Which extension is this used in vscode - visual-studio-code

Hey recently I just familiar with this extension but don't know it's name in vs code.
So in the picture given below check that there is a blue vertical line in the left of the selected code. Which extension is this

That is not theme specific -- It is a VSCode indicator of lines added to a file before it has been saved.


How to change Live Server / Five Server status bar foreground color in VS Code?

After i click "Go live" in VS Code lower right corner it starts extension and turns into with orange text color.
How do i change it to other color?
I tried changing/adding multiple items in settings.json but without success. I am able to change anything except this.
Also looked at https://code.visualstudio.com/api/references/theme-color but can't find solution.
Maybe this needs to be changed on extension level?
This is last step in my perfect light/dark theme customization i need.

Fix issue with VS Code: Border around all whitespaces in lines of code

All my whitespaces in VS code where code is written are being highlighted and I cant seem to understand where to change these settings.
In settings (open Command Palette CTRL+SHIFT+P and search for settings) menu search for Editor: Render Whitespace it is probably set to all instead of default selection. But i honestly have no idea why it is render with boxes and not dots or arrows, maybe it can be customized by using custom themes.
It was probably because of the theme the source was using from where I copied the source code. Replaced all these spaces with regular whitespace and now it's working fine.

What does the four horizontal lines symbol mean in vs code and does it mean my gitignore is not setup?

When you create a new file without an extension in VS Code you get four horizontal lines stacked on top of one another; the bottom and the third one up is shorter than the others.
What type of file is this?
And when I setup a react-app, the .gitignore has the four-line icon by it instead of the git logo. Does this mean my gitignore isn't working? and if so, what can I do about this?
If you mean this symbol:
The icons next to filenames indicate what sort of file VSCode thinks they are. JavaScript files show JS, JSX files show the React symbol, and so on.
The lines icon mentioned in your question looks to just be the default icon for any file extension VSCode doesn't recognize - it also occurs for text files (which is what the icon looks to represent) and files that end in the nonsense extension .foobar, for example.
It's only an icon - if you've set up your Git repository properly (or run something that sets one up for you), the icon that VSCode chooses will not affect your app.

VS Code - Line in the middle of the screen

I'm a big fan of VS Code and i'm just learning to code. But when using dart language, there is a line in the middle of my screen the-line!!!. I don't have this trouble in html, css or any other language. I updated my graphics cards. What do you think could be the problem?
This isn't an issue with your graphics card. This is a Dart setting when you install the plugin via VS Code. You should be able to modify/remove this 'line' within the settings. It appears there is a fix here. The line is simply a formatting suggestion to where you are recommended to 'break' your code or start a new line.
Steps on getting rid of the line:
Go to your vs code and press on dart in the bottom of your screen
Then click on "Configure 'dart' language based settings..." https://i.stack.imgur.com/gWMua.png
Find the line that says "editor.rulers": [80] and change the value to what ever you want or delete the "editor.rulers" line to get rid of that huge line on your vs code screen

How to get vertical highlighting in VSC

In Visual Studio Code, I'm trying to get the whole column highlighted where my cursor is. The same way a line is highlighted, I'd like to get the column highlighted as well.
It exists in Atom, as shown below, as an independant package.
I didn't find the same setting or package to do it in VSC. Anyone knows how to achieve that?
I don't think it is possible to get the exact same effect as with Atom, where you highlight a column, but for the same functionality (vertical line where your cursor is), you can install the extension cursoruler.
I can suggest you the following extension: Editor Crosshair
It adds horizontal and vertical rulers around the cursor (screenshot below)