Add custom color to ckeditor of hippo cms - plugins

How do I add a custom colour to ckeditor in hippo cms?
I've gone through tutorials and documentation of both, Hippo CMS and CKEditor but saw that config.js file is missing in the present project.
After going through the documentation all I was able to find was:
-> ckeditor-optimized.jar file in which I'm unable to add plugins
-> plugin folder which does not contain colorbutton, even though it shows in the ckbuilder that it is present.

"color button" is packaged with the Bloomreach CKeditor instance. It is disabled by default. According to [1] you can enable it by adding
extraPlugins: 'colorbutton'
to the ckeditor configuration [2]


How To add custom styling to dnn Default HomePage?

How can we remove default HomePage Theme with Custom Theme in DNN 8? I haven't got any blog providing me clear idea about it.
You can change the styling of a page by changing the "Skin" or "Theme" in the Page Settings on the page.
To create a skin I highly recommend you follow my tutorials:
In order to use the DNN Theme Project template (new with the 4.0 release of Christoc’s development templates, January 2015), you will need to follow the steps laid out in this tutorial exactly. If you choose to not follow each of the steps, you may run into trouble and will have to figure out things on your own. As always, support for our tutorials is provided in the form of paid DNN Support and Consulting. You can also visit and possibly get some free support there, but no guarantees are made that support will be provided there.
The latest release of the Project templates requires Visual Studio 2013+, it will not work on VS2010 or VS2012.
As with the Module Development templates, the Theme development template requires you to have your DNN Development environment configured in a specific way. You should have your development environment running at the URL good news for you, it is very easy to do, all you need to do is follow this tutorial.
Once you have your environment setup, you need to install the Project templates. This is another easy step, simply follow this tutorial.
Now that you have the Templates installed, you can get to doing the real work, working with the Theme project template itself.
How to use the DNN Theme Project Template
Run Visual Studio 2013 as an Administrator (right click on the shortcut to do so)
File –> New Project
Choose the Visual C# option from the Languages section of the new project dialog
Select the DotNetNuke Folder
Choose the DotNetNuke C# Compiled Theme template for your project template
For the new project creation screen using the following settings
Name: ThemeName (something unique here, example MyFirstTheme)
Location: c:\websites\\portals_default\skins\ (this assumes you setup your development environment as instructed) DO NOT PUT THE SKIN IN /PORTALS/#/SKINS/
Solution: Create new solution
Create directory for solution : Unchecked (this will cause path problems if checked, the templates assume the SLN is in the same folder as the project file)
Add to source control: Unchecked
Click OK
Once your Theme has been created, you will want to perform the following steps.
After project creation steps
Delete the Documentation folder (it isn’t needed)
Switch from DEBUG to RELEASE mode
Build the project. This will create an INSTALL and SOURCE zip file in the /install folder within the project’s folder on the file system (/portals/_default/skins/themename/install/)
Login to your site with a HOST/Super User account
Navigate to the Host/Extensions page
Upload the newly created INSTALL zip file (created in step 3) using the Install Extension Wizard on the Host/Extensions page.
Navigate to a Page and apply the skin to your page.
A few items of Note:
The Theme template and package MUST be in the /portals/_default/skins/ folder, not in one of the individual portal’s (/portals/0/skins/) folders.
The Containers are inside of the Containers folder, inside of the project. This is not where DNN expects them to be, they need to be in /portals/_default/containers/ThemeName/. The Project templates will put them into that location in your development environment when you BUILD the project in RELEASE mode. During Installation in another environment, when installing the INSTALL package for the theme will do the same thing.

installing newest ckeditor + wiris plugin

I've installing the newest ckeditor. but I've difficulties in configure wiris plugin on them.
I've try the steps listed on wiris website. but I've difficulties in editing configuration.ini.
Please help me editing configuration.ini and give example configuration.ini that works.
I'll so appreciated if anyone can give the download link containing ckeditor folder + wiris plugin already installed.
WIRIS plugin works without any configuration.ini file (from 3.50.x version onwards) using its default values. You only have to include a configuration.ini file if you need like to customize the configuration. There is a configuration.ini.dist in your ckeditor_wiris directory you can use as an example. You need to remove the leading # to uncomment variables. You can find more details at
You can also download this working demo:

Custom CKeditor plugin on Joomla installation

I have written a plugin for CKeditor according to this tutorial: Plugin Tutorial but I can't get it shown on the ckeditor's toolbar of my Joomla 1.5 installation. I have copied it in the plugins folder, registered it in the config.js as an extra plugin, even tried the Advanced Configuration in the backend settings by setting this: CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'myplugin'; or this config.extraPlugins = 'myplugin' but nothing happens, no button whatsoever. Can someone list the "installation procedure" of the plugin on a joomla 1.5 system? Thanks.
You also have to have an entry in the jos_plugins table. Unless I'm building an installation package for it, I just copy a similar record and make the changes to match my plugin - be sure to get the value in the "folder" correct.

