VSCode Settings.json is empty - visual-studio-code

I just install the latest version of the VS Code on my Win 10 x64, before that I install Python as well, but nothing else.
When I open the VS Code, it seems my Settings.json is empty (just my theme and zoom level are there).
I opened the Settings.json from settings with clicking on the icon that you can see in the bellow image (noted with a red circle in the top right side) or with searching the JSON keyword in the setting (result is the same)
But in this file I just have two lines of code which you can see in the below image:
But I think it has to bee a big file with lots of settings and so on, even I check this file in this path: %APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json and it was empty and just have this two lines of code.
I install the python extension, Dracula theme and so on in my VS Code.
Can you help in these questions:
Do you know what is the problem?
How I can restore the default value of the setting? (in case they are missed)
I want to change the color of the comments in the python language because in this theme it is not easy for me to read them in files, I found I can change it from the Settings.json but mine is empty,

settings.json only contains those settings which override the default behaviors.
In order to restore the default settings (from .json) you have to delete the line. (You can also do it from the GUI)
I think the setting "workbench.colorCustomizations" is what you are searching for; try to Google it.


vscode show file changes with different colors

When I modify files on local machine, vscode will shows changes with different colors, blue means this line was changed and green means its a new line, like this picture:
but when I modify files with Remote-SSH, it would not works, so how can I check my settings to make this works?
If the remote directory is symlinked sometimes does not work (see here and here). Changing the symlink with source directory resolves the problem and the gutters appear again.
A work-around is to install GitLens extension and enable Gutter Changes view. It is a functional replacement for built-in gutter indicators.

Why "markdown.styles": [] setting disappeared in VS Code?

I could not find this setting by searching for "markdown styles" in the Settings page.
I am wondering if I lost the VS Code built-in markdown extension. Please see the image below, which shows what my search should've returned.
When I tried to add this setting to the settings.json file (another way to set the markdown style), "Unknown Configuration Setting" showed up as I hovered on it.
Unknown Configuration Setting:
I have tried resetting the settings.json file, reinstalled any relevant markdown extensions and even reinstalled VS Code, but it is still not working.

why there is no selection when I click F5 to run program in vscode

In the begin, for example, I'd like to run program by click F5, and there is a selection box on the top of vscode. However, maybe I click some errorly, it debug directly, and no selection here, and the terminal shows (base) in the front of result, why and how to correct to original setting?
One way to reset VS settings as follows:
Note: Please use save as to backup settings.json in case you have something that you may need to restore later.
These instructions are only for clearing out everything except {
} within your user settings.json:
The easiest way to reset VS Code
back to the default settings is to clear your user settings.json file
contents in the Settings editor. Delete everything between the two
curly braces, save the file, and VS Code will go back to using the
default values.How can I reset my user settings?
If following above does not resolve your issue, please consider adding a screenshot of the issue along with your posted question and/or add default settings.json, so it can be compared with a working default settings.json file for your assistance.

VS Code terminal colors are screwy

I'm using the default theme. The terminal's colors are impossible to read, make no sense, and are inconsistent. I've tried switching themes but they're terrible in all the themes.
Here's what it looks like in the default. Are you able to read my yellow input against the gray background? And why isn't there a black background everywhere?
I realize there are settings that can manually set the fore/background colors. But I'm thinking something is broken for me because of how screwy the terminal behaves.
For example, here's what I see when I first start the terminal, type a bunch of stuff, backspace to delete half of it, resize the terminal pane, then delete some more. Notice how some of the deleted spaces have yellow and some have gray. Also notice how the area where the CWD would be shown is all black.
Here are the contents of my settings.json file:
"window.zoomLevel": 0,
"git.enableSmartCommit": true,
"workbench.startupEditor": "newUntitledFile"
What needs fixing, and how?
Just to satisfy your curiosity, I added this to my settings.json file:
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"terminal.foreground": "#ffffff",
"terminal.background": "#000000"
No joy:
There might be something wrong in your console settings, you might want to remove the content of HKCU\Console in your registry. Save it before, obviously, but there shouldn't be any side effect: it'll just be recreated with the default settings.
Okay, so here's a list of all possible settings that you could tweak in your terminal window colorscheme: (source)
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
Now for me, the colors of folder names was too bright over an even brighter background color that highlighted them and I couldn't read squat (that's because of my VSCode theme called NightOwl -- :P Sarah) so I thought (wrongly) to change terminal.background and terminal.foreground properties but that refer to the entire rendered window of the terminal.
Because these properties are actually named after Ansi Escape Codes, what I was actually looking for were these properties: terminal.ansiBlue for folder name text color and terminal.ansiGreen for folder name background highlight color.
As soon as I tweaked those, my terminal was good to go.
The way to do it is to just set all these settings and start removing or changing them to see which is which for your preference. K Thx Bye
Also beware that terminal.ansiGreen is used by git diff as a color to show additions.
On March 8th 2022 the default value for the integrated terminal "minimum contrast ratio" was updated from 1 (no effect) to 4.5 (minimal effect). Depending on your color settings and what is being displayed, this can cause your integrated terminal foreground colors to be wrong.
To disable this feature, override the default in your own settings.json file:
"terminal.integrated.minimumContrastRatio": 1
There are two solutions. Xavier's solution works, and mklement0's comment was also correct.
Solution #1
Do what Xavier said (and upvote his answer).
But, if you don't want to mess up registry settings (or if, like me, you have lots of registry settings nestled under the HKCU\Console root), then...
Solution #2
Get Windows 10 build number 18309 (or newer)
Join the Windows Insider Program
Make sure you're on a "ring" that includes a new-enough build. For me at this moment that meant joining the "fast" ring
Wait forever for updates to finish installing
Add "terminal.integrated.windowsEnableConpty": true to your settings.json
Restart terminals
Upvote mklement0's comment
I am new to VS Code (and I'm trying to better my PowerShell skills) and have/had this same problem. Deleting all the Reg keys cited above related to colors seemed to fix it, but I believe the root problem is that VS Code seems to be trying to honor the color scheme set up outside the VS Code Terminal itself, from the shell. Really annoying and I'm not sure how to separate the two.
I had setup a blue background/yellow font scheme in PS prior to installing VS Code. That was the same color scheme the terminal in VS Code was displaying directly around the text.

