How to hide the highlighted lines when the ".sql" file are opened in VSCode - visual-studio-code

Below is what it looks like when opened the ".sql" file, I want to hide those highlighted lines

I'm the creator of VSCode-sqltools. In fact as #joao-caxias mentioned, that was intentional. But some users didn't like it at all, so I've added a setting to enable/disable that behavior called sqltools.highlightQuery so you should be able to remove that if you want now.

I have found out that it comes with the SQL Tools extension
You could either uninstall it or revert back to 0.21.9 version. Not sure where the root cause for highlighting is.

You can go to SQLTools and click on the setting button. Then search highlight and uncheck the button for this setting.


why there is no selection when I click F5 to run program in vscode

In the begin, for example, I'd like to run program by click F5, and there is a selection box on the top of vscode. However, maybe I click some errorly, it debug directly, and no selection here, and the terminal shows (base) in the front of result, why and how to correct to original setting?
One way to reset VS settings as follows:
Note: Please use save as to backup settings.json in case you have something that you may need to restore later.
These instructions are only for clearing out everything except {
} within your user settings.json:
The easiest way to reset VS Code
back to the default settings is to clear your user settings.json file
contents in the Settings editor. Delete everything between the two
curly braces, save the file, and VS Code will go back to using the
default values.How can I reset my user settings?
If following above does not resolve your issue, please consider adding a screenshot of the issue along with your posted question and/or add default settings.json, so it can be compared with a working default settings.json file for your assistance.

vscode where did the settings.json button go?

It seems the button to change the settings from the UI editor to json editor has moved somewhere and I can't find it. Where is it now? I simply want to migrate my settings from another computer and previously I have done so with copy&paste.
Thank you.
Is that what you are looking for?

How to open markdown preview by default to the bottom?

By default, the markdown preview in VS Code opens on the Side. I do this action quite a bit and I always have to drag a drop it to the bottom of the current tab.
I looked in my settings to see if there was a way to change this default behavior and didn't see anything that looks like it would change it.
Any suggestions on how to change this default setting?
You can try to use one of the extensions that allow to execute multiple commands and do:

Can't edit files in Vscode

I've just started using Vscode and have a created a WebAPI project. On trying to open any of the default code files (Startup.cs and Program.cs) whatever I type starts to appear in the blue bar as shown below instead of where I have placed the cursor. I have no idea what's going on or what that blue bar is.
I am able to add my own code files and edit these as I would expect.
I'm running Vscode 1.29.1 on Win 10 on a Dell Latitude 12 7275. The vscode extension
Enabled extensions :
That's caused by Vim extension. Uninstall or disable it, otherwise use insert key on your keyboard to put it in insert mode.
I'l leave this here for future readers
Basically, if I split files in tabs in VS Code, I could work with the files on the left hand side but could "read-only" all the files on the right hand side.
When I went to the extensions tabs I noticed that whatever I typed was being typed in the field in the extensions search bar. After deleting that, and clicking back on the "Files" tab, it went back to normal and can basically edit files on the both sides of my split screen.
If cannot type
Check where whatever you type is going (e.g. Extensions > Search bar)
Delete wherever it's being typed, and click back on the "Files tab"
Check if it works
I had to change the parent folders permission...
Try changing the entire folder to:
Read & Write: Allows a user to open the item and change it.

Getting rid of underline (link)

How do I get rid of this underline? When I hover over it, it thinks it's a link and that I can cmd + click it to open it in browser. However, it's obstructing the view of actual underlines.
I'm specifically using Go's templating engine and vscode's basic HTML syntax because it's not supported.
I think I found a solution for your problem.
Add this code to your User Settings;
"editor.links": false
If you want to keep links clickable and just get rid of the underlines, I found a way:
open resources\app\out\vs\workbench\workbench.desktop.main.css
search for .monaco-editor .detected-link, and delete it.
Reopen VSCode, it will show some warning. Allow it and it's done.
After every update, you'll need to edit this file again.