from a lot to a nightmarish mountain of changes, and there are no drop-in replacements. Sometimes you can use the old REST api, but I doubt that will last very much longer either. It's painful, but that's how it goes. You're at the mercy of Facebook, because it's their data.
Upgrading apps involves a shift in thinking: apps are now literally just webpages surrounded by the Facebook chrome. There is now no difference between an external website that uses Facebook's api to pull in information and an app that runs inside of Facebook. It's for that reason, personally, that I've shifted to just that for my own app - an external website that just happens to use Facebook for most of its posting/sharing/user info needs.
For authorization, you request permissions via OAuth, using any number of methods. There are docs on how to do that over on Facebook as well. Specifically for the PHP api, you generate a URL using getLoginURL() and then redirect to it. Facebook eventually redirects back to a URL you specify with info about whether they authorized your app and such, after which you can do a getUser(). If you want fancy/slick/user-friendly popup dialogs without a bunch of redirecting, the Javascript SDK is your friend.

Do I need a library for Codeigniter to create a Facebook application?

Do I need an entire library to crate a Facebook app with Codeigniter? I have not made an app for Facebook before the the developer documentation looked simiple. Beyond using my "secret" id for my app what else would I need to do to send my output via my view back to the facebook canvas? Are things more complicated than they seem? Don't I just output to my view as normal except things go to the canvas? Thanks.
No, you do not need a library. You can make all requests to the Facebook Graph api using cURL or any other method to call urls. However using the Facebook PHP SDK does help, it has a lot of helper methods that you'll find useful, do check this link to the documentation for the sdk, it's helpful.Hope this answer helps you.
p.s: And yeah you just output to your view as any other web app
No, you do not need a library, but it will make the process much smoother and take care of a lot of baseline functionality that you will need.
You might checkout my post here to see exactly how to integrate the offical facebook SDK within a codeigniter application as a stand alone library...

Facebook Applications

I just wanted to know if there is a way to host a facebook application in facebook's servers and not elsewhere. is facebook providing hoting for applications?
There is no hosting provided by facebook for facebook applications. There are currently two types of facebook applications: iFrame and FBML. iFrame apps can be coded using the sdk's in your language of choice and are a bit more open as far as javascript, database and other functionality. The FBML apps must be written using facebook's markup language FBML, FBJS and FQL for queries. This route is a bit more limited as you can only use the FB markup, js and query languages. Whichever one of these paths you choose you will need to host your code yourself.
You should check this out:
Facebook recently updated these docs with the release of the GraphAPI, they are much better than before. Good place to get started.