MonoDevelop debugger is on strike as of this morning - iphone

with MonoTouch 5, MonoDevelop 2.8:
Create new single view iPhone application.
Add a breakpoint to the application entry point
Click Debug (to iOS Simulator)
MonoDevelop should stop at the breakpoint, but it doesn't. Instead, "Socket error while
connecting to on port 10001: Connection refused" is output to the
Application Output window.
This all worked yesterday :(
I filed a bug on Xamarin's bugzilla

First make sure you're using iPhone Simulator|Debug (and not iPhone Simulator|Release). It's an easy mistake (I did it again yesterday) and will show this exact same error.
Next look if something else might be using the same 10001 port. To see if this is the case one a terminal window and try this command:
sudo lsof -i -P | grep -i "listen"
That will show you every port listening on from your OSX machine. If something uses 10001 then it will need to be shutdown to allow.

The problem seems to have vanished. So, no idea what it was, or what fixed it.
The bug report I filed is here, in case anyone wants to join in the fun:


swift server side server socket error

I'm suffering from server problem on both perfect and vapor ..
The server working for only one time , and once after i update the project and rebuild it, the server response does not update any more.
I got this error ... from vapor in Xcode
No command supplied, defaulting to serve...
Starting server on
Serve error: Sockets Error: Failed trying to bind to the address
Identifier: Sockets.SocketsError.bindFailed
Program ended with exit code: 0
I googled alot , but did not figure out the problem
Finally : when i restart the mac , the server worked good only for one time , and the problem returned the same .
Seems like a process is using port 8080. Try running lsof -i :8080 from the terminal and kill it's PID with kill -9 PID
My problem solved after 2 days of searching by removing Xcode and reinstalling it .. Although Xcode was working well and i have just installed it one month before , but after i tested everything i tried hopelessly to do that and it worked .. seems frustrating , but it worth mentioning that for anyone who would facing that thing .

Error when opening pgAdmin 4 on mac

I have installed version 4-1.5, but when opening it, it always shows this error "The application server could not be contacted."
I removed the local directory hidden and resolved:
$ cd ~
$ rm -r .pgadmin/
Note: macOS Sierra (10.12.6) and pgAdmin 4-1.6. Also you are going to loose configuration data like database list tree, et al.
The Databases will remain intact since you are modifying/deleting PgAdmin related data not any of Postgresql itself.
I had the same issue, I fixed it by stopping the service in Postgres app, then start pgAdmin, and then start the Postgres service. I was able to connect it after that. Hope this help.
I had same error, but in my case I use wrong port number for the database
On my system Safari is the problem as it was default browser.
To fix, make Chrome your default browser and try relaunching pgadmin4
Manually fix by
$ cat ~/.pgAdmin4.5704814747986328352.addr
Paste what you get in Chrome

Other instance of server on port 8080

I am a Mac noob here.
When I try to run my Grails project I get:
Error Server failed to start for port 8080: Address already in use (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
On Windows, I would have just done netstat -aon and killed the process on 8080.
On a Mac, I’m new, so I haven’t much of a clue. I tried:
lsof -i | grep 8080
and couldn’t see anything on port 8080.
So I tried just:
lsof -i
and I still couldn’t see anything on 8080.
Any tips?
Possibly a case for moving to superuser, but "lsof -i :8080" will exactly show what's listening on that port.
As per my answer at SO. This is easier than #nitind's answer.
In the console window there is a X and XX icon. When you hover the cursor over it. You'll see balloons showing "Remove Launch" and "Remove All Terminated Launches".
Click them both. Eclipse will clear out all the existing servers so you can relaunch you server on the your default port.

how to start jboss for my local network

First question is: it seems like magic that one I run ./, I can turn off the computer, turn it back on again and still it knows about //localhost:8080/jmx-console/. I looked in the start up programs and I don't see any hint of it. How does it remember?
Never mind, the real question is I want the host to be my local LAN and not just localhost. I found I could do and that would indeed shutdown the server such that //localhost:8080/jmx-console/ would no longer work. That is good, now the next step is to confine it to my LAN. I know I can use ./ -b but that opens it to the world. My computer is at so I tried ./ -b which I would take to mean take addresses in the range 192.168.1.XXX. The server "started" but I can't get it to answer any calls and I couldn't get to do anything.
I started ./ again and it hooked up to the localhost. I don't know if it still has a memory of my ./ -b or not. If so, I'd like to get rid of it. In any case I'd like to know what the correct command should be.
Which version of jboss?
I use -b on jboss 4

Xcode Debugging process can only be killed by rebooting Mac OS

Sometimes Xcode does not stop the debugging process properly and the only way to kill that process seems to be a reboot of the mac.
I can not kill it via shell command (kill -9, or actually sudo - kill -9). I also tried to remove the process from the launchctl table before killing with the command, which also does not work, the command returns 'No such process'.
Is there really no other way than rebooting the system in such a case??
Try looking here: Couldn't register with the bootstrap Server and here: iPhone - strange error when testing on simulator
I myself experienced this occasionally, but I've never managed to resolve it using any of the methods stated. Hate to say this, but I always end up restarting the Mac to fix it.