Is there a way to highlight my tree path in VSCode? - visual-studio-code

Is there a way to highlight the tree path in the file I'm currently editing like Git does when I have uncommitted changes in a file? When I'm editing a file it only highlights the file, like this: Only file, I would like to highlight like this: Git example

Hi are you asking about this highlight ? I'm not sure either how to change the settings in VSCode but im currently using the Dark+ (default dark) theme in VSCode, i guess you can try change the theme in VSCode, hope it works ![]


Select files and color them in VS Code

I would like to achieve something similar to the coloring of modified files by VS Code. 
I want to pick files manually and color them. Is it possible in VS Code or some extension?
My goal was to access manually picked files quickly; I used the File Focus extension.

vscode text once a color theme has been applied, it won't change back

I downloaded and some color themes and now I can't change it back. Even when I revert back to the original color theme, all my code just looks highlighted when it is not.
It looks like this is only happening on *.sql files only...
python files look fine to me...
When I open up the Inspector..
But #1E1E1E is not the color... it looks like it's being highlighted??!?!
This was an option in SQLTools extension. Now I can sleep....

Change the color of input cell in jupyter in vscode

I am using VSCode with Jupyter (for .ipynb files) and I would like to change the color of my input cells.
Currently, it looks like this :
How can I change the color of my input cell without changing the theme I use ? Thanks.
Go to settings and mark Python > Data Science: Ignore Vscode Theme, then restart VScode, after which Notebooks will become white. Not beautiful, but at least you now can see the input cells without kissing the display:
Same as #tyrex answer, except that now it is under the "Jupyter" extension. Found it by searching for "vscode theme" in the settings.

How to combine VS Code workbench and token colours from two different themes

I've recently moved to VS Code from Sublime Text 3, and I'm wondering whether - as of the time of asking this question - there's a way to use the .tmTheme file I was using for syntax highlighting in Sublime Text.
I understand that this will involve creating a custom theme as VS Code doesn't inherently separate UI styling from syntax highlighting like Sublime and Atom do, but does VS Code at least provide any way to automate the process of combining the UI (which I think is known as the workbench in VS Code) of one theme while using the editor colours from a .tmTheme file?
Is the only way to do this at the time of writing really to set each of my syntax colours individually with editor.tokenColorCustomizations?
Combining a VS Code color theme's UI styles with syntax highlighting from an existing .tmTheme file
Unfortunately, as of the time of writing this, there's no easy way to accomplish this. After failing several times to accomplish it using VS Code's Yeoman theme generator tool alone, I finally managed to get it working by following the instructions here and then doing some additional manual work, although I found that this first method was for some reason prone to reverting back. I then figured out a second, more persistent method, and so far this hasn't reverted back.
Method 1 (prone to reverting back)
Open the VS Code terminal (Ctrl'), and run the following commands to install and run the Yeoman theme generator tool:
npm install -g yo generator-code
cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
yo code
Select New color theme, Start fresh, then follow the prompts to give your theme names and an ID (hit Enter to leave the description blank). Yeoman will then create a theme folder for your new theme on your desktop.
Assuming that the theme whose UI styling you want to use as a base is already installed as a VS Code extension, navigate to %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions, click into the base theme's folder, and locate its -color-theme.json file (usually inside of a themes folder). Copy this file to the themes folder of your newly-created theme, making sure to delete the existing -color-theme.json in that folder.
Open the newly-copied -color-theme.json file and look for the line beginning with "tokenColors":. Delete everything after it inside of and including the square brackets:
...and replace with the name of the .tmTheme file containing your syntax highlighting styles:
"tokenColors": "syntax-highlighting.tmTheme"
Finally, copy your syntax highlighting file to the themes folder, and then copy the entire theme folder to %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions.
Restart VS Code, and change the active theme (CtrlK,CtrlT) to your new theme.
Method 2 (persistent)
Open the VS Code terminal (Ctrl'), and run the following commands to install and run the Yeoman theme generator tool:
npm install -g yo generator-code
cd %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
yo code
Select New color theme, Import and inline an existing theme, and then enter the path to the .tmTheme file whose syntax highlighting styles you want to use. Note that this must be an absolute path without quotes:
Follow the prompts to give the theme names and an ID (press Enter to leave the description blank), and Yeoman will then create a theme folder for the new theme on your desktop.
Assuming that the theme whose UI styling you want to use as a base is already installed as a VS Code extension, navigate to %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions, click into the base theme's folder, and locate its file (usually inside of a themes folder).
Copy all the styles inside of this file's colors object:
...and paste them into the colors object of the -color-theme.json file in the theme folder created by Yeoman, making sure to remove any that exist.
Finally, copy the entire theme folder to %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions.
Restart VS Code, and change the active theme (CtrlK,CtrlT) to your new theme. If you followed this process correctly, you should now have a VS Code color theme that uses the UI styling of your chosen base theme and the syntax highlighting styles of your chosen .tmTheme file, and doesn't revert back without warning.

how to change vscode guides extension config

the current situation
this is what I want
I'd like the red line to go inside.
how to change the config?