Screen Sharing between iPhones [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to share the screen between two iPhone using local network but unfortunately i have not seen any tutorial or help from any where can anyone guide how can I implement this?
The scenario is as follows:
I have installed my Application on two iPhones: iPhoneA and iPhoneB. iPhoneA is act like Server and send the request to iPhoneB to share it's screen as iPhoneB accept the request the screen of iPhoneB will start monitoring on iPhoneA. iPhoneA can only view the screen, and cannot do anything else.

Few ideas as starting point,
You could look into AirPlay ability. You can easily share your iPhone screen with a Mac connected screen using AirPlay, maybe that could be used to do it between two iPhones?
There was an app for streaming music similar to AirPlay (whose name I can't remember) Maybe that could help
ZeroC Ice framework can be used for streaming. I've managed to get it to work for Android but have no experience with their iOS product Ice Touch


iPhone or MacBook stock images for screenshot [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I'm sure there's an obvious answer to this and I'm just using the wrong search criteria. I don't know where else to ask this!
I have an app that runs as an iPhone app and a Mac desktop app. All over the web when someone wants to showcase an app they have images of the app screenshot in showing on the screen of an iPhone. This iPhone almost always has a light shadow going over the top right of the screen. For example This is just an edit of any number of stock iPhone images that can be found by Googling, for example However, it has this consistent shadow. This tells me that somewhere there's a PSD that has the iPhone casing, with a blank area in the middle to copy your screenshot into, and the light shadow that stays as the top layer.
But where can I find this? Is there some kind of generator on the Apple site? Has someone published an official set of assets somewhere? I am looking for both the iPhone 5 version and MacBook version.
This is off topic. Though login to your developer account and find marketing resources for the device psd's.
Here is the URL

How do I get started on developing Pandora like app on iOS? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am a newbie iOS Developer. Could anybody point me in the right direction how can I develop pandora like app?
However, unlike Pandora, user should be able to view/play from the catalog or use recommendation engine. At this moment, I am not worried about recommendation engine. Basically, I want the app to be able to present sound file collection and play selected mp3 or entire album (play, pause, shuffle, repeat, etc). I want the melody catalog to be easily maintainable. I guess I will not store files locally. They have to be streamed from the server (HTTP Live Streaming?)??? The list will keep getting bigger and I will be the only person adding tracks.
What frameworks/libraries/documentation should I read up on?
Anyways, I learn better by doing it, so even though this is not an easy task, decided to take on it.
Good choice... learning by doing.
What I found useful in getting started with iOS was the online stanford class and the apple documentation concerning Audio:
Stanford Youtube Course
Apple Documentation

iPhone app development by an old guy [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
I have conceptualized an iphone/ipad app over the past 12 months. I now have all screens designed from a 'what should be on them and how should the screens work'. Now I need to add the UI Widgets to an iphone screen to get pixels and coordinates of all buttons give to my developer. I have downloaded XCode and the Interface Builder. I don't have any programming know-how (except for the course I took in fortran for a Cognate language requirement to get my Ph.D in 1975)
Is this the tool I should be using or are their others.
Where can I get a good tutorial on Interface builder. the help in the program is not good.
Any thoughts are appreciated by this old guy.
Pay the $99 for a developer account if you haven't already, that will give you accede to the WWDC videos, they are a decent start.
The question doesn't really belong here, but if you are trying to design the user interface as a wireframe, try Balsamiq to sketch up your design.

What do we need to build a multiplayer iPhone app? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm doing some work right now for a small startup who wants to build a multiplayer game for the App Store. The basic idea is that users of the game can look to see if anyone else is online and enter a 2 player turn based game.
I have no experience with this kind of thing, so I'm not responsible for that part but we need to know the right kinds of questions to ask potential hires. Does apple provide a framework for what we're trying to achieve? What kind of experience would you expect somebody capable of setting this up and maintaining it to have? I know we'll need an SQL-server to manage accounts and stats and such, but beyond that I'm not too sure.
How would you get started tackling this?
I'd start by looking at Apple's Game Center, which was added in iOS 4:
(You will need an Apple ID to see that page).
Game Center provides much of the framework you're looking for. (Note: it's less than a year old, so you may find limited experience with your interviewees).
Apple provides Game Center for turn-based multi-player gaming.
you can read about it here:

IPhone creating a chat application [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
I want to create a chat sort of application on the iphone. I know how I would go about implementing a poll model, where the iphone would poll the server to see if any messages have arrived and if they have it can retrieve them and show them to the user. However im more intersted in a push model, where the server pushes new messages to the iphone and it displays it to the user. The part im having a hard time figuring out is how to go about opening some permanent connection on the phone that will listen for incoming messages...Any suggestions or comments would be appriciated..
The iPhone 3 SDK has push support built in. Basically, all messages that need to be pushed (from all apps) go to Apple's server, which maintains a persistent connection to the user's iphone. The upside is that you dont have to worry about it and your app can get updates even when its not running (so like, from the home screen). The downside is that your data has to go through Apple's server.