Error when opening pgAdmin 4 on mac - postgresql

I have installed version 4-1.5, but when opening it, it always shows this error "The application server could not be contacted."

I removed the local directory hidden and resolved:
$ cd ~
$ rm -r .pgadmin/
Note: macOS Sierra (10.12.6) and pgAdmin 4-1.6. Also you are going to loose configuration data like database list tree, et al.
The Databases will remain intact since you are modifying/deleting PgAdmin related data not any of Postgresql itself.

I had the same issue, I fixed it by stopping the service in Postgres app, then start pgAdmin, and then start the Postgres service. I was able to connect it after that. Hope this help.

I had same error, but in my case I use wrong port number for the database

On my system Safari is the problem as it was default browser.
To fix, make Chrome your default browser and try relaunching pgadmin4
Manually fix by
$ cat ~/.pgAdmin4.5704814747986328352.addr
Paste what you get in Chrome


Pgadmin trying to connect to wrong user on MacOS

I'm using Mac OS Big Sur. I changed my user folder and then the issue happened when I tried to start pgadmin server. Pgadmin on web trying to connect to old macos user.
Let's say, I changed my user name from A to B, but pgadmin trying to connect to user A.
How to fix this?
already fixed the issue only with this command
pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start

After upgrading GitLab, two different psql/postgres versions

We recently did a GitLab upgrade from 11.x up to 12.9.2. It all went well; however, when I do gitlab-ctl pg-upgrade it shows the DB being 10.12. But when I do gitlab-rake gitlab:env:info it shows 10.7.
If I drop into gitlab-rails dbconsole it shows:
psql (10.12, server 10.7)
I didn't originally set this server or instance up. Any idea why it would be showing two different versions (does 10.12 mean the client is 10.12, the server is still 10.7?) Ideally the server would be 10.12.
Thanks for any help.
Answered my own question after further digging.
I ran a stat on /opt/gitlab/embedded/postgresql/10/bin/postgres and it showed that it was indeed changed when we did the upgrade.
Then I ran an lsof and saw that the postgres process had this binary open with a (deleted) marker, meaning it had the previous file still open in memory.
I ran a gitlab-ctl stop and a gitlab-ctl start and now it's showing properly when I do gitlab-rails dbconsole.
Should've done all that first!

Tables could not be fetched - Error loading schema content

I open workbench and connect to a local database on XAMPP and when open the connection the schema show the error message:
"tables could not be fetched"
run this command on terminal
mysql_upgrade -u root -p
Run this command on terminal
sudo /opt/lampp/bin/mysql_upgrade
And as per the comment by #jonathan-delean , you might need to run this instead:
sudo /opt/lampp/bin/mysql_upgrade -u root -p
For XAMPP, this worked for me - run this on terminal:
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql_upgrade
Disconnect then reconnect to your db.
First, locate the directory of which Xampp is installed at.
In linux you can just type this in a terminal:
whereis xampp
In my case (btw I use arch, jk) it was located at /opt/lampp/bin . If you're using windows, you may find it under a different location, like in C:\Program Files\xampp\bin
Next, locate the file mysql_upgrade and execute it as an administrator or a sudo.
If you're using Linux:
cd /opt/lampp/bin then sudo ./mysql_upgrade
According to MySQL documentation:
Each time you upgrade MySQL, you should execute mysql_upgrade, which
looks for incompatibilities with the upgraded MySQL server: It
upgrades the system tables in the mysql schema so that you can take
advantage of new privileges or capabilities that might have been
added. It upgrades the Performance Schema, INFORMATION_SCHEMA, and sys
schema. It examines user schemas.
So I believe mysql_upgrade should resolve the problem. It worked for me before.
More on mysql_upgrade here:
4.4.5 mysql_upgrade — Check and Upgrade MySQL Tables
That's because the latest XAMPP use MariaDB and MYSQL Workbench is using MYSQL Database, so they are not fully compatible, raising that error for example.You can try to downgrade to some of the previous XAMPP versions.
For MacOS users:
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/bin/mysql_upgrade
I created another Connection in MySQL workbench, and the fetching problem for me was resloved.
I did have this problem today, the reason is:
Error Code: 1356 View '' references invalid table(s) or column(s) or function(s) or definer/invoker of view lack rights to use them
After dropping those view (actually those views) the error was solved.
currently working with MySQL Workbench 8.0.28, and MySQL 8.0.28.
for macOS users run this on terminal:
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/bin/mysql_upgrade
this worked for me
See YouTube video: MySQL 8 - The message "Tables Could Not Be Fetched"
Either a table or view or function used in code has been dropped; hence the "...could not be fetched".
this works for me
sudo mysql_upgrade --force
As #Brittany Layne Rapheal says, with that command you can fix the issue, is also recommended to give execution privileges to that file:
So you should run first this command:
sudo chmod +x /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql_upgrade
And then, this:
sudo /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/mysql_upgrade --force
--force is necessary because as the parameter says to force the update (Necessary) setup for heroku

