Communicating with a hardware offering a Python interface using iOS [closed] - iphone

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have to access a hardware component that exposes the following Python interface:
$ python
>>> from ***.***.***.*** import *
>>> client = Client('http://*****')
>>> client.getFirmwareVersion()
How I can do it?
Do I have to create new class in obj-c or I can use the python library and access the data using objective-c?

You seem to be missing an important point; the hardware you are connecting actually stays entirely remote from the iOS perspective - even if it was connected via TCP/IP via a local wifi hotspot.
Have a look at NSURLConnection, that is an iOS system component that allows you to remotely connect and transmit data via TCP/IP in both directions.
Your first task will be finding a proper interface for your Python driven hardware. I would strongly suggest you to use some kind of an HTTP-interface.


Use iPhone camera as webcam on PC [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
I would like to use the iphone camera as webcam on PC programatically.
Is this possible ?
If it is possible can anyone suggest me any example or giv me few ideas on how to go foward on this.
This is how I can imagine the story (sorry, it's not trivial to implement, but at least it's certainly possible):
Use the AVFoundation and CoreVideo frameworks to capture live video data from the device;
Open a TCP/IP connection (you can use raw BSD sockets, CFNetwork, etc.) and stream the video data through that connection;
Write a client application that runs on the PC, receives the data and reconstructs it on the screen (for example). There are various libraries perfectly usable for media playback... You can also make a kernel module if you're using Linux or a driver if you're using Windows and make your client application pretend to be a webcam.

track a guest user's actions on my iPhone [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
Is it possible in iPhone if we can track users actions? Like which applications he has opened, sent messages or calls etc.
Simple answer: no
Apps cannot access the usage information of different apps.
There is a (work arround) solution by implementing a Proxy-App, which provides a proxy server and registers this proxy server in the preferences. All network data would pass that proxy and your Proxy-App could send usage statistics to your server.
However, you can only track network traffic, not other usage statistics. Moreover, this App would never pass the App Review process...

writing a game server? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I want to write an mmo game server, but I can't seem to find any links that will tell me where to start off. Do I have to have my own server? Could I make a game server using GoDaddy as a host? Any information is a help.
I've made demo games with a server/client on LAN, and I am comfortable enough with network programming. My issue is making an online server. I just don't know where to start.
Yes, you are to buy server, where you server-side game will run. Goddady the cheapest solution is virtual dedicated server...
First of all, give a look at what is network-programming, try to create an echo server or a little chat and test all of this locally before buying anything.
That's my advice.

How to insert data into a database using C? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
How do i insert data from an iPhone app to the mysql database using C? I have a web app that inserts into database but now looking into iphone.
In short - you need to have a server (the one with the MySQL database) which defines a layer of 'services' that the iOS application can call. You could design this service layer in PHP, Python, NodeJS, etc.... It doesn't matter how you do it - but you need to have some service layer to handle the interactions.
Another (not recommended) approach would be to access MySQL directly using a driver written in Objective-C. Here is one such driver:

How to make connectivity between sqlite3 file and iphone application? [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 11 years ago.
i am working on a application which needs connectivity with database i had create database and import it successfully but i dont know how connect it with code can any help me?
Let me google it for you.
The sqlite framework is available on the iPhone, you first need to import it (it's called libsqlite3.0.dylib).
Bear in mind that it's all in C so you have to be comfortable with that.
There are already many tutorials on the Internet on how to use it in an iPhone application.
If you'd rather go the Objective-C way, there is an excellent wrapper around the sqlite C API for the iPhone called FMDatabase:
Also, you could have a look at Core Data which, again, will do most of the nasty tasks for you.