Iphone Game Development [closed] - iphone

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm new to iPhone development, I bought the certificate a while back and have already posted one simple app on the app store(Lunch Money, just in case you are curious), but I've been looking all over the internet for a good series for iPhone openGL ES(2d or 3d will work) game development.
Does anyone know a good starting point for iphone opengl es game development?

8 Great Resources For Learning Iphone OpenGL ES & 16 Killer iPhone OpenGL ES Resources contains a lot of information, even about games development.
EDIT: As per your comment, I add the following resources :
iPhone Game Development: Developing 2D & 3D games in Objective-C, a good start.
OpenGL ES 2.0 Programming Guide, the ultimate guide to learn ES.
iPhone OpenGL ES Tutorial Series, great, contains specific information about games.

In the best 'cross platform' tradition, I wouldn't pin myself to objective-c that much.
Make the thinnest of GUI container in objective-c (touch handling, basic file io, etc) and make your game in C++ and opengl.
This way, you can potentially port your code to any other platform you might want to run it on and not box yourself in.


What steps do you need to take to transition from pc game development to vr game development? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Im being hesitant to either dive straight into learning vr development or first start with 2d/3d games for pc or mobile.
Once you learn 2d/3d game development with unity, what steps do you need to take to move on to VR game development? would the two types of game development have a lot in common? or would it be two very different areas?
I myself do not have any experience in VR development but I can say that diving straight into VR development might be a little overwhelming if you do not have any experience in game development or any experience in Unity. I suggest that you first follow some tutorials on YouTube to make a simple 2D pc game so you can get more comfortable using Unity and its features.
Transfering to VR from 2D shouldn't be that hard if you are starting to get more familiar with Unity. There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube relating to VR deveploment
Great YouTube channel for learning Unitys basic features is Brackeys. They have made some great tutorials that helped me in the beginning of my game deveploment journey.

Processes of creating a 3D avatar editor for users? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to provide users with the ability to edit the shape, form and properties of their 3D character from templates.
What are the general processes and delineations of responsibility when targeting iOS and using Xcode, Swift, Scene Kit and a 3D modelling application?
I'm no expert in anything 3D related but I believe I can help in this case.
iOS has a 3D engine called SceneKit, you can programmatically create basic 3D objects.
For complex objects you usually create them in an external program such as Cheetah3D and then you can import them and interact with the object in SceneKit.
Some references you may find useful:
The Ray Wenderlich site has been a great resource for me learning iOS, they have alot of tutorials, video tutorials and even ebooks that you can purchase on a number of topics including game development with iOS and Unity.

Is there good open source chess game for iphone? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am newbie with iphone development. I want to make a chess like game. Could you point me to some good open source chess like game with cocos2d.
Also i am interested in how to make multiplayer games (in this case 2 player chess based game). Is there any easy to use servers or i have to implement my own server side game logic and deploy it on my application server.
I read that open faint and game center have some features about multiplayer games but i am not quite sure how they work. Please point me to some tutorials/resources/open source games for that.
Stockfish, mentioned in the other answers, released the full source code for their iOS app in their support forum, which includes the game engine and UI.
Definitely take a look at Stockfish Chess. It's a chess engine, not a game itself. The repository is located # Github - StockFish. I haven't developed for Iphone, but it seems they have an app in the Apple Store. I've been playing around with it and it's pretty awesome.
stock fish best and probably only good open source chess app for iPhone. Shredder
Hiarcs are also good but not open source

Jumping into iphone game development [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am new on iphone, I have learned some iphone basics and made some sample codes. My lead wants me to jump into iphone game development, so I ll probably be working on a game like 'field runner' 2D game. Now tell me ppl how should I start my game development training ? keeping in mind the game I am gona develop and I will be given all characters by animators.
Any suggested tutorial or books ?, any specific engine to develop my future game ?
Cocos2d is a really awesome game engine that's super quick to learn and very powerful. For guided tutorials to get you started I recommend Ray Wenderlich's blog. Head over there and get started!

Learning using layers and CoreAnimation for iphone [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Except for the official docs, what is a good resource for learning how to use CALayers and Core Animation efficiently/correctly?
Beyond Apple's documentation, I highly recommend Marcus Zarra and Matt Long's book "Core Animation: Simplified Animation Techniques for Mac and iPhone Development", as well as Bill Dudney's "Core Animation for Mac OS X and the iPhone". If you had to pick just one right now, I'd go with the former, which is newer, contains more information on iPhone-specific issues, and is beautifully illustrated.
There are always the core-animation tagged questions here on Stack Overflow, which include many interesting answers on the use of layers and animations.
I've compiled what I know about Core Animation in the detailed class notes for the course I teach on iPhone development. Those notes can be downloaded from here (in VoodooPad format). EDIT (6/29/2010): The video for the corresponding Core Animation session is available with the rest of the class on iTunes U. I provide many examples of the use of layers and complex animations, including sample code.
Even if it targets Mac OS X (CALayer on iPhone and Mac OS X are close), you can learn a lot of things with the following links:
For the rest, Google is your friend.