Use iPhone camera as webcam on PC [closed] - iphone

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Closed 9 years ago.
I would like to use the iphone camera as webcam on PC programatically.
Is this possible ?
If it is possible can anyone suggest me any example or giv me few ideas on how to go foward on this.

This is how I can imagine the story (sorry, it's not trivial to implement, but at least it's certainly possible):
Use the AVFoundation and CoreVideo frameworks to capture live video data from the device;
Open a TCP/IP connection (you can use raw BSD sockets, CFNetwork, etc.) and stream the video data through that connection;
Write a client application that runs on the PC, receives the data and reconstructs it on the screen (for example). There are various libraries perfectly usable for media playback... You can also make a kernel module if you're using Linux or a driver if you're using Windows and make your client application pretend to be a webcam.


Screen Sharing between iPhones [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to share the screen between two iPhone using local network but unfortunately i have not seen any tutorial or help from any where can anyone guide how can I implement this?
The scenario is as follows:
I have installed my Application on two iPhones: iPhoneA and iPhoneB. iPhoneA is act like Server and send the request to iPhoneB to share it's screen as iPhoneB accept the request the screen of iPhoneB will start monitoring on iPhoneA. iPhoneA can only view the screen, and cannot do anything else.
Few ideas as starting point,
You could look into AirPlay ability. You can easily share your iPhone screen with a Mac connected screen using AirPlay, maybe that could be used to do it between two iPhones?
There was an app for streaming music similar to AirPlay (whose name I can't remember) Maybe that could help
ZeroC Ice framework can be used for streaming. I've managed to get it to work for Android but have no experience with their iOS product Ice Touch

Communicating with a hardware offering a Python interface using iOS [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have to access a hardware component that exposes the following Python interface:
$ python
>>> from ***.***.***.*** import *
>>> client = Client('http://*****')
>>> client.getFirmwareVersion()
How I can do it?
Do I have to create new class in obj-c or I can use the python library and access the data using objective-c?
You seem to be missing an important point; the hardware you are connecting actually stays entirely remote from the iOS perspective - even if it was connected via TCP/IP via a local wifi hotspot.
Have a look at NSURLConnection, that is an iOS system component that allows you to remotely connect and transmit data via TCP/IP in both directions.
Your first task will be finding a proper interface for your Python driven hardware. I would strongly suggest you to use some kind of an HTTP-interface.

How do I get started on developing Pandora like app on iOS? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am a newbie iOS Developer. Could anybody point me in the right direction how can I develop pandora like app?
However, unlike Pandora, user should be able to view/play from the catalog or use recommendation engine. At this moment, I am not worried about recommendation engine. Basically, I want the app to be able to present sound file collection and play selected mp3 or entire album (play, pause, shuffle, repeat, etc). I want the melody catalog to be easily maintainable. I guess I will not store files locally. They have to be streamed from the server (HTTP Live Streaming?)??? The list will keep getting bigger and I will be the only person adding tracks.
What frameworks/libraries/documentation should I read up on?
Anyways, I learn better by doing it, so even though this is not an easy task, decided to take on it.
Good choice... learning by doing.
What I found useful in getting started with iOS was the online stanford class and the apple documentation concerning Audio:
Stanford Youtube Course
Apple Documentation

application slow on iphone with phonegap [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
We testing our app on simulater is fast but slow on iphone.
We are initializing canvas for drawing and try to draw multiple line on the canvas is very slow.
The simulator runs using the full power of the machine it is running on, it is not an emulator. That's why you can't trust it all the way through a project - every app must be test run on an actual device.
Although this isn't what you have asked for: Don't use phonegap. Please. It employs web technology to make development easier, but web technology is just not as performant as a native application would be. If you need to do extensive graphics operations, consider developing a native app.
Aside from not actually asking a question, you need to consider that the iphone has a much slower processor than what ever you're running the simulator on.

how to use accelerometer to change voice (auto tune) [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
I am interested in creating an auto tune app and did a bit of research and apparently thats now possible by using accelerometer that apple provides but I have no idea how to do that. can someone help out by giving me a link to a tutorial or give me an example code to change the voice inserted into the function.
Thanks in advance.
The accelerometer reports back physical acceleration of the device. This has absolutely nothing to do with digital signal processing of a recorded waveform, and as others said, there will be no easy way to do this. You can browse the audacity source (plugins specifically) to see algorithms having to do with time-stretching and will see that this is very complex. Not only is the science of the signal processing complicated, the art of getting it to sound good (at all) is incredible.