Custom CKeditor plugin on Joomla installation - plugins

I have written a plugin for CKeditor according to this tutorial: Plugin Tutorial but I can't get it shown on the ckeditor's toolbar of my Joomla 1.5 installation. I have copied it in the plugins folder, registered it in the config.js as an extra plugin, even tried the Advanced Configuration in the backend settings by setting this: CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'myplugin'; or this config.extraPlugins = 'myplugin' but nothing happens, no button whatsoever. Can someone list the "installation procedure" of the plugin on a joomla 1.5 system? Thanks.

You also have to have an entry in the jos_plugins table. Unless I'm building an installation package for it, I just copy a similar record and make the changes to match my plugin - be sure to get the value in the "folder" correct.


The app.server.deploy.dir(C:\liferay\liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0/../bundles/tomcat-8.0.32/webapps) is not valid

I downloaded this, and put it on a folder of my choose. Then, when I try to create a new Eclipse Plugin project, everything goes fine until the "Liferay plugins SDK Setting Page" appears. Then, I'm not able to do anything.
I point to the folder of my plugins sdk page, which is:
And I get the following error:
is not valid.
After this, I can't do anything. Any help with this?
Check this screenshot: I realized that I was pointing to a 7.0 version SDK, while I have the 6.2, but it fails this way too. Check the screenshot:
You have downloaded a Liferay plugins SDK. In order to have a plugin working, you need to deploy the plugin in a Liferay Server (tipically a Liferay bundle with a tomcat).
The deploy dir is the directory where Liferay will search for new plugins and deploy them.
If have not missed anything from your question, you need a server.
Indeed, I missed something. You have a server (6.2).
First, you need a proper Plugins SDK for Liferay 6.2.
Second, in the inside that SDK is defined the default properties for building the projects. You can override them with a build.[your-user].properties and set the correct deploy dir there.
In order for this work correctly in your liferay-plugins-sdk-7.0 folder, you must create a build.${}.properties and in this file you must set "app.server.parent.dir" and point it to the directory that contains the extracted liferay portal 7.0 ga1 files.
Or where ever you have installed unzipped the portal zip. Then try again in the wizard in Liferay IDE.
Note: its better to use forward slashes in your config, '/' instead of backslashes. If you do use backslashes you must use two of them '\\'
gamerson has answered it correctly but I want add some more stuff to this answer.
You need to add a properties file--> build.{username}.properties in your plugin sdk folder.
And also need to add various properties.
app.server.portal.dir = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1\tomcat-8.0.32\webapps\ROOT = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1\tomcat-8.0.32\lib\ext
app.server.parent.dir = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1
app.server.tomcat.dir = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1\tomcat-8.0.32
app.server.tomcat.deploy.dir = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1\tomcat-8.0.32\webapps
app.server.type = tomcat
app.server.dir = E:\test\liferay-portal-7.0-ce-ga1\tomcat-8.0.32
copy your tomcat directory and place where bold text is.
In addition to gamerson, just create a properties file build.{UserName}.properties file under plugins sdk directory and add only one property
please note {UserName} is windows/linux username and while specifying property value, use \\ in windows env or / in linux env pointing to liferay home.
please close all dialogs in eclipse and recreate the plugin project again

How can I recover from a mistake in installing a plugin?

I mistakenly put the plugin I wanted to install into the mod folder, instead of putting it in mod/local.
I clicked on install and got an error, and then I realized my mistake. Now, when I put the plugin into mod/local, I don't get shown any plugins in the list of plugins requiring my attention on the "Plugins check" page, and deleting it also has no effect.
How can I recover my Moodle installation?
No Moodle plugins should ever be installed to [moodle folder]/mod/local.
Activity plugins should be installed to [moodle folder]/mod/[pluginfolder].
Local plugins should be installed to [moodle folder]/local/[pluginfolder].
Have you tried placing the plugin within the /local directory? /mod/local would be the location for a module plugin called "local".

installing newest ckeditor + wiris plugin

I've installing the newest ckeditor. but I've difficulties in configure wiris plugin on them.
I've try the steps listed on wiris website. but I've difficulties in editing configuration.ini.
Please help me editing configuration.ini and give example configuration.ini that works.
I'll so appreciated if anyone can give the download link containing ckeditor folder + wiris plugin already installed.
WIRIS plugin works without any configuration.ini file (from 3.50.x version onwards) using its default values. You only have to include a configuration.ini file if you need like to customize the configuration. There is a configuration.ini.dist in your ckeditor_wiris directory you can use as an example. You need to remove the leading # to uncomment variables. You can find more details at
You can also download this working demo:

Cannot get Symfony2 Eclipse plugin working

I normally use PHPStorm for development, however I have noticed plugin for eclipse that looks like it would make symfony2 development much more easy. So I wanted to give it a try.
However I for the life of me cannot get it working.
I have never used eclipse before, but here is the entire process I have gone through
Download eclipse (latest version of eclipse classic juno)
Install the symfony2 plugin (
install eclipse web development plugin
Switch to PHP Perspective
Create symfony project at existing location
Enable javascript support
Enable twig support
Enable doctrine support
PHP Build path is correctly set as according to the FAQ on the site
I let the DLTK finish indexing my project.
I open one of my twig views, and no code assist at all. {{path(' brings up nothing {% block brings up nothing {% extends brings up nothing, etc. I do have twig syntax highlighting so I know part of it is there.
Now, I go to one of my controllers
and type in
$product = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository("
This does bring up code assitance and lists all the available bundles. So I select my bundles, but none of my entities appear, all it says is "No default proposals"
I do get code assist for $this->get("
If I rightclick on my project, go to properties, go to builders Doctrine, Symfony, Validation, Script Builder are all present and checked.. Do not see an entry for twig though.
Here is a pastebin of my eclipse log
I have tried cleaning the projects, repeatedly starting my entire process over and over again, even on different machines and always this exact same results
I know a lot of people are using it, so I must just be doing something wrong.. If anyone here has any suggestions that would be great.
The way I do:
download eclipse (juno)
install pdt for eclipse ( // as you can see: 'PHP Development Tools (PDT) Runtime Feature' under 'PHP Development Tools'
create php project
contextual menu on the project > configure > add php support
install the symfony2 plugin (
contextual menu on the project > configure > convert to symfony project
hope this helps.

Eclipse Plugin - XML Editor

I've followed this tutorial:
Eclipse Plugin
This tutorial explain why create a HTML Editor.
I need a Text editor,just for auto-highlight some words, anyway I thought this tuto should be a good one to start with.
The thing is that I created the Plugin project and the only thing that I changed it was the extension "pat" instead "html, htm", just that. After that I created a .pat file, but eclipse doesn't open it with my plugin, and my text editor is not in the editor's list.
Any suggestion??
Let me know if you need more information.
My guess is that you have just created the plugin, but aren't running it in your current Eclipse instance. That can be verified by opening the view "Plugin registry". That will show a list of all plugins, see if the plugin you have created is in that list.
If you click on the run button in Eclipse you will open a run configuration dialog. In one of the tabs, you get to choose what plugins should be available. Make sure your plug-in is selected. This will start up a new Eclipse instance that will run your plugin.
To make your plugin be a part of your ordinary Eclipse installation, you will need to export it to a jar and copy that jar to the dropins catalog.