Where to download Facebook sdk for Visual Studio? - facebook

I'm trying to make a Windows Phone application with VisualStudio, This app has a button, when I click on that button, it post a sentence and image in facebook user. It's always the same so I will hardcode the sentence and the image.
To do that I think I need to download the Facebook sdk and add the Facebook.dll to my reference proyect, but I don't know where to download the sdk and how to add it.

Sorry about that...
Try this FB SDK on codeplex which has some Phone samples along with the FB SDK.

Try the Facebook C# SDK, you can get the Facebook C# SDK from github or nuget.
The Facebook Toolkit SDK hosted on Codeplex has been abandoned.


Deeplinking from posted FB feed links doesn't work anymore

i have an app made with unity, where users can post a link from the app to their facebook feed. When another user clicks on this link, the app opens if installed, or the app store opens if not installed. Well, that worked great with the SDK 6.0 so i'm pretty sure i have a correct setup.
I have updated the SDK to 6.2.1 now this feature doesn't work for newly created feed links!
Instead when clicking on a newly created feed link with the updated SDK, the website opens up.
But all other feed links created with the older SDK 6.0 still works fine?!
So i'm guessing something is wrong when posting a new FB.Feed with the new SDK.
Did i miss something with the new sdk?
Any help would be very appreciated!

Facebook sdk previous version

I want to access complete facebook friend list. Since in recent version it is removed. So Is there any place where i can get previous versions of facebook sdk for android. As facebook sdk v1.0
even if u find it. you wont be able to use it.
go with new one, previous is depricated
Doesn't matter which Facebook SDK you are using. The change have been made on Facebooks servers. So if you created your app after 4/30/2014 there is no way to access API v1.0

Facebook and Twitter Integration with Unity for iOS and Android

I am new bee in Unity Development and developing an app in which I want to share a Image with Text on user's wall On Facebook and Twitter. I googled and got few links which says that buys plugins Prime31, I getting bit confuse on Followings.
How to Integrate Facebook and Twitter in Unity without buying any external plugins, like we can do easily in xcode.
If there are available free of cost Plugins, What are the links for tutorial and any helping Material, so that i can easily hookup with my app.
Can we do this task without plugins like in xcode we just need Facebook SDKs and same with twitter.
You should try UniShare, a sharekit for unity3d, both iOS, Android support, include twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc.
Let's Tweet in Unity
Haven't tested yet... but I'll post an update on my findings.
Facebook Unity SDK
It's the official SDK published by Facebook itself. Here's a tutorial.
Did you check ShareKit?
Documentations are here.
Have you tried SocialAuth
You can integrate Facebook , twitter , linkedin , myspace

Facebook integration into the iphone app

I want to integrate facebook into my iphone app and can i find who are all online in the facebook programmatically using the facebook SDK
Please let me know your comments.
The Facebook iOS SDK (https://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk) cannot use chat out of the box from what I can tell.
Here are instructions for getting the SDK working in your iPhone app: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/mobile/ios/build/
Perhaps you could write a PHP (or language of your choice) script to interface with the web APIs that do allow you to get the list of users who are online. There is some PHP source code at the bottom of the following URL to do what you are trying to achieve.

Uploading a photo to facebook in Windows phone 7

I am not finding any concrete api or reference about uploading a photo to facebook in windows phone 7.I have tried with the latest c# sdk from http://facebooksdk.codeplex.com.
But no luck.Appreciate if you could help me..
This question seems to come up time and time again. See here and here. I wish Facebook would make it easier :)
The last time I looked at working with the Facebook SDK it wasn't possible to post a local photo to the user's wall; you had to have the photo hosted online somewhere already. However you can post to the user's photos section.
There is a forum post on the App Hub that gives the code for doing this. I think the Facebook C# SDK supports WP7, but I'm not sure if it will simplify this process any further.