How do I get started on developing Pandora like app on iOS? [closed] - iphone

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Closed 11 years ago.
I am a newbie iOS Developer. Could anybody point me in the right direction how can I develop pandora like app?
However, unlike Pandora, user should be able to view/play from the catalog or use recommendation engine. At this moment, I am not worried about recommendation engine. Basically, I want the app to be able to present sound file collection and play selected mp3 or entire album (play, pause, shuffle, repeat, etc). I want the melody catalog to be easily maintainable. I guess I will not store files locally. They have to be streamed from the server (HTTP Live Streaming?)??? The list will keep getting bigger and I will be the only person adding tracks.
What frameworks/libraries/documentation should I read up on?
Anyways, I learn better by doing it, so even though this is not an easy task, decided to take on it.

Good choice... learning by doing.
What I found useful in getting started with iOS was the online stanford class and the apple documentation concerning Audio:
Stanford Youtube Course
Apple Documentation


Where to start for Augmented Reality in iPhone? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have done lots of applications for iOS using Xcode. And i want to explore the feasability of Augmented Reality in iPhone. I searched for it and found that we need SDKs for it i.e Qualcom or String. Can anybody suggest me whichone is best to start with? And any sample tutorial for start-up related to that.?
If you want to learn about Augmented Realty and many different APIs, IDEs, Engines and SDKs, this book may be the best resource for you
Pro iOS 5 Augmented Reality
It is for iOS 5, but I see no adoption that prevents it from working with iOS 6. It is great! It shows Qualcomm demoes, Open-CV, String and more!'
The author works with you throughout the book with examples and explanations which are beyond interesting and cool.
After reading this book I feel like a professional, just read the reviews, a great valuable book!
Answering your ultimate question, which is the best SDK/API? I think that it depends on what you want, they have different purposes, functionalities, learning curves etc. I suggest you read this book to explore all
You could use iPhone-AR-Toolkit. It's up on GitHub, and I've added in lots of helpful things like a radar, modern callouts etc...

apps like talking tom and using external library for manipulating recorded sound [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
hello i m new in iphone i just want to know how and which libraries can be used to change the pitch of the recorded audio in iphone.Now i m using dirac library to do this if there is any other way to implement this then please help me,...thanks in advance:)
As Sebastian said, use search. People will be unwilling to help if it seems like you have asked a question without doing much research yourself thus wanting the community to provide a complete solution.
That being said I actually had the same problem a while back, check out my question, it should provide you with enough general information in how to implement the particular solution I chose to take so that you can roll your own implementation.
Basically I recorded the audio with AVRecorder and changed the pitch, etc. with openAL. Best of luck.
I just remembered this link. They are some tutorials for what you wish to achieve, I just wish I found them before I started doing my own implementation as it would have saved me a good bit of time. Best of luck!
check out this library:
or this question: How to set pitch of an audio file or recorded audio file in iphone sdk?
also note: there is a search function here, AND on google :-) i just entered
objective-c change pitch of audio and those where the two topmost hits.

Iphone Game development Esimate [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I have been asked to give an estimate for an iphone game application.
I really have bad estimates for game application.
Can you share me links or stuff which will give me some idea of how long it will take me to develop the game.
I know this is very crude data, but some link that will give me database or share experiences about how much time other developers took for different games.
It really depends on your skills Amol.
Among other elements:
will you be doing the art assets, or are they given to you
are you designing the game, or just implementing it
do you "discover" Objective-C or are you an experienced iPhone or even Mac business application developer?
All these change your estimate drastically.
You also have to take into account the technique you will use:
pure OpenGL
which partly depends on the previous questions.
Then you need to know which frameworks you intend to use:
Core Graphics
Core Data
Game Center
and many other possibilities.
If the game is very simple, you probably won't need a database or a leaderboard. If you're implementing a huge tridimensional multiplayer online roleplaying game client, you might need a team to help you out.
You need to figure out the answers to all this before you can even put out a time estimate...

What do we need to build a multiplayer iPhone app? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm doing some work right now for a small startup who wants to build a multiplayer game for the App Store. The basic idea is that users of the game can look to see if anyone else is online and enter a 2 player turn based game.
I have no experience with this kind of thing, so I'm not responsible for that part but we need to know the right kinds of questions to ask potential hires. Does apple provide a framework for what we're trying to achieve? What kind of experience would you expect somebody capable of setting this up and maintaining it to have? I know we'll need an SQL-server to manage accounts and stats and such, but beyond that I'm not too sure.
How would you get started tackling this?
I'd start by looking at Apple's Game Center, which was added in iOS 4:
(You will need an Apple ID to see that page).
Game Center provides much of the framework you're looking for. (Note: it's less than a year old, so you may find limited experience with your interviewees).
Apple provides Game Center for turn-based multi-player gaming.
you can read about it here:

cinema App in Iphone [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
M very new to this field of iphone development.I need to make one app in which customer will be Purchasing ticket for movie by selecting the Location,Movie,Timing of show and seat.
Can anyone help me out in implementing Ticket Purchasing Part.
Although you haven't asked a specific question and you say nothing about your experience in other programming languages I can give you some hints:
Look at the WWDC videos on
Understand the Model-View-Controller paradigm
Make sure you really understood the Model-View-Controller paradigm
Start with designing your user interface first. Take your time for this. Make mockups on paper, each sheet of paper corresponds to a screen and play with it and show it to some colleagues and watch if they get what to do on each screen. You can also do this in Photoshop or Illustrator or omnigraffle, but in the early stage maybe paper is a simple option.
Build a mockup of your app on the phone itself. Using UIImageViews you can insert the digital screens made digitally to the phone and see how it looks like. Show this version to you customers. If they like the design and feature, you can go on coding.
Code everything
If you want to write a serious application it is good to invest a lot into design. The coding itself is much easier if you know how it will look like in the end, because then you can design the underlying model such that it will be great for your UI.