Other instance of server on port 8080 - eclipse

I am a Mac noob here.
When I try to run my Grails project I get:
Error Server failed to start for port 8080: Address already in use (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
On Windows, I would have just done netstat -aon and killed the process on 8080.
On a Mac, I’m new, so I haven’t much of a clue. I tried:
lsof -i | grep 8080
and couldn’t see anything on port 8080.
So I tried just:
lsof -i
and I still couldn’t see anything on 8080.
Any tips?

Possibly a case for moving to superuser, but "lsof -i :8080" will exactly show what's listening on that port.

As per my answer at SO. This is easier than #nitind's answer.
In the console window there is a X and XX icon. When you hover the cursor over it. You'll see balloons showing "Remove Launch" and "Remove All Terminated Launches".
Click them both. Eclipse will clear out all the existing servers so you can relaunch you server on the your default port.


How to list currently running servers that are listening to localhost ports in vscode

I am using VS Code for development. After running the server as usually using npm start command (which was set up to run nodemon and the main 'app' file) I closed the terminal.
I thought that when terminal is shut down nodemon get shut down along with the terminal. Evidently this is not so as when I attempt to run npm start in the new terminal it throws an error that the port I set up my server to listen to is already in use.
Is it possible to see what servers are running currently and which ports they are listening to?
If there is no such command to list the currently running servers is there any way to shut down the running servers on the local machine without shutting down the laptop I am working on?
By the way everything mentioned above is being done on local machine and no remote server is used. Thank you in advance.
If you are on a Linux box you can run this to get the PID of any process running on that port:
netstat -tnlp | grep {{PORT}}
This will likely find multiple lines since the number of the {{PORT}} value might show up in a PID, IP address, etc., so look through the list to find what you're looking for. The PID and process name will show up on the far right column of the result.
Example for Linux:
# netstat -tnlp | grep 443
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 14384/nginx: master
The column on the right (14384/nginx: master) is the PID of that process, and the process name. Once you have the PID you could do a kill {{PID}} to kill that process.
The Mac version of netstat is different, and doesn't display the PID (at least not that I can tell), and I'm not sure if there's a way to do the same thing on a Windows box.

Could not start Appium server. It's showing [Error Starting appium server: listen EADDRINUSE]

I am using Appium version V1.15.0 and have already start the server successfully with the default Host: and Port: 4723
But now when i try to start the server it shows me this error "Error Starting Appium server: listen EADDRINUSE"
I have tried to solve this issue by changing the port but could not find any solution.
Suggest me if you guys have any better solution.
I have found the solution. After restarting my computer, i could successfully run the Appium server.
If anyone face the same problem. Please follow below steps:
1. Check if the port is listening to any other services.
Open command prompt: Type netstat -a -b
Either kill that service or try with different port.
If both not working then restart your machine.
This way i have solved this problem.
If EADDRINUSE, Address already in use is the issue,
ps aux | grep node
to get the process ids.
kill -9 PID
Doing the -9 on kill sends a SIGKILL.
That because port 4723 has been used.
We gonna find which process using it
sudo lsof -i :4723
input your Mac user password, press Enter and the result will similar to
AppX 68286 huyck 65u IPv4 0x31233f2022a17f56 0t0 TCP *:4723 (LISTEN)
that mean AppX with PID 68286 is using this port
And we are gonna kill it (replace 68286 with your PID)
sudo kill -9 68286
Another easier way, restart the machine could solve this problem
Hope this helps!
The following solution on windows worked for me
C:\Users\username> taskkill /F /IM node.exe
SUCCESS: The process “node.exe” with PID 13992 has been terminated.

Could not bind to, it may be in use or require sudo

Sometimes I get this error when trying to run a Vapor application from Xcode. Reopening Xcode doesn't help, only restarting of system do. Is it a bug of the framework? What should I do to prevent this?
If using sudo does not fix this message, it means something is already bound to this port. It could be an instance of Vapor that didn't close correctly.
To fix this, you need to kill the previous instance. The easiest way to do this is:
lsof -i tcp:8080
Where 8080 is the port you are trying to use. This outputs something like:
com.apple 4679 tanner 8u IPv4 0x890f6b0b31966939 0t0 TCP
Then kill the process bound to that port using its PID.
kill -9 4679
While Tanner's answer should help in most cases, for me the kill command had no effect and no output. So I completely quitted & restarted terminal.
When running lsof there were no processes found anymore, and issue was solved.

How do I stop Apache/Tomcat server on localhost://8080?

I keep getting errors when trying to serve files locally. I am using Tomcat on port 8080.
When using Eclipse, I get the following error message:
Several ports (8080, 8009) required by Tomcat v8.0 Server at localhost are already in use. The server may already be running in another process, or a system process may be using the port. To start this server you will need to stop the other process or change the port number(s).
How do I stop the server on port 8080 if I don't know which process started it?
Try to go with a web browser to:
localhost:8080 or
localhost:8009 or
There you could see which service is running on those ports.
Then it will be more simple to understand what you have to stop.
You could use a prompt and the command:
netstat -b
-b it will show the name of the executable running on a port.
For understanding how it works here a good explanation.

how to start jboss for my local network

First question is: it seems like magic that one I run ./run.sh, I can turn off the computer, turn it back on again and still it knows about //localhost:8080/jmx-console/. I looked in the start up programs and I don't see any hint of it. How does it remember?
Never mind, the real question is I want the host to be my local LAN and not just localhost. I found I could do shutdown.sh and that would indeed shutdown the server such that //localhost:8080/jmx-console/ would no longer work. That is good, now the next step is to confine it to my LAN. I know I can use ./run.sh -b but that opens it to the world. My computer is at so I tried ./run.sh -b which I would take to mean take addresses in the range 192.168.1.XXX. The server "started" but I can't get it to answer any calls and I couldn't get shutdown.sh to do anything.
I started ./run.sh again and it hooked up to the localhost. I don't know if it still has a memory of my ./run.sh -b or not. If so, I'd like to get rid of it. In any case I'd like to know what the correct command should be.
Which version of jboss?
I use -b on jboss 4