swift server side server socket error - swift

I'm suffering from server problem on both perfect and vapor ..
The server working for only one time , and once after i update the project and rebuild it, the server response does not update any more.
I got this error ... from vapor in Xcode
No command supplied, defaulting to serve...
Starting server on
Serve error: Sockets Error: Failed trying to bind to the address
Identifier: Sockets.SocketsError.bindFailed
Program ended with exit code: 0
I googled alot , but did not figure out the problem
Finally : when i restart the mac , the server worked good only for one time , and the problem returned the same .

Seems like a process is using port 8080. Try running lsof -i :8080 from the terminal and kill it's PID with kill -9 PID

My problem solved after 2 days of searching by removing Xcode and reinstalling it .. Although Xcode was working well and i have just installed it one month before , but after i tested everything i tried hopelessly to do that and it worked .. seems frustrating , but it worth mentioning that for anyone who would facing that thing .


Supervisor "spawn error" : I'm stuck... how can I know the reason for the error?

I have a Django REST API running on an UBUNTU 20.04 server, with a sqlite database.
Everything has been working for weeks with no issue.
Today, after pulling small changes to my code (changes in my settings.py file), I've tried to restart the GUNICORN server with SUPERVISOR as usual with:
sudo supervisorctl restart <MyAppName>
but I get an error message :
<MyAppName>-gunicorn: ERROR (spawn error)
In /var/log/supervisor.supervisor.log, I can only see that error message :
exited: <MyApp>-gunicorn (exit status 3; not expected)
I can find no way to have it working again (I've even tried to restart the server).
The strange thing is that when I manually launch gunicorn with :
/home/<myname>/env/bin/gunicorn <MyApp>.wsgi
I have no error message and my server works perfectly(requests are served to my app).
How can I know the reason for the supervisor spawn error ?

Why "webdriver-manager start" works on and off?

I run the webdriver-manager start but now it is not working all the time. I try to run it with the --proxy option and sometimes it works and sometimes not.I also get the following error.
Error:getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com: 443
But after 5 minutes I ran it and it worked well!
Any insight would be appreciated
I am not sure but probably issue was corresponding to port. When command was running first time from console you have wiped console but process was still alive. So you caught this error when was trying to run this command again from another console but previous process was still alive and was a root of error. Just try firstly end process and only then close a console.

Netbeans IDE8 Glassfish 4, GlassFish Server: Administrator port is occupied by null

I just downloaded Netbeans IDE7 with the Glassfish 4.
I just made a project to test it out and see how it goes, and I got this error right from the start:
Could not start GlassFish Server: DAS port is occupied while server is not running
[location]: Deployment error: Could not start GlassFish Server: DAS port is occupied while server is not running
See the server log for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 1 second)
I have reinstalled it three times, with the Glassfish and without and then later add it to Netbeans, i changed the domain.xml name="admin-listener" port="4848" to something different
i did this cmd code netstat -aon | find ":80" | find "LISTENING" and closed the programm.
i ran as administrator i think i did almost everyting but it wont simply run, and it keeps returning to the same error
usually i would have given up but this software is required for a school project.
i will try everything.
i hope someone can help me.
Thx in advance
You have to find the process that has taken the port you need. You can try finding it by running the terminal with the command:
netstat -aon | find ":80" | find "LISTENING"
Find the information you need and than kill the process with specific PID in Task Manager.
I hope you find this useful,
A few points:
Why not download NetBeans 8 that also includes GlassFish 4?
Assuming that you have successfully figured out that no other process is listening on port 4848, then Which version of the JDK are you using? Can you try JDK 7 if you are using JDK 8?
Looks like you are not alone - see NetBeans bug 237477.
Note that this isn't the only problem. I run on a Mac and can use the asadmin start command successfully on the remote server. IF I try to start it from NetBeans, it gives me this message.
One hint might be that the domain.xml file is set so that the listening port is 9090, the properties screen for the remote server, which I entered 9090 for, tells me the HTTP port is 23043. I can't edit it. Everytime I try to create that remote server it sets it to this value. The server will run fine if I start it by hand on the remote server, but NetBeans doesn't think it is running.
This occurs because I had to select domain2 because NetBeans says domain1 is already registered on my local machine. I wanted to have a local domain1 and a remote domain1 that are identical so I can test locally, and then deploy remotely.
This error message could be misleading, because it is the same when IP adress of glassfish server in netbeans settings is wrong (not port).
By my experience with this over win 8.1 + Netbeans 8.0 + Glassfish 4.0
The problem resides in permission of folder in windows that block the server execution
I solve the problem changing the permission of the glassfish/domain/domain1 folder for xxxx/user to totalcontrol
If this not solve your problem, try launch the server over console:
asadmin start-domain --verbose
And read the exceptions to try solve the problem.
Reading other post to try help:
like this: Glassfish server started failed in netbeans 6.9
Or check your firewall:
allow >> C:\Program
In my case when using the command
netstat -aon | find ":4848" | find "LISTENING"
I noticed that one process was occupying this port. When checked what it was I noticed it was VMWare NAT controller, because I previously had configured a network adapter to listen to this port.
Just stopped all VMWare related services (in my case I didn't need them for development purposes), and solved the problem.
Go to Task Manager -> Services -> Stop Process whose PID IS 3136,2268,2468 ,23.... and near Range in PID. All processes near to the web server's PID.
It works for me on Windows 8.1 pro & Windows 7.
I had the same error message.
Turned out it was caused because my firewall blocked port 4848
May be late but I solved this issue by deleting the app server from the Netbeans and by adding it again. In my case Netbeans 8.2 and Payara 4.1 instead of Glassfish.
If you changed the host of Glassfish server then set it to localhost it should work.

missing mysqld.sock and mysqld in /etc/init.d

I tried today to connect to MySQL server and saw that I did'nt have any mysqld.sock anymore, nowhere.
I tried several ways to get it back, but unsuccessfull. I tried to execut a
./mysqld.start in /etc/init.d, but it's also missing.
Should I reinstall mysql, or is there a way to get a socket back ?
try using following command
service mysql start
This will work.
#Nueva, if that doesn't work, reboot the system. I just had an Ubuntu build on EC2 lose its mysqld.sock file, and a simple reboot solved the problem.
Failing that, I've also heard that forcing the connection via tcp instead of localhost has worked for some people. I tried that, but got nothing.

MonoDevelop debugger is on strike as of this morning

with MonoTouch 5, MonoDevelop 2.8:
Create new single view iPhone application.
Add a breakpoint to the application entry point
Click Debug (to iOS Simulator)
MonoDevelop should stop at the breakpoint, but it doesn't. Instead, "Socket error while
connecting to on port 10001: Connection refused" is output to the
Application Output window.
This all worked yesterday :(
I filed a bug on Xamarin's bugzilla
First make sure you're using iPhone Simulator|Debug (and not iPhone Simulator|Release). It's an easy mistake (I did it again yesterday) and will show this exact same error.
Next look if something else might be using the same 10001 port. To see if this is the case one a terminal window and try this command:
sudo lsof -i -P | grep -i "listen"
That will show you every port listening on from your OSX machine. If something uses 10001 then it will need to be shutdown to allow.
The problem seems to have vanished. So, no idea what it was, or what fixed it.
The bug report I filed is here, in case anyone wants to join in the fun: http://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1544