how to start jboss for my local network - jboss

First question is: it seems like magic that one I run ./, I can turn off the computer, turn it back on again and still it knows about //localhost:8080/jmx-console/. I looked in the start up programs and I don't see any hint of it. How does it remember?
Never mind, the real question is I want the host to be my local LAN and not just localhost. I found I could do and that would indeed shutdown the server such that //localhost:8080/jmx-console/ would no longer work. That is good, now the next step is to confine it to my LAN. I know I can use ./ -b but that opens it to the world. My computer is at so I tried ./ -b which I would take to mean take addresses in the range 192.168.1.XXX. The server "started" but I can't get it to answer any calls and I couldn't get to do anything.
I started ./ again and it hooked up to the localhost. I don't know if it still has a memory of my ./ -b or not. If so, I'd like to get rid of it. In any case I'd like to know what the correct command should be.

Which version of jboss?
I use -b on jboss 4


Opening a telnet connection as pseudotty

I am trying to create a number of connections to a cyclades server. This is done by using telnet to an IP address (IP_ADDR) and a port number (PORT). It works fine when I create one active connection but I need to run a script to map these connections to /dev/PSEUDO_TTY_PORT, which another program needs to access. I am running CentOS so the cyclades-server-client modules are not available and rtelnet isn't available either.
I believe the command should look something like this:
But that doesn't work, does anyone know how to properly map it?
Thank you.
Thanks #0andriy, managed to do so using
socat PTY, link=/dev/PSEUDO_TTY_PORT,raw,echo=0 TCP4:IP_ADDR:PORT

Obtain ssh version externally using nmap

I would like to know if I can obtain ssh version using nmap of my external vps.
nmap -p 22 sV <domainname>
22/tcp filtered ssh
Is there another nmap syntax so I can obtain ssh service version?
Just want to obtain the ssh service version of my external vps.
I tried alot of nmap commands but probably there's a struggle in-between like a firewall, which causes a filtered state. My own network is behind a DrayTek Device. Maybe a possible cause?
Thanks in advance!
The nmap option --badsum is able to provide insight about the existence of a firewall. A non firewall device that runs a full network stack will silently drop a bad checksum. In the case that your scan reaches an end device, you would expect to see the same result as your -sV scan. A firewall may offer a different reply to the --badsum.
The answer to your question regarding version, is that -sV is ideal, however -A may run some scripts that return useful information. You can also run --script=sshv1 or another specific script that is ssh related. More script options are here nmap scripts.

port forwarding in raspberry pi on debian

I want to forward incomings from to on raspberry pi debian installed . I do not want to make a bridge between two networks. How can I achieve this?
You can use ssh:
ssh -L -N localhost
this assumes that your server is the machine at if not, you're going to need to give me the IPs of all the machines involved and tell me which is which.
You'll need sshd running but you should already have that with Raspbian.
After you run it, you'll need to authenticate. No forwarding will occur until then.
Once you've logged in, it will look like it's hung, but it's not; it just doesn't have any output to show you.
At this point the forwarding is active.
You can kill it with ctrl-c when you're done.
If you'd rather keep it running in the background instead of having an empty window sitting around, you can use ctrl-z (which will pause its execution) followed by bg which will resume the process in the background.
To stop the forwarding from a backgrounded job, you're going to have to find the pid in ps and kill it.
Run netstat -ano --tcp |grep 5007 to see your server listening for connections on, remote computers making connections to, and new connections from your server to

Could not bind to, it may be in use or require sudo

Sometimes I get this error when trying to run a Vapor application from Xcode. Reopening Xcode doesn't help, only restarting of system do. Is it a bug of the framework? What should I do to prevent this?
If using sudo does not fix this message, it means something is already bound to this port. It could be an instance of Vapor that didn't close correctly.
To fix this, you need to kill the previous instance. The easiest way to do this is:
lsof -i tcp:8080
Where 8080 is the port you are trying to use. This outputs something like:
COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME 4679 tanner 8u IPv4 0x890f6b0b31966939 0t0 TCP
Then kill the process bound to that port using its PID.
kill -9 4679
While Tanner's answer should help in most cases, for me the kill command had no effect and no output. So I completely quitted & restarted terminal.
When running lsof there were no processes found anymore, and issue was solved.

Cannot SSH into new computer running CentOS 6.3 from Fedora 16

I just installed CentOS 6.3 on a new computer and am unable to SSH to it from our computer running Fedora 16. They are both on the same network.
Some facts:
- I can ping it from the Fedora machine.
- I can SSH to the CentOS computer to itself on the CentOS computer.
- I have looked into hosts allow and deny, I have set selinux to be permissive, I tried with iptables disabled on the Fedora computer
I am fresh out of ideas...
Do you have fail2ban running?
Do you have denyhosts running?
Do you have iptables allowing TCP 22?
Do you have a line in your sshd_config that refers to "AllowUsers"? (most dont but some do, and if yours does, you need your account listed on that line)
Can you run this command tail -f /var/log/secure on that machine at the same time while trying to login from the second machine and spot the issue? If not, paste the output from that log here for me to comment on.
A long shot, but you might try service sshd restart and try again to see if that helps. Go ahead and run tail /varlog/messages while restarting that daemon to see if you spot anything unusual while doing that. If you spot the issue great, if you dont, post the output here for me to comment on.
Last, do this cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.back and then take a good known working sshd_config from another machine and place it over the top of yours and then restart the daemon again & try again.
My money is on seeing something that helps us in /var/log/secure.