Does iPhone support adding custom properties to Address Book records? - iphone

Does anyone know if iPhone (i.e. Cocoa Touch) lets you create custom properties?
I've used it with the mac before (where it works beautifully) and would like to use this technology for an iPhone app that syncs with an app on the mac through the Address Book (using MobileMe). If I can't use custom properties, however, I'll have to abandon this strategy.
For the mac, it's relatively easy:
Does anyone know if this is possible on the iPhone?

nope, sorry, the AddressBook framework on the iPhone is woefully lacking in this regard. Also, no "me" card.


can CGMainDisplayID() be used with iOS?

Hello I am new to developing applications in iPhone.
Can some one clarify my doubt whether CGMainDisplayID() be used to get the ID of main display in iPhone. CGMainDisplayID() belongs to mac references library and it is used to get the ID of main display in mac. will it work for iPhone as well in the same manner?
thanks in advance.
You might want to check out UIScreen and +mainScreen.

How to develop an iPhone app to work with the current iPhone's music library

My friend (who knows nothing about programming what-so-ever) asked me if I could develop an iPhone application that lets the user select an artist from thier current synced artists on their iPhone music library, and display to them a list of concerts they will be playing in the near future. Maybe even use your current location to display the certain one you would be interested in.
Obviously, I told him no.
As I have no iPhone development experience and have only recently really started programming properly, I don't think I'm capable. But I'd still like to explore, seeing as I have just purchased a MacBook anyways!
Any ideas on how to approach this app?
Thanks in advance to everyone!
I'd rather recommend you playing with API services.
Not exactly what you want but I am not sure if iPhone lets you access the artist library directly.
If it doesn't (which is yet to find out), you can write a plugin for iTunes that exports your music collection to your website and then access it from the iPhone.
The choice is up to you, but I'd probably stick with
The best place to start learning iPhone/iPad programming in general is to read this book:
And more specific to your question, yes, apps are allowed to access the iPod music library in the phone, through the MPMediaQuery class and its brethren:

Are there apps that let you code ON the iPhone (not FOR the iphone)?

I'm just wondering if anybody knows of any simple IDEs or interpreters or anything that lets you play around with code on your iPhone.
Mides IDE: lets you make php based web aplications ON THE IPHONE
Interface: Lets you make IPHONE APPS (without coding) ON THE IPHONE
ICode: The same as "Interface" but with coding.
If you are interested in one of them just type the name of the app in itunes. :)

how to create an iphone Application that uses its GPS system

I am fairly new to iPhone development. Right now, I am working on an iPhone game that is being developed in cocos2d. But I want to create an iphone application that uses its GPS system. I searched a lot on net but didn't find much.
I want to know about:
What framework tou use like cocoa touch or cocos2d,etc?
Any linksk that could help me regarding this?
Any other relevant and helpful information?
You want the Core Location framework. Everything you need to know is here.

Going from the iPhone to the Mac?

Note: This is the opposite direction to most similar questions!
I have an iPhone application which I would like to provide a demo of on the Mac. How hard is it to recompile (or rewrite) iPhone applications into Mac applications, assuming I intend to keep the same screen size, and not worry about making my application look "mac-like"?
Is it possible to distribute the iPhone simulator apple provides in the iPhone SDK with a copy of my application? Asking people to go and install it themselves seems like a major requirement.
On the whole most of the "core" frameworks are present on the Mac too. As a rule of thimb, any class starting NS will be present on the desktop - NSString, NSArray and NSObject etc. That hopefully means that all of your engine code will simply recompile and run.
The same is true of some middleware - all of iPhone Quartz will be present - classes and types starting CG... If you use 3D, there is OpenGL on the desktop but it is full OpenGL rather than the iPhone's OpenGL ES. There are some differences but your code will be pretty easy to port.
Where you will definitely need to recode is the UI. Not only because AppKit is not present but because the UI design you need for iPhone will generally not work on the desktop. The iPhone supports multitouch and does not have (meaningful) overlapping windows. Similarly, if you use any of the iPhone's hardware you will have to reimplement - the accelerometer and GPS are obviously not available on the desktop. In both these cases, the rule of thumb is that classes starting UI... are specific to the iPhone.
If you follow Apple's MVC design guidelines when you write your app, if will keep the UI related code well seperated from the engine code and porting should be easier.
First, you can't distribute the iPhone simulator. That's out of the question. The iPhone SDK agreement states:
You agree not to rent, lease, lend, upload to or host on any website or server, sell, redistribute, or sublicense the SDK, in whole or in part, or to enable others to do so.
You might be able to use parts of your program in the Mac version, but you'll probably have to rewrite UI-related code.
If your app is mostly OpenGL or custom views, probably not too hard at all. If your app using lots of UIKit views, then you will need to rewrite quite a bit to use the Mac standard Cocoa views instead. They are quite different.