What sort of applications we can develop for Iphone? - iphone

I want to start developing applications for Iphone but In confusion what are different types of apps I can develop Like User level,Kernel Level, or any other type. I want full detail about categories of application development for Iphone So I can choose one .

If you want your apps to work, they must conform to the SDK/API at developer.apple.com. They are user level applications. You do not have access to the internals of iOS.

If you want some ideas. You can head over the the App Store. There, you can browse all the categories and view products that people have created for the iPhone.

First you start learning to create simple User Screens for iPhone app. Then think how much in you wanna go really...


Can an iPhone app hide/launch other apps?

I am asking this question mainly to know if what I want to do is possible. I don't think there is an app that does it and I've been meaning to learn objective C, but it may not be possible.
I want an app that serves as the ONLY way (at least, the only easy way) to launch another app. So in an ideal world, you have MyApp, which lists app A, B, and C. A B and C are not visible on the normal browser, but can be launched from within my app.
Possible? Not?
Not possible. And its most likely that such a functionality will never make it into the official SDK.
What you're trying to do isn't really possible. It isn't possible (with the official development kit) to create iOS applications that don't appear on the home screen.
It is possible to launch other applications, though -- one common approach is to set them as URL handlers for private URL schemes. This can be used to pass information between applications. (However, trying to use this as access control won't work, because Apple will likely reject an application which can only be opened "correctly" by another app.)
Depends on your definition of App.
You can just have a master app which creates the illusion of being an app launcher by "opening" subroutines. Imagine like the old facebook iphone app for example
Well... This has been done for years on the Cydia store with some custom menus but we wont get into that here...
Using the official SDK I think there are protocols to allow you to open an another application but pressing the home button for example will always go back to the default screen. I think ever if you were able to get it working, there is no chance it would be accepted into the App Store on grounds of it not doing anything the phone already does.
By all means look up jailbreaking and using the custom tool chain but you won't be able to sell this through Apple unfortunatley.

iPhone framework for presenting lists and details about sales items

Instead of starting from scratch, I was wondering if there were any ready made iPhone functionality for presenting a store's item lists (small picture and main info) and detail pages (all images and full info).
All data is already stored in an online database and setting up Web Services or the like for communication is not a problem, but iPhone development experience is limited.
Do you know of anything of that nature that I might utilize?
Sounds like the perfect opportunity to develop a web application specifically for the iPhone. I can't remember the name of the book off the top of my head, but do know that it's offered by O'Reilly. The other upside is you will now have an app that's accessible by other devices also.
Here's the book, it even includes the hooks to interface natively to the iPhone.
A good place to start is looking through some of the code examples available at Apple's iOS developer site. I believe there is a 'Recipe List' example that might be similar to what you are looking to do. Hope that helps!

How to develop an iPhone app to work with the current iPhone's music library

My friend (who knows nothing about programming what-so-ever) asked me if I could develop an iPhone application that lets the user select an artist from thier current synced artists on their iPhone music library, and display to them a list of concerts they will be playing in the near future. Maybe even use your current location to display the certain one you would be interested in.
Obviously, I told him no.
As I have no iPhone development experience and have only recently really started programming properly, I don't think I'm capable. But I'd still like to explore, seeing as I have just purchased a MacBook anyways!
Any ideas on how to approach this app?
Thanks in advance to everyone!
I'd rather recommend you playing with Last.fm API services.
Not exactly what you want but I am not sure if iPhone lets you access the artist library directly.
If it doesn't (which is yet to find out), you can write a plugin for iTunes that exports your music collection to your website and then access it from the iPhone.
The choice is up to you, but I'd probably stick with Last.fm.
The best place to start learning iPhone/iPad programming in general is to read this book:
And more specific to your question, yes, apps are allowed to access the iPod music library in the phone, through the MPMediaQuery class and its brethren:

should i build an iphone or web app

is there are good material on determining if you should build an iphone app or simply a web app that can be used on an iphone, regular browser etc . .
is the app store visibility the main reason to build an actual app for the iphone as it obviously seems like the browser solution is more available.
Why not have both, that way you can charge twice and reuse a lot of the serverside code.
Appstore can make you money. Either appstore or web app still needs to attract users.
If you want to learn Objective-C go for it! Peepcode has a great screencast to get you started with iPhone Development. If you don't want to learn anything then stick with web.

Is the list of Apps on my iphone available for reuse in a different display?

I have an idea to use the apps on my iphone as a list for a different way to launch the program. But I have no idea if I can see the apps in something I can display? Is this possible? If it is possible, can I launch the listed app from my app? What do I need to access to get this done?
There is no way using the official SDK to enumerate the list of applications the user has installed.
Unofficially, with a jailbroken phone you can check the contents of the applications folder.
It is true there is no specific way to do this with the normal SDK. However if specific apps you had used URL schemes you can invoke them programatically. Google maps, mail, safari, sms have it. Any application can choose to implement their own custom one. This obviously doesn't help with any random app but if you have specific apps your targeting you might be able to integrate that way.