showing project folder in title bar for Visual Studio Code

Is it possible to show the last folder in the title bar? If you have multiple instances of VS Code open, it is difficult to distinguish between them from the task bar. If both instances are open on say a file called 'main.ts', you will see 'main.ts' in the taskbar item.
Currently, the title would be [filename open] - [folder open] (e.g main.ts - angular2-training. Is it possible to invert them to become [folder open] - [filename open] (e.g angular2-training - main.ts?
Use window.title in user/workspace settings
The documentation is here with the full list of options of what can be shown. It's quite flexible.
In your case, to display angular2-training - main.ts you can use this
"window.title": "${rootName}${separator}${activeEditorShort}"
Older VS Code versions
The above only works in v1.10 and up. Here's how to do it in older versions:
v1.9, v1.8 - "window.showFullPath": true shows the full path to the current file, so you can at least see the project folder. Note this config is unsupported after v1.10
v1.7 and below - it's not possible
On version 1.13
Go to settings, inside UserSettings add this line to the json blob:
"window.title": "${activeEditorLong}"
On version 1.41.1
based uploaded image:
1,2: Go to Setting
3: Search windows title in search box
4: Type this statement in windows title box:
If you want to be able to identify which project you are working on by looking at the window title bar, one option is to set "window.title" to a custom value in the workspace settings file at
If the file doesn't exist, create it, then add the following to it:
"window.title": "<PROJECT NAME> : ${rootName}${separator}${activeEditorShort}"
This is a simple solution that works rather well.
Tested in 1.44
The setting which matches the OPs problem... not being able to tell which VS Code editor is which from the taskbar... is:
"window.title": "${folderName} ${separator} ${activeEditorShort}"
I prefer the simpler
"window.title": "${folderName}"
${activeFolderShort} and friends, don't do what I want, as these follow the folder the active file is in. Whereas I want the folder of the whole "project" shown at all times.
Also, when browsing from the taskbar, I don't care what file is active - it is just noise. I care about the project (i.e. folder). On many occasions, every open VS Code will "main.rs" as the active file, so it is pointless to show it!
Editing the settings in json format even includes intellisense now, so you can see all the options without even having to look them up, and they appear as soon you save the settings file. No need to reload. Awesome!
v1.31 of vscode added these options to window.title:
There are three new variables that can be used within the window.title
${activeFolderShort}: The name of the folder the file is contained in.
${activeFolderMedium}: The path of the folder the file is contained
in, relative to the workspace folder.
${activeFolderLong}: The full
path of the folder the file is contained in.
In addition of the setting:
"window.title": "${rootName}${separator}${activeEditorShort}"
You now can configure the separator as well with VSCode 1.45 (April 2020)
Allow customize the window title separator
A new setting window.titleSeparator allows to change the separator that is used in the window title.
By default a dash is used.
Just some tweaks i found out:
// will not work on workspace settings.json -> only global
"window.titleBarStyle": "custom",
// show only the name of the workspace folder in the title bar
"window.title": "${folderName}",
// remove the useless icons on the top-right
"window.commandCenter": false,
// make left & top green :-)
"workbench.colorCustomizations": {
"activityBar.background": "#1e2127",
"activityBar.foreground": "#95C085",
"titleBar.activeBackground": "#165900",
"titleBar.activeForeground": "#ffffff",