FBConnect API is not showing Share page recently in iOS - iphone

i have made use of "FBConnect API" in my app for fb sharing..
Before two-three weeks ago it was working fine. but now it does not display share page at all.
Does any one know what is the issue with it?
Any one know how to resolve this issue?
i have tried other sample apps for FBConnect api but i saw same problem in other app also.

You may get this issues of using old API's. But Below links may help you.
This is a link for new facebook ios sdk
Tutorial is here to integrate your facebook
I have written a code to work for facebook integration with dialog page. You can use my code from below link. but dont forget to include your app id in .plist file and also inside the code.


Importing Facebook Posts to an iPhone App

I'm new to Xcode and wondering if one can help me in how to import a facebook fan page posts to an iphone app? When importing the posts, the app's users should be able like/comment on any post.
Thanks in advance
In the first place, you should look at the Facebook's provided iOS SDK which works seamlessly.
Facebook iOS SDK
And you'll find what you want here through a graph api request.
Facebook iOS SDK Request
If you need it, I can provide you more guidance than that, but that shouldn't be necessary ;-)

How to create Login with Facebook or twitter in ios6 iphone App

I am very new in iOS development.In my app,homepage is for login to the app.Where i need to give facility to login with Facebook and twitter. I am using iOS 6.1 and there i have social framework.
Please tell me an easy way to achieve this,i have tried to read facebook developer tutorial, but i am not able to catch from there.
If you have any sample project or any good tutorial link,please share with me.
Thanks in advance.
The Facebook sdk github repo is here .
You can find many example projects in it.
Also Facebook authentication guide explains the login part very clearly.

share on facebook photo api new IOS

I found this tutorial to share photos on the facebook wall is perfect however if I change the ID of the facebook api, putting my ID instead of using the MyGrades it does not work, because the Facebook SDK has been updated and is no longer compatible.
I get the following message: "Sorry, the application you are using is Facebook integration is misconfigured ......"
've researched about the solution would be to update the facebook api.
anyone have a suggestion that works exactly like this example but with the current api?
With ios6, apple as introduced a number of their own sharing tools in the Social framework. I'd suggest that you look into SLComposeViewController. There is a good explanation of it in this question

Facebook, Twitter and Email not working using ShareKit

I am a new iOS developer and I have created an app where I want to share links to Facebook, Twitter and email. I am using Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5. I have visited lot of sites and used lots of sample code, but I am not able to manage this. Using the ShareKit library I am able to share images but not able to share links.
Can any one share me a link or example source code by which I am able to do this? Thanks in advance!
Look at ShareKit 2.0 demo app. For download please follow install wiki guide. Original ShareKit is not maintained anymore.

Facebook Connect Open native facebook App,

I have an iPhone app using facebook connection using FBConnect from github code.
It worked fine in the simulator, however when I installed it in the device with existing facebook app from facebook it didn't work. It opens the existing facebook app instead of returning to my own app.
Checkout this link.
Better you can go with the approach given in the link as it works fine. I have myself tried this code and it has worked for me.
Also the sample project (with Facebook API implemented in it) is given in the below link which will be helpful for you to while implementing the facebook API as per the method given in the below link.
Also you can test the sample project on your device before going for this approach
Hope this helps you.
Have you registered a URL handler to respond to return requests from the Facebook app? on iOS 4 the Facebook SDK uses fast app switching which is designed to let the app handle most of the heavy lifting and let the users just hit "Accept" instead of having to re-enter login/passwords