Adding Facebook Like and Comment Button in Windows Phone 7 Application - facebook

We are working on a new game to be deployed in Windows Phone 7. A Facebook page has been created for this purpose and we want to do the following Operations:
a. Create a Like button for the page in Facebook
b. Scores should be shared in that page.
We have downloaded the SDK provided by the but we are clueless when it comes using this page in that. Please let us know how to go about it
Biju Melayil

Facebook does not allow to 'like' anything through the API, regardless of the SDK you're using.
Maybe you could use the usual like button in an embedded WebBrowser control to guide the user through the liking process.


How to set up a facebook app for an existing fan page to track ad clicks/installs?

I’m trying to set up and link the facebook sdk in some existing mobile apps to an existing fan page. I’m an admin for the fan page, so I have access to for that page. I want to be able to track ad clicks —> app installs. I got a new app working with the sdk setting it up through But I want it to be linked to the first page, not a new app. How can I create an app and link it to that already existing fan page? I have followed the instructions from this answer (, and I was able to successfully see the page I want to connect on . However, events from the facebook sdk on Android still are reported in the analytics page for page_a_id. Why is this? Is there anything else I have to do? Or am I just misunderstanding how this all works entirely?
And just to keep me sane, this is the correct process, right? I only want to be able to feed the sdk into the analytics. I feel like many other people must have done this, but there seems to be a lot of confusion from various SO/FB help posts.

Windows 10 UAP: Share data on Facebook

Is it possible to correctly share data on Facebook post using DataRequest and DataTransferManager classes?
I am trying to create a Facebook post using DataTransferManager.DataRequested and DataTransferManager.TargetApplicationChosen handlers.
I have Facebook web page and I am providing link to it by calling dataRequest.Data.SetWebLink(facebookWebpageUri) in my DataTransferManager.TargetApplicationChosen handlers when chosen app is "facebook".
The problem is that Facebook should scrap the webpage for the data it shows in the post as it does in my Android and iOS apps but in my Windows 10 UAP it does not do this. It only shows the title and the text set by dataRequest.Data.SetText if I provide it before invoking share using DataTransferManager.ShowShareUI()
There are two type of app for sharing Interaction: one is source app, the other one is target app.
As a share source(UWP) app, we handle the source data, for your scenario, the facebook is the share target.
What we can do is dealing with the data you want to share, which we have done already. As the target app, facebook need to be able to resolve this source data, this work can not be done by the source app.
What you can try to do is:
Contact with the facebook to submit a suggestion.
Use the web api of facebook.
Try to find and use some third-party libraries of WinRT.

IFrame application to buy tickets

So I am planning to develop an IFRAME facebook app which lets users buy tickets from Facebook using our website.
Basically I would like to know whether its possible to do what I have in mind.
Each event posted in our website has a specific link associated with it and we already provide a facility whereby event organizers can integrate our app into their website using an IFRAME.
Now I would like to know whether it is possible to have the same concept applied on a Facebook App. Each event will have its own EventId and I do not wish to have all events listed on our App. Each promoter that has his own Facebook page will be able to integrated the APP and will only see his events. Is this possible since you need to bind your Facebook to a specific URL?
Yes! This is possible. What you'll need to do is have a tab application that the promoter installs on their page. Each promoter installs the exact same application so you only need to have one.
When the app is loaded within the page, it will receive a signed_request parameter. You'll need to decode it first, but once you do, you'll be able to see where the app is running because the signed_request will contain the page_id. Once you know what page is displaying your application, you'll be able to display appropriate content.

Facebook Application - Like Button

I'd like to develop a Flash/Flex based application that I'll integrate withing my Page on Facebook.
I've seen on many applications that in order for a user too see more stuff on the application, user first of all has to click LIKE button on my page.
I've searched but couldn't find right thing I've been looking for, probably I don't know how to search for it correctly.
Maybe you could help me out to find right source for that.
I don't think Liking the app really matter.
What you might be looking for is authorization from the facebook users. For instance if your app need to post status update on the user's wall, you'll need to get authorisation from him/her first.
You should probably read this (rather generic) intro on facebook's developer website:
This might be a helpful read too:
Finally, haven't done it in AS3 but apparently Adobe has an as3 version of the facebook sdk available:
what you are reffering to is liking a page beofore being able to interact with an application that has been embedded into a page. A page tab app.
You need to parse the signed_request that facebook passes to your application and once you have parsed it you will be able to see if the user has liked your page or not.
Here is a link to some more information about singed_requests

How to add a link (Like, comment) at the facebook app wall post

I have a Facebook application where I am using it in Windows phone 7 application.
I am done with share on Facebook option through my mobile application. I want to add an extra link at the bottom of my application wall post (beside the like and comment links present)
How can I achieve this? Which setting need to be set in the application settings?
The docs for integrating share functionality are at
We don't recommend the Share button
for new developers. If you aren't
already using the Share button, we
recommend you migrate to the Like
button and Open Graph protocol instead
of Share for sharing pages from your
website. The Like button is simpler to
user and is the recommended solution
moving forward.
Because this is implemented in HTML & JS with Facebook's own scripts you'de need to look at usingt a WebBrowserr control to embed this funcitonality on your page.