I'm trying to install on my mac (lion), and running into issues.
I'm trying to follow the instructions here:
So, as the first step I downloaded the app here:
Next, I opened the documentation here:
When I run $ psql -h localhost, it asks for a password, and I have no idea what the password is supposed to be. Can somebody help with figuring out how to set as the default database for using Heroku?
You're probably using the psql that comes built-in to Mac OS X, thanks to Apple's incredibly frustrating decision to bundle an (old) PostgreSQL on the default port and with its tools on the default PATH.
Check psql --version to see what you're running.
Quite likely you need to set your PATH so it finds the psql from . Or you can check what port is running on and specify a port, though if you use an old psql with a new PostgreSQL then you'll have issues with backslash commands. This is explained just a few paragraphs down in the documentation you were reading.

MongoDb connection refused

This is my first attempt to consume MongoDB. I've got Mongo running:
ps -ef | grep [m]ongo
mongodb 11023 1 0 Jun24 ? 00:00:03 /usr/lib/mongodb/mongod --config /etc/mongodb.conf
And the error comes as the result of doing stuff ); // (pseudo code)
The error:
Jun 27, 2011 3:20:29 PM com.mongodb.DBTCPConnector fetchMaxBsonObjectSize
WARNING: Exception determining maxBSON size using0 couldn't connect to [russ-elite-book/] Connection refused
at com.mongodb.DBPort._open(
at com.mongodb.DBPort.go(
at com.mongodb.DBPort.go(
at com.mongodb.DBPort.findOne(
at com.mongodb.DBPort.runCommand(
Note that I'm using for my connection, which works to the Mongo shell. Also, I get the admin page in the browser using http://localhost:28017.
Profuse thanks for any and all ideas!
I ran into the same issue because I upgraded my mongo using brew. To fix this issue. Look for the conf file(which might not be located in the bin directory where you start your mongodb from)
/usr/local/Cellar/mongodb-2.2.whatever/mongod.conf, and comment out the "bind_ip" property.
(I think it slightly bad form to answer one's own question, but in fact, the answer turns out to be none of those suggested. Nevertheless, my profuse thanks to all of them. When answering a question, one needs to be able to assume it's based on correctly installed and working software. I did not have that.)
I installed MongoDB using the Ubuntu Software Center. It worked from the shell and from the browser as noted elsewhere in this question. However, it did not work from Java (nor from Django either).
The problem, despite what it said in the Java stack trace, was simply "connection refused."
The solution is to install it from proper Mongo sources and not to trust the Ubuntu repository.
(Yes, this also frequently happens to other products obtain from there too, like Eclipse, but you know it's such a nice service that you want to trust it.)
If you want to read how I installed what then worked, check out
I had the same problem, but my solution was different. I was using "localhost" as the host name and changing it to "" fixed it.
Most likely the Java driver cannot connect to the address specified.
Make sure that you can connect to that address using the shell and run "db.isMaster()".
Maybe it is an issue of vs
It turns out that it is an issue with the Java MongDB driver.
There are two solutions:
Using version 2.8 or higher of the Java driver.
Edit the configuration files and if it contains the line bind_ip = or bind_ip = localhost, comment it out.
Eating humble pie...
As I showed in my comment to Russ Bateman's own answer, it seemed like an issue with the Ubuntu package at first. The real reason is that the config file that comes with it does define a value for bind_ip...
I ran into the same issue because I installed my mongo using apt-get. Here's how to fix it:
Find your mongod.conf file. In Ubuntu 14.04, it's /etc/mongod.conf
Open mongod.conf file and command the line bindIp =
Restart mongod
It appears that this is a security issue or an invalid url. If you used the default configuration, you should be able to access the http://yourmachine:28017. See if you can navigate to the admin page from this url. If you are able to navigate to the admin url, just replace the port number with 27017 in your app. It should work.
It's hard to say without seeing your .conf file contents. One thing I would recommend is running the mongo shell and seeing if you can connect, query, and write from it. This will help isolate server vs. a java client issue. Additionally it may give you a different form of the error which may be a hint.
Are you setting --port in your .conf file?
For me, it was a completely different solution. I am using Spring MVC framework, and all I had to do is to confirm that the configuration XML files are saying the same thing in the /target folder as well as the non-target folders. Once that was adjusted, everything worked. The problem was that everything worked when run from a STS, but when deployed, I had the mentioned error.