Open Facebook app with a link on a Website "fb://" url - facebook

Hi I'm trying to open the facebook app with a link from my webpage onto a specific page/profile which works great, "fb://profile/" (which is the same for both android and IOS but previously android required "fb://page/" which no longer works)
However if the phone does not have facebook installed this method does not work and tapping the link does nothing. Would anybody know if there is a way around this?
I'm kind of asking is there way in javascript if you can detect if facebook is installed and deep down i know the answer is no chance! Thanks.


windows phone 8: open facebook page in app from code

I need to launch the WP8 facebook app on a certain page, from my code behind, and if the app is not installed open the browser on that page:
right now i'm doing this:
var success = await Windows.System.Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("fb://page/313689422066566"));
and I use success to try open the browser.
the app launches but it show my wall instead of the page, and if the app is not installet the phone ask me to search on the store in search of an app...
anyone can tell how to do this or where i can find some info?
Hey actually there's an undocumented (I found this by trial and error starting from this question) way to do this.
Launcher.LaunchUriAsync(new Uri("fb:pages?id=YOUR_PAGE_ID"));
What you're asking to do is not possible.
First, I don't believe it's possible to open the Facebook app to a specific page. I know you can use the fb: URI scheme to open the app and can even use fb:post?text=foo to start a new post, but I don't believe you can open a page.
Even if you could, the way URI schemes work in Windows Phone is that if the URI scheme is registered, it opens the app. If it's not registered, it asks you to install the app from the store. There's no way to send them to a web site instead that I know of.

facebook and twitter connectivity with sencha touch 2 native app android

I am creating a native app for android using sencha touch 2.2.1
I want to integrate the feature of social media sharing (Facebook and Twitter).
The idea is ,there will be list of images and few buttons under each image. When the user clicks on the share button, Facebook and Twitter icons will popup and if user click on facebook, than that particular image will get posted on users wall(if he/she is already logged in, otherwise will open facebook login window). Same will happen for Twitter.
I am able to implement this thing with sencha webapp. Becuase on the webapp, facebook is getting its fallback url and it posted the image successfully. But when I created an apk of my application then the sharing code is not working.
It is showing error - "URL not allowed.......". I think it is an issue of fallback url.
I used facebook sdk also but it did not work for me. I also tried with combination of sencha Touch and Phonegap but still the same error as mentioned above.
Please share if anybody implemented similar to this type of project.

How can I make Facebook App page visible on mobile?

On my client's Fanpage, a third party app is running for a contest. How can I make this FB contest page available on mobile? I read the answer here:
Facebook SDK : Page Tab App returns not found in mobile Facebook App
I do not understand it clearly.
Is the query parameter ?ref-ts which we have to add at the end of URL?
What does it mean by "It helps in the browser but not the app itself."?
Will it help to see the App on mobile and click on it to go to the contest page on FB?
Also, I found this answer:
Works as advertised! Thank you. I was getting 404, but simply adding
ref=ts in my redirect URLs (I force users to use my app as a page tab)
fixed it! – Guillaume Boudreau
under the first link above but what is forcing users to use app as a page tab?
How can I set App as a page tab?
little bit confused.
I searched the web vigorously but did not get any clear explanation.
My observations about this issue:
Seems like it's an ANDROID issue, Work OK on iPhone's
Work with the link redirection services like (where the link included the ref=ts)
I sent an email to Facebook for ANDROID developers.
my iPhone's user colleagues can open links to page tab app with ref=ts
parameters but on Android we can't ;-(
The only way we've been able to do it is when the link to the app is
under a redirection link
The problem is only when the links are open through the Facebook App.
Let us know
You can access to your app using the next link
In this way, you can access from a desktop or a mobile with no problem.

Open IOS Application which uses sharekit via fbconnect and/or sharekit from facebook app or facebook website

Does anyone of you know if it is possible to open a App which uses sharekit from a Facebook request by clicking on the request either in the facebook app, or in the browser?
I could not find anything about this in the web.
To be more precise i want my app which uses sharekit to send a request to a facebook-friend. This facebook friend should then be able to open the same app by clicking on the request either in the facebook app on his mobile device or by clicking on the request on the facebook browser page which is opened on his mobile device.
I already know how to share things in facebook via sharekit, but to get it "the other way round" seems to be difficult. I could not find anything helpful in the web so far.
Greets and many thanks in advance,
Yes. Your will will need to register itself as a protocol handler, and the link clicked on from Facebook app would need to use the url scheme you define.
Keep in mind if the recipient does not have the app installed, or they do this on their desktop machine, they will get a message that the phone is unable to open that URL.
See this tutorial:

Cannot open redirect link in facebook iphone app

I have a problem with the facebook iphone app. I post a link in the wall in my facebook account and I used my iphone 4 to check it. The link I posted redirects to another page. I started the app and saw my wall and when I clicked the link, it crashes and put me out of facebook and not Safari is opened.
This thing did not happen before and now it happens only with links that has redirection.
Does anyone have an idea of what could be the problem?
maybe the application has crashed.
if you dont try reinstall firstly remove and reinstall application in iTunes.
when you've reinstall please sign in another account and try redirect link.
check safari's permission setting.
use safari and log in facebook mobile. below the page the was a link like download for iphone. download this and try login with app.
I hope you solved the problem