Load MCFileManager TinyMCE plugin from external location - plugins

i saw in the changelog of MCFileManager the following feature:
Version 3.0.6 (2008-02-21)
Added support for loading the TinyMCE plugin from an external location.
But how can i do this?
When i load the editor_plugin.js file and i enable the plugin in the tinyMCE settings, then i get only errors because the paths are not correct.
In the tinyMCE documentation i've found this:
TinyMCE also supports the ability to have plugins added from a external resource. These >plugins need to be self registering and loaded after the tinyMCE.init call. You should >also prefix these plugins with a "-" character, so that TinyMCE doesn't try to load it >from the TinyMCE plugins directory.
but when i add the plugin using "-insertimage" nothing is loaded.
Thanks for your help,


Add custom color to ckeditor of hippo cms

How do I add a custom colour to ckeditor in hippo cms?
I've gone through tutorials and documentation of both, Hippo CMS and CKEditor but saw that config.js file is missing in the present project.
After going through the documentation all I was able to find was:
-> ckeditor-optimized.jar file in which I'm unable to add plugins
-> plugin folder which does not contain colorbutton, even though it shows in the ckbuilder that it is present.
"color button" is packaged with the Bloomreach CKeditor instance. It is disabled by default. According to [1] you can enable it by adding
extraPlugins: 'colorbutton'
to the ckeditor configuration [2]
[1] https://documentation.bloomreach.com/library/concepts/document-types/html-fields/ckeditor-plugins.html
[2] https://documentation.bloomreach.com/library/concepts/document-types/html-fields/ckeditor-configuration-properties.html

installing newest ckeditor + wiris plugin

I've installing the newest ckeditor. but I've difficulties in configure wiris plugin on them.
I've try the steps listed on wiris website. but I've difficulties in editing configuration.ini.
Please help me editing configuration.ini and give example configuration.ini that works.
I'll so appreciated if anyone can give the download link containing ckeditor folder + wiris plugin already installed.
WIRIS plugin works without any configuration.ini file (from 3.50.x version onwards) using its default values. You only have to include a configuration.ini file if you need like to customize the configuration. There is a configuration.ini.dist in your ckeditor_wiris directory you can use as an example. You need to remove the leading # to uncomment variables. You can find more details at http://www.wiris.com/plugins/docs/resources/configuration-table
You can also download this working demo: http://www.wiris.com/plugins/demo/ckeditor/php/

JavaScript content assist not working for JSP file in Eclipse Kepler

I am using Eclipse Kepler to develop App Engine application.The autocomplete feature is not working for JSP files and am not sure if I am missing any Property settings.
Would be glad if someone can let me know what needs to be done to enable auto-complete feature?
PS : FYI, I have the WTP tool already installed
You have to be working with a file in a JavaScript Source Folder. To do that, you can create a JavaScript project or enable an existing project from its Configure context menu (right-click->Configure->something JavaScript). Once that's done, if it wasn't opened automatically, bring up the project's JavaScript Include Path property page and create or mark an existing folder as a Source Folder. That should enable it for both JS files and web pages.
Have you tried closing the project and opening it again. That would clear the cache and get things running.
right click project > close project
right click closed project > open project

Custom CKeditor plugin on Joomla installation

I have written a plugin for CKeditor according to this tutorial: Plugin Tutorial but I can't get it shown on the ckeditor's toolbar of my Joomla 1.5 installation. I have copied it in the plugins folder, registered it in the config.js as an extra plugin, even tried the Advanced Configuration in the backend settings by setting this: CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'myplugin'; or this config.extraPlugins = 'myplugin' but nothing happens, no button whatsoever. Can someone list the "installation procedure" of the plugin on a joomla 1.5 system? Thanks.
You also have to have an entry in the jos_plugins table. Unless I'm building an installation package for it, I just copy a similar record and make the changes to match my plugin - be sure to get the value in the "folder" correct.

NetBeans jQuery plugin code completion

I'm using NetBeans for PHP. When I edit a .js file, it gives me JavaScript code completion. How can I get it to also give me jQuery code completion?
NetBeans 6.9 code auto-complete is not working for jQuery plug-ins.
The code auto-complete is working for jQuery but not for plug-ins such as the validate plugin.
Is this a bug in NetBeans 6.9?
Try this
You can also try following
I add jquery.js to include path of project and it's working fine for me.
I was having the same problem. I have Netbeans 7.2.1 under linux (in an Oracle VirtualBox).
I had copied the jquery library 1.10.2 (not minified) into my own project
I had added the path into the Project Properties > PHP Include path
I still had no auto-complete
I found a solution based on How to include js file in another js file?
I type out the following in the header:
var imported = document.createElement('script');
imported.src = 'jquery-1.10.2.js'; // I put the jquery library in the same folder
Now I get auto-completion!