installing newest ckeditor + wiris plugin - plugins

I've installing the newest ckeditor. but I've difficulties in configure wiris plugin on them.
I've try the steps listed on wiris website. but I've difficulties in editing configuration.ini.
Please help me editing configuration.ini and give example configuration.ini that works.
I'll so appreciated if anyone can give the download link containing ckeditor folder + wiris plugin already installed.

WIRIS plugin works without any configuration.ini file (from 3.50.x version onwards) using its default values. You only have to include a configuration.ini file if you need like to customize the configuration. There is a configuration.ini.dist in your ckeditor_wiris directory you can use as an example. You need to remove the leading # to uncomment variables. You can find more details at
You can also download this working demo:


Feature file not getting formatted in Cucumber format

In eclipse, for cucumber feature file using for selenium,
When a feature file was opened, the feature file used to show in cucumber/gherkin format which doesn't show anymore.
When a feature file is created, sample features used to be created
When a feature is executed using dry run, Step definitions used to be created.
src/test/java and src/test/resources are showing greyed out in eclipse which was not the case.
Above mentioned three things are not happening any more which used to work earlier. I believe it's related to the set up of eclipse. I know the issue, not sure what details might be required. So please do let me know what might be required so that I can share here.
Eclipse Version:
Version: 2019-09 R (4.13.0)
Build id: 20190917-1200
That means either your editor is disable or corrupted.
Try to open your feature file again as below:
Select other if cucmber editor not shown.
Uninstall the cucumber plugin and install again.
Refer below link to uninstall the plugin from eclipse
Correct way to remove plugin from Eclipse
When a feature file was opened, the feature file used to show in
cucumber/gherkin format which doesn't show anymore.
Changed the default editor to cucumber, Not sure how default editor
was changed
When a feature file is created, sample features used to be created
After changing the default editor to cucumber, this started working
When a feature is executed using dry run, Step definitions used to
be created.
Added this parameter in the
#CucumberOptions(plugin = {"pretty","summary"})
src/test/java and src/test/resources are showing greyed out in
eclipse which was not the case.
Not sure, but this is not creating any issues so far
Associating feature file type with cucumber in Selenium WebDriver
I don't know the reason but I am also having a similar problem occasionally. When you over the file name go to the file tab and choose properties and then choose Associate with File Type --> then choose cucumber. I hope it helps.

Eclipse Tricks and Tips plugin Extension Point

I need to add an entry to a menu section in the Tips and Tricks help dialog in eclipse. For that I am searching which Extension Point from Eclipse to use.
I am using eclipse 2019-06 and if I consult the documentation, I see no extension point for this help entry:
Eclipse 2019 Plugin documentation is here.
This isn't done using that extension point.
The about.ini file in the 'feature plug-in' for an installed feature can contain a tipsAndTricksHref property which gives the help topic href to use. For example the JDT about.ini contains:
So you must create a feature. You then create a 'feature plugin' - which is a plugin with the same id as the feature. The about.ini goes in the plugin. The feature.xml must list the 'feature plugin' and your other plugins. You must use a feature based build for the RCP build.

Netbeans Code Completion

Is there any netbeans trick that would do like Sublime text that if you just type div.header-class then it will then just automatically formulate `
<div class=header-class"></div>
How to do that trick? or is it possible?
I think this is probably through a plugin known as Emmet.
NetBeans has a plugin for it too. The plugin page indicates that it's for older versions, but the comments are reporting success with version 8.1. Incidentally, it doesn't show up in the plugin manager from NetBeans on Windows for me, but the GitHub page looks active though.
The Emmet download page points to this repo.
In Netbeans you have Code templates:
Code templates are prewritten snippets of code provided by NetBeans IDE. You can paste a snippet into your code by using code completion or the template's abbreviation followed by the Tab key.
Following the tutorial linked you can define your own code template to meet your requirements.

Custom CKeditor plugin on Joomla installation

I have written a plugin for CKeditor according to this tutorial: Plugin Tutorial but I can't get it shown on the ckeditor's toolbar of my Joomla 1.5 installation. I have copied it in the plugins folder, registered it in the config.js as an extra plugin, even tried the Advanced Configuration in the backend settings by setting this: CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'myplugin'; or this config.extraPlugins = 'myplugin' but nothing happens, no button whatsoever. Can someone list the "installation procedure" of the plugin on a joomla 1.5 system? Thanks.
You also have to have an entry in the jos_plugins table. Unless I'm building an installation package for it, I just copy a similar record and make the changes to match my plugin - be sure to get the value in the "folder" correct.

Netbeans 7.x syntax highlighting for .sass files?

Does anyone know of a plugin or method to add syntax highlighting to .sass files in Netbeans 7.x?
This plugin I've found adds syntax highlighting for .scss, but I need some solution for .sass files.
Native support for SASS and LESS has recently been added to the Netbeans codebase - until the next major version (probably 7.4?) is released, you can get it using the current "development version".
Found this plugin which does what I need:
One drawback is that it doesn't allow to customize the syntax colors, but I found a way to do that by editing the following plugin file (you have to unzip the .nbm and .jar files to do that, and then rearchive them using zip without any compression):
Hope this helps someone else as well