Facebook sharing in a J2ME application? Is there any facebook API for J2ME? - facebook

I need to share a text in Facebook from my J2ME app. Is there any Facebook API available for J2ME?

Hi there are some approaches in below link
But we preferred to do it another way. We have written some services(helpers) which connects to Facebook over php sdk. And we have used our simplified services. But this might require to have an application in Facebook side.

There are no free libraries to do this. You can use Facebook APIs to do this.


Login to GAE Facebook app

What is the preferred way to login to a Facebook app powered by Google App Engine? Should I use the Javascript API or is there some way to do it with Python?
It's a lot easier to use the Facebook API. There is a way to do it with Python, but do you really want to manage that code?

Is it still possible to register my FB application to use Facebook REST API that is marked as deprecated?

Is it possible to register my FB application to use Facebook REST API?
Or is it possible to authenticate in facebook mobile app with no redirection?
You do not need to register an app with a particular API - just go ahead and use it, the instructions are all there. However, Facebook recommends that you do not use the REST API as it is no longer being supported or updated. Use the Graph API and/or FQL - these are under active development and they're what most of the development community use.
Regarding the mobile app issue, could you give a little more detail? The OS and SDK you're using, for example?

Sharing image on facebook and twitter from QtQuick application

I have a nokia Qt application (QtQuick QML App) that should share an image on facebook and twitter . is there is any way to do that ?
Simple answer, yes.
Long answer, yes. You'll need to decide how you want to post it but both Facebook and Twitter have exposed APIs for uploading images to their services, or you can post it off to an image hosting service like YFrog or TwitPic then use the returned URL with the Facebook & Twitter APIs to share the link.
I'm not sure on Facebook but there's definitely a Twitter Qt library that'll play nice, I'd assume there's one for Facebook but I've never had need to look into one.
Edit: here's the Qt Twitter lib I've looked at before, had to dig into my GitHub bookmarks https://github.com/minimoog/QTweetLib.
you can do actions on Facebook as well as described on Facebook Graph
that api can be used by javascript QML

Facebook api for facebook integration of a GWT application?

I need to integrate facebook in my playN game(gwt). The user should be able to login to facebook and get the friendlist, online presence and so on.
Can any on please suggest some of the facebook apis for this?
Thanks In Advance.
You might want to consider using socialauth in your GWT backend code. I currently use this for G+ and Facebook integration server side.

Integrate facebook connect/ twitter with jquery mobile

I am currently developing the mobile version of my site.
Can you please give me a tutorial to integrate Facebook connect / Twitter so users can connect.
This can help you : http://www.pushittolive.com/post/1239874936/facebook-login-on-iphone-phonegap
This blog post http://www.wisejive.com/2010/11/phonegap-jquery-mobile-twitter-and.html contains the detail answer for both facebook connect and twitter. Of course, as the blogger mentions he is extending on the technique provided at http://www.pushittolive.com/post/1239874936/facebook-login-on-iphone-phonegap.
If you want to avoid phonegap, this solution is pretty neat - http://www.egrappler.com/jquery-social-media-share-plugin-jsshare/
Otherwise, the newer phonegap friendly solution uses their plugins directly, which can leverage some native apps and avoid the difficulties of OAuth - https://github.com/davejohnson/phonegap-plugin-facebook-connect & https://github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins/tree/master/iOS