iphone utility application tutorial - iphone

I'm very new to iPhone development. I want to create a utility application much like the weather app (enter zip codes for cities to track the weather). The weather app allows users to scroll through their favorite places. There's a flip side where you can manage your selections. I am looking for a tutorial on how to create a similar type app. Can anyone point me to a good tutorial for utility iphone apps please? I've been googling and can't find what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance.

How about this? I found it by googling "iphone utility application tutorial". You should do that next time. :)


Google Plus sharing, like button from ios

I am new to iPhone apps development, I want share and like button on google plus for my application, searched in web, but i got many links were pointing to developer.google.com etc. from there i downloaded SDK, but am not able to write code for that.
Please give some example code.
Thanks in advance.
there is a post here, which describes what you plan to do...
How can I integrate Google Plus with iPhone sdk?

How Can I Log A User Into Youtube Through My iPod Touch Application?

I have come across a slight problem in my programming of an iPod Touch application. However I am very enthusiastic that it can be solved and that a nudge in the right direction will be of great help. I have experience with Objective C, XCode and the essential app builders included with XCode also.
My question is, as the title says, how do I log a user into youtube through my iPod Touch application? I have looked through the countless api documentation for youtube, objective c and many other google APIs. After all my searching for the last few days I have found that OAuth2 seems to be the most lightweight way to connect a user to youtube in an application. All it requires is the client id and client secret.
However, even knowing this, I am finding it difficult to understand the code needed to simply connect a user to youtube through my application. Could anyone perhaps suggest a sample code? Or point me in the right direction?
Kindest Regards,
Joey Tawadrous
Code samples are here:
Additional info are here: http://code.google.com/p/gtm-oauth/ and here: http://code.google.com/p/gtm-oauth2/
Hope it will help you.

iphone - have a button load a new page

I'm trying to learn iphone app. development. Can someone direct me to a tutorial that explains how to add a button which loads a webpage.
Thanks so much
p.s. you won't get far if you can not find a simple information like that using google.
Most likely you'll have a lot of questions - try to look into Apple sample applications.

How do I add a tab bar controller to a navigation-controller-based application?

I am beginning iPhone application developer, and so I'm not sure how to start the creation of a navigation-controller-based application which uses a tab bar controller in part of it. Do you have suggestions for where to start with this?
These links are a good place to start:
Howto articles for iPhone
development, Objective C
can I find beginner iPhone
Best Book or Article
to learn iphone development
Getting started with Objective-C and
the iPhone SDK
There's a lot out there, it's a little overwhelming at first. One way to get started is to pick a book and go through all the examples.
The Book "Beginning iPhone Development" is pretty good for GUI-Stuff. You could buy it.
But here's a online tutorial:
Short answer: You don't!
But you can add a UINavigationController to a UITabBar.

how to create an iphone Application that uses its GPS system

I am fairly new to iPhone development. Right now, I am working on an iPhone game that is being developed in cocos2d. But I want to create an iphone application that uses its GPS system. I searched a lot on net but didn't find much.
I want to know about:
What framework tou use like cocoa touch or cocos2d,etc?
Any linksk that could help me regarding this?
Any other relevant and helpful information?
You want the Core Location framework. Everything you need to know is here.