Deeplinking from posted FB feed links doesn't work anymore - facebook

i have an app made with unity, where users can post a link from the app to their facebook feed. When another user clicks on this link, the app opens if installed, or the app store opens if not installed. Well, that worked great with the SDK 6.0 so i'm pretty sure i have a correct setup.
I have updated the SDK to 6.2.1 now this feature doesn't work for newly created feed links!
Instead when clicking on a newly created feed link with the updated SDK, the website opens up.
But all other feed links created with the older SDK 6.0 still works fine?!
So i'm guessing something is wrong when posting a new FB.Feed with the new SDK.
Did i miss something with the new sdk?
Any help would be very appreciated!


Open Facebook app with a link on a Website "fb://" url

Hi I'm trying to open the facebook app with a link from my webpage onto a specific page/profile which works great, "fb://profile/" (which is the same for both android and IOS but previously android required "fb://page/" which no longer works)
However if the phone does not have facebook installed this method does not work and tapping the link does nothing. Would anybody know if there is a way around this?
I'm kind of asking is there way in javascript if you can detect if facebook is installed and deep down i know the answer is no chance! Thanks.

How to set up a facebook app for an existing fan page to track ad clicks/installs?

I’m trying to set up and link the facebook sdk in some existing mobile apps to an existing fan page. I’m an admin for the fan page, so I have access to for that page. I want to be able to track ad clicks —> app installs. I got a new app working with the sdk setting it up through But I want it to be linked to the first page, not a new app. How can I create an app and link it to that already existing fan page? I have followed the instructions from this answer (, and I was able to successfully see the page I want to connect on . However, events from the facebook sdk on Android still are reported in the analytics page for page_a_id. Why is this? Is there anything else I have to do? Or am I just misunderstanding how this all works entirely?
And just to keep me sane, this is the correct process, right? I only want to be able to feed the sdk into the analytics. I feel like many other people must have done this, but there seems to be a lot of confusion from various SO/FB help posts.

Where to download Facebook sdk for Visual Studio?

I'm trying to make a Windows Phone application with VisualStudio, This app has a button, when I click on that button, it post a sentence and image in facebook user. It's always the same so I will hardcode the sentence and the image.
To do that I think I need to download the Facebook sdk and add the Facebook.dll to my reference proyect, but I don't know where to download the sdk and how to add it.
Sorry about that...
Try this FB SDK on codeplex which has some Phone samples along with the FB SDK.
Try the Facebook C# SDK, you can get the Facebook C# SDK from github or nuget.
The Facebook Toolkit SDK hosted on Codeplex has been abandoned.

FBConnect API is not showing Share page recently in iOS

i have made use of "FBConnect API" in my app for fb sharing..
Before two-three weeks ago it was working fine. but now it does not display share page at all.
Does any one know what is the issue with it?
Any one know how to resolve this issue?
i have tried other sample apps for FBConnect api but i saw same problem in other app also.
You may get this issues of using old API's. But Below links may help you.
This is a link for new facebook ios sdk
Tutorial is here to integrate your facebook
I have written a code to work for facebook integration with dialog page. You can use my code from below link. but dont forget to include your app id in .plist file and also inside the code.

Adding Facebook Like and Comment Button in Windows Phone 7 Application

We are working on a new game to be deployed in Windows Phone 7. A Facebook page has been created for this purpose and we want to do the following Operations:
a. Create a Like button for the page in Facebook
b. Scores should be shared in that page.
We have downloaded the SDK provided by the but we are clueless when it comes using this page in that. Please let us know how to go about it
Biju Melayil
Facebook does not allow to 'like' anything through the API, regardless of the SDK you're using.
Maybe you could use the usual like button in an embedded WebBrowser control to guide the user through the liking process.