can CGMainDisplayID() be used with iOS? - iphone

Hello I am new to developing applications in iPhone.
Can some one clarify my doubt whether CGMainDisplayID() be used to get the ID of main display in iPhone. CGMainDisplayID() belongs to mac references library and it is used to get the ID of main display in mac. will it work for iPhone as well in the same manner?
thanks in advance.

You might want to check out UIScreen and +mainScreen.


What sort of applications we can develop for Iphone?

I want to start developing applications for Iphone but In confusion what are different types of apps I can develop Like User level,Kernel Level, or any other type. I want full detail about categories of application development for Iphone So I can choose one .
If you want your apps to work, they must conform to the SDK/API at They are user level applications. You do not have access to the internals of iOS.
If you want some ideas. You can head over the the App Store. There, you can browse all the categories and view products that people have created for the iPhone.
First you start learning to create simple User Screens for iPhone app. Then think how much in you wanna go really...

iphone utility application tutorial

I'm very new to iPhone development. I want to create a utility application much like the weather app (enter zip codes for cities to track the weather). The weather app allows users to scroll through their favorite places. There's a flip side where you can manage your selections. I am looking for a tutorial on how to create a similar type app. Can anyone point me to a good tutorial for utility iphone apps please? I've been googling and can't find what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance.
How about this? I found it by googling "iphone utility application tutorial". You should do that next time. :)

Optical character recognition on the iPhone

Is it possible on an iPhone app to take a picture and extract an string from the picture? We'd like to make our app to look for a serial number on a database (very long number) without the user having to type it.
Is there any Cocoa/Objective-C API for this or any C/C++ library that can be used in an iPhone app?
Thanks in advance!
You can have a look at the tesseract-ocr project. It's not actually made to use on an iPhone but I believe others have made great use of it on the iPhone.
Here is a demo that makes use of the tesseract ocr engine.
I was looking for something similar and came across ABBYY's mobileOCR solution
I've not used it yet and have no idea how much it is but you should be able to integrate it into your app by all accounts.
I have this in my bookmarks:
It has iPhone, Android and Java code to deal with image capture and bar codes.
I haven't test it yet.
Here's another implementation of Tesseract on the iPhone:
Tesseract-OCR now has iOS version:Tesseract-OCR-iOS

how to create an iphone Application that uses its GPS system

I am fairly new to iPhone development. Right now, I am working on an iPhone game that is being developed in cocos2d. But I want to create an iphone application that uses its GPS system. I searched a lot on net but didn't find much.
I want to know about:
What framework tou use like cocoa touch or cocos2d,etc?
Any linksk that could help me regarding this?
Any other relevant and helpful information?
You want the Core Location framework. Everything you need to know is here.

Does iPhone support adding custom properties to Address Book records?

Does anyone know if iPhone (i.e. Cocoa Touch) lets you create custom properties?
I've used it with the mac before (where it works beautifully) and would like to use this technology for an iPhone app that syncs with an app on the mac through the Address Book (using MobileMe). If I can't use custom properties, however, I'll have to abandon this strategy.
For the mac, it's relatively easy:
Does anyone know if this is possible on the iPhone?
nope, sorry, the AddressBook framework on the iPhone is woefully lacking in this regard. Also, no "me" card.