how to change vscode guides extension config - visual-studio-code

the current situation
this is what I want
I'd like the red line to go inside.
how to change the config?


Is there a way to highlight my tree path in VSCode?

Is there a way to highlight the tree path in the file I'm currently editing like Git does when I have uncommitted changes in a file? When I'm editing a file it only highlights the file, like this: Only file, I would like to highlight like this: Git example
Hi are you asking about this highlight ? I'm not sure either how to change the settings in VSCode but im currently using the Dark+ (default dark) theme in VSCode, i guess you can try change the theme in VSCode, hope it works ![]

Which extension is this used in vscode

Hey recently I just familiar with this extension but don't know it's name in vs code.
So in the picture given below check that there is a blue vertical line in the left of the selected code. Which extension is this
That is not theme specific -- It is a VSCode indicator of lines added to a file before it has been saved.

How to hide the highlighted lines when the ".sql" file are opened in VSCode

Below is what it looks like when opened the ".sql" file, I want to hide those highlighted lines
I'm the creator of VSCode-sqltools. In fact as #joao-caxias mentioned, that was intentional. But some users didn't like it at all, so I've added a setting to enable/disable that behavior called sqltools.highlightQuery so you should be able to remove that if you want now.
I have found out that it comes with the SQL Tools extension
You could either uninstall it or revert back to 0.21.9 version. Not sure where the root cause for highlighting is.
You can go to SQLTools and click on the setting button. Then search highlight and uncheck the button for this setting.

VSCode Settings.json is empty

I just install the latest version of the VS Code on my Win 10 x64, before that I install Python as well, but nothing else.
When I open the VS Code, it seems my Settings.json is empty (just my theme and zoom level are there).
I opened the Settings.json from settings with clicking on the icon that you can see in the bellow image (noted with a red circle in the top right side) or with searching the JSON keyword in the setting (result is the same)
But in this file I just have two lines of code which you can see in the below image:
But I think it has to bee a big file with lots of settings and so on, even I check this file in this path: %APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json and it was empty and just have this two lines of code.
I install the python extension, Dracula theme and so on in my VS Code.
Can you help in these questions:
Do you know what is the problem?
How I can restore the default value of the setting? (in case they are missed)
I want to change the color of the comments in the python language because in this theme it is not easy for me to read them in files, I found I can change it from the Settings.json but mine is empty,
settings.json only contains those settings which override the default behaviors.
In order to restore the default settings (from .json) you have to delete the line. (You can also do it from the GUI)
I think the setting "workbench.colorCustomizations" is what you are searching for; try to Google it.

How to remove the red color indictors at the beginning of all the code?

When I updated Visual Studio Code, I am getting this annoying red indicator/highlighting before every line of code. Before the update, didn't have this issue. Does anyone know what is this and how to get rid of it?
I tried resetting and changing the theme but it didn't work.
I think this extension is causing your problem:
Try to disable/uninstall the "Indent-Rainbow" extension if it is installed.
For the "Trailing Spaces" extension, you can disable the highlighting option by adding this line to the settings.json file.
"trailing-spaces.highlightCurrentLine": false
You can find more settings here:
I had the same problem and I thought it must be some extension causing this and so I took a deeper look at all my extensions.
In my case there was an extension called 'trailing spaces' which was causing this.
the red highlighting disappeared as soon as I uninstalled it.
Try doing the same and if it doesn't work try to take a look at all of your extensions. (An easier way to do that would be to go over the extensions tab on the left navigation bar in settings menu).
On the bottom bar, to the right, just beside the "Ln XX and Col XX" you can choose "Select Indentation" to indent using spaces or tabs. Change that configuration or choose "detect indentation from content" and will solve the red background.
I just had to change the tab size from 4 to 2 (as configured within my eslint setup)
I kept the Indent Rainbow extension, but added this to my settings.json to disable the red highlights:
"indentRainbow.ignoreErrorLanguages": [
For my case it was an extension called Bracket Pair Colorizer