how to create an iphone Application that uses its GPS system - iphone

I am fairly new to iPhone development. Right now, I am working on an iPhone game that is being developed in cocos2d. But I want to create an iphone application that uses its GPS system. I searched a lot on net but didn't find much.
I want to know about:
What framework tou use like cocoa touch or cocos2d,etc?
Any linksk that could help me regarding this?
Any other relevant and helpful information?

You want the Core Location framework. Everything you need to know is here.


iphone utility application tutorial

I'm very new to iPhone development. I want to create a utility application much like the weather app (enter zip codes for cities to track the weather). The weather app allows users to scroll through their favorite places. There's a flip side where you can manage your selections. I am looking for a tutorial on how to create a similar type app. Can anyone point me to a good tutorial for utility iphone apps please? I've been googling and can't find what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance.
How about this? I found it by googling "iphone utility application tutorial". You should do that next time. :)

Help asked for iPhone and Android app

Im new to the development of apps and i've got some questions.
First let me tell you about the app i need to make.
As an intern at a company i need to develop an iPhone and Android app, they want me to create an app that is based on a existing CRM database.
I need to get data from the database and show it on the iPhone, this data should be edited and send back to the database.
The company itself does not has experience in the development of mobile apps.
The requirements i wrote above are the basic of the application, it will have alot more functionality implemented after the basic has been made. Something like an auto sync, either the database or phone will sync with each other once in a while. And when you are called on the phone it will also check the number in the database and if found the name is displayed instead of an unknow number. Just 2 things that should be implemented after the basic app
Is such a thing possible with an iPhone/Android?
As i have no experience with Objective-C, and little experience with java
Is it easy to learn, i have good knowledge of C#
What platform could you suggest for me?
As i need to develop for both iPhone and Android,
What is the quickest way of developing for both at the same time?
i've done research but as i do not have an mac at the moment i can't try stuff out for the iPhone.
Titanium Appcelerator is something i liked, and since this works for both iPhone and Android i think this might be a good option. But as i do not have any experience i want some good advice from those who have experience before i start programming.
tnx in advance,
~kamikze the rookie
You can also try PhoneGap.
You can use web services to connect to databases
As per your requirements, use Titanium Appcelarator, which will make you write your code in JavaScript, and will generate apps for both, iPhone and Android.
What you're wanting it to do is fairly simple and shouldn't introduce a lot of complexity before you.
Go ahead with Appcelerator, if you don't want to spend a lot of time learning Android SDK and Objectiv-C
It sure is possible to access/change databases.
If you have good C# knowledge then getting started with Java should not be an issue for you.
I think it should be quite easy to implement for Android, but I also have no experience in iOS development (donĀ“t have a mac)

How to develop an iPhone app to work with the current iPhone's music library

My friend (who knows nothing about programming what-so-ever) asked me if I could develop an iPhone application that lets the user select an artist from thier current synced artists on their iPhone music library, and display to them a list of concerts they will be playing in the near future. Maybe even use your current location to display the certain one you would be interested in.
Obviously, I told him no.
As I have no iPhone development experience and have only recently really started programming properly, I don't think I'm capable. But I'd still like to explore, seeing as I have just purchased a MacBook anyways!
Any ideas on how to approach this app?
Thanks in advance to everyone!
I'd rather recommend you playing with API services.
Not exactly what you want but I am not sure if iPhone lets you access the artist library directly.
If it doesn't (which is yet to find out), you can write a plugin for iTunes that exports your music collection to your website and then access it from the iPhone.
The choice is up to you, but I'd probably stick with
The best place to start learning iPhone/iPad programming in general is to read this book:
And more specific to your question, yes, apps are allowed to access the iPod music library in the phone, through the MPMediaQuery class and its brethren:

Getting started developing for iPhone

Hey all, quick question. My end goal is to start developing apps for the iPhone but my current skillset is pretty limited. I'm wondering how far back I should go back and where I should start as far as becoming familiar with coding before the iPhone SDK course on isn't something that makes my eyes glaze over.
My experience: I taught myself html from the html for dummies book maybe 10 years ago, I've taken a dreamweaver class and built a few sites with it, and I've customized a self hosted Wordpress blog by playing with the php code.
Any tips on where I should start if I want to head down the road toward developing for the iPhone? Thanks!
If the iphone is what you want to do then I would recommend starting with the iPhone SDK and some samples. Deving native apps iPhone is pretty different than HTML - it is mostly Objective C where you have to worry about memory allocation/cleanup and pointers, but the quickest way to find if you like it or not is to download the free SDK and try it out.
If you find you don't like it, the browser capabilities on both iPhone and iPad are pretty advanced and I have seen some very good browser based apps built using web technologies.
I put together this list of resources for learning iOS Development:
Hope that helps!

Does iPhone support adding custom properties to Address Book records?

Does anyone know if iPhone (i.e. Cocoa Touch) lets you create custom properties?
I've used it with the mac before (where it works beautifully) and would like to use this technology for an iPhone app that syncs with an app on the mac through the Address Book (using MobileMe). If I can't use custom properties, however, I'll have to abandon this strategy.
For the mac, it's relatively easy:
Does anyone know if this is possible on the iPhone?
nope, sorry, the AddressBook framework on the iPhone is woefully lacking in this regard. Also, no "me" card.