Load MCFileManager TinyMCE plugin from external location

i saw in the changelog of MCFileManager the following feature:
Version 3.0.6 (2008-02-21)
Added support for loading the TinyMCE plugin from an external location.
But how can i do this?
When i load the editor_plugin.js file and i enable the plugin in the tinyMCE settings, then i get only errors because the paths are not correct.
In the tinyMCE documentation i've found this:
TinyMCE also supports the ability to have plugins added from a external resource. These >plugins need to be self registering and loaded after the tinyMCE.init call. You should >also prefix these plugins with a "-" character, so that TinyMCE doesn't try to load it >from the TinyMCE plugins directory.
but when i add the plugin using "-insertimage" nothing is loaded.
Thanks for your help,

How to configure Ext GWT with GWT Designer?

I have problem with configuration GXT with GWT Designer. I have all new releases of Eclipse, GWT plugin and GXT and cannot configure GXT to work with GWT Designer. I setup my project so that I can compile my GXT project and run it in browser.
However I can't design in GWT Designer. I don't see any GXT widget in GWT Designer.
All forums reffer to Google Web Toolkit -> Configure for using Ext-GWT (GXT) but I don't have this option.
I have done all steps defined in setup.txt of GXT.
The only thing that is not working is GWT designer do not see GXT widgets.
It simply appears that GXT 3 is not supported in the latest version of Windowbuilder. Period. All the instructions given in this thread work well for GXT 2, but GXT 3 has radical differences (different styling mechanisms, for one thing!) that Windowbuilder cannot seem to handle.
This is a bug that needs to be fixed in Windowbuilder.
I see this is an old article, but might still help people with the same problem.
If you right click on your gwt.xml file, the options are visible, if you click on your project, the options are not visible. That's the problem I was having.
I had this problem. I solved by installing:
(If you are using Eclipse Indigo)
Just check for the version you have. That should do the trick.
"select your GWT module file and right-click to select the Google Web Toolkit > Configure for using Ext GWT (GXT)"
Read setup.txt in ext-gwt zip:
STEP 1 -> Create a Google Web Application Project project within Eclipse.
Copy the contents of the /resources folder in the download to a {foldername} location within your war folder.
Substitute {foldername} with the name of the folder you've created for resources within your war folder.
STEP 3 -> Add the following stylesheet to your host page.
STEP 3b -> If you are using Charts, add the following script to your host page.
STEP 4 -> Add the following entry to you projects module xml file.
STEP 5 -> Eclipse Setup (should be similar for other development environments)
These instructions assume you have a existing project and launch configuration.
Add gxt.jar to the project.
a. Right click on project name in 'Package Explorer'.
b. Select 'Properties' from content menu.
c. Select 'Java Build Path'.
d. Select 'Libraries' tab.
e. Add the gxt.jar either with 'Add JARs...' or 'Add External JARs...'.
Add GXT jar to launch configuration.
a. Choose Run / Open Run Dialog.
b. Select your appropriate launch configuration under 'Java Application'.
c. Select the 'Classpath' tab.
d. Add the gxt.jar to the classpath.
that happened to me too. I had to install WindowBuilder Pro from the update site (you can found it here) and after that the "Google Web Toolkit > Configure for using Ext GWT (GXT)" option appeared.
Support for 3rd party components like GXT and SmartGWT is only available in the full version of GWT Designer available here...
Install the full version and then follow the instructions here...
I just had the same problem. The only way I got it working is this:
I installed the full version of GWT designer as recommended by Eric Clayberg's answer (
However, the instructions at didn't work, because there simply isn't any "Google Web Toolkit > Configure for using Ext GWT (GXT)" for me either.
So instead, I created a new Project, using: New Project > WindowBuilder/GWT Designer/Model/GWT Java Project:
I went through the Wizard, clicked Finish, and then it asked me about a GXT installation. The important thing is: You must select this now, I don't see any way to add this later. So navigate to a GXT installation folder. In that folder, I had to rename my "gxt-*.jar" to "gxt.jar" first, otherwise it couldn't be found (!).
Now, when opening a Java file using "Open With > GWT Designer", and selecting the Design view tab at the bottom of the editor - voila, the GXT menus appear.