Is there good open source chess game for iphone? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am newbie with iphone development. I want to make a chess like game. Could you point me to some good open source chess like game with cocos2d.
Also i am interested in how to make multiplayer games (in this case 2 player chess based game). Is there any easy to use servers or i have to implement my own server side game logic and deploy it on my application server.
I read that open faint and game center have some features about multiplayer games but i am not quite sure how they work. Please point me to some tutorials/resources/open source games for that.

Stockfish, mentioned in the other answers, released the full source code for their iOS app in their support forum, which includes the game engine and UI.

Definitely take a look at Stockfish Chess. It's a chess engine, not a game itself. The repository is located # Github - StockFish. I haven't developed for Iphone, but it seems they have an app in the Apple Store. I've been playing around with it and it's pretty awesome.

stock fish best and probably only good open source chess app for iPhone. Shredder
Hiarcs are also good but not open source


What steps do you need to take to transition from pc game development to vr game development? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Im being hesitant to either dive straight into learning vr development or first start with 2d/3d games for pc or mobile.
Once you learn 2d/3d game development with unity, what steps do you need to take to move on to VR game development? would the two types of game development have a lot in common? or would it be two very different areas?
I myself do not have any experience in VR development but I can say that diving straight into VR development might be a little overwhelming if you do not have any experience in game development or any experience in Unity. I suggest that you first follow some tutorials on YouTube to make a simple 2D pc game so you can get more comfortable using Unity and its features.
Transfering to VR from 2D shouldn't be that hard if you are starting to get more familiar with Unity. There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube relating to VR deveploment
Great YouTube channel for learning Unitys basic features is Brackeys. They have made some great tutorials that helped me in the beginning of my game deveploment journey.

Has Unity mobile-like multiplayer system? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Has unity any tools or services to create a multiplayer like in mobile games, where all online is based on clan system, chat and some stuff like arena or rating?
If has, do you know someone of them (links or guides are optional)?
I read all the documentation and watched some videos connected to the problem, but as I understand it is all about real time multiplayer.
I don't really understand your question. Are you asking if Unity has some tools to create a full multiplayer game experience (matchmaking, voice, chat, etc.)?
Unity's UNet is deprecated and they are developing a new system. Maybe check here:
New Unity system
I would recommend the Photon engine. It basically has everything you need for a multiplayer game and it's free to get started.
Photon engine

Automation tests for Unity engine [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm looking for tool which can help to create some tests in Unity.
Yes, I know there are the "unity test tools". But it's for programmers mostly.
I need something for testers like selenium
Since unity is a diverse game engine that can be used to develop games in any genre or style there is no generic way of automatically testing them.
Without being good at programming all you can do for performance testing is to play the game and find areas that fluctuate in framerate and try to narrow down what scripts or game objects are causing the issue. You can use the Profiler Window to really help with that.
You could make scenes that run automatically with set things that happen in each one and then run them between builds and compare how well they do but I don't think thats what you're after.
Most of the time though testers in games just play the game or anything that engineering gives them and try to break it by getting the game to show unexpected behaviour. Once some issues are found it goes back to the guy that made it and the process is repeated... there is a good podcast on testing here on how testing is usually done in video games (from a developer's perspective).
Hope this helped

How may I know framework behind an iOS Game? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I would like to know which framework or development tools,IDE behind for any iOS Game.
I have tried on google but i didn't found any clue. Please help me for knowing framework behind iOS games.
I have listed some games here. Please let me know if any body know development tools,framework,IDE behind listed games.
1)Grand Defense.
2)Tower Defense.
3)Castle Defense.
There are many games such like listed games. I want to know development tools behind particular iOS Game. I will appreciate for any help.
Thanks In advance.
If you want to precisely know which game uses what, do the following:
Download the game. Decrypt it using some common cracking tools (I do not encourage piracy however!)
Run the class-dump utility on it (google it!), this will generate a list of classes the game has inside.
Compare the class names to the most common game engines to see exactly which one used in the particular game.
you say Frameworks means Opensource and Game Engine??
if right, refer a following site:
In Generally, If you are using objective-C, IDE is xcode. I recommend.
See GameSalad without code development Game.
Tower Defence using a cocos-2d Tutorial following below:
Tower Defence Tutorial for cocos-2d part1
Tower Defence Tutorial for cocos-2d part2

Iphone Game Development [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm new to iPhone development, I bought the certificate a while back and have already posted one simple app on the app store(Lunch Money, just in case you are curious), but I've been looking all over the internet for a good series for iPhone openGL ES(2d or 3d will work) game development.
Does anyone know a good starting point for iphone opengl es game development?
8 Great Resources For Learning Iphone OpenGL ES & 16 Killer iPhone OpenGL ES Resources contains a lot of information, even about games development.
EDIT: As per your comment, I add the following resources :
iPhone Game Development: Developing 2D & 3D games in Objective-C, a good start.
OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide, the ultimate guide to learn ES.
iPhone OpenGL ES Tutorial Series, great, contains specific information about games.
In the best 'cross platform' tradition, I wouldn't pin myself to objective-c that much.
Make the thinnest of GUI container in objective-c (touch handling, basic file io, etc) and make your game in C++ and opengl.
This way, you can potentially port your code to any other platform you might want to run it on and not box yourself in.