Debian: where are services installed - service

I want edit raspberrypi-net-mods.service to copy a file, rather than move it.
How would I go about locating this please?

YOu can get the location of a systemd-unit via
systemctl status raspberrypi-net-mods.service
You shouldn't edit system-installed service-files directly.
Instead you can customize a service by adding configuration to /etc/systemd/system/
You probably want to read the documentation, e.g. man 5 systemd.unit


IBM Aspera get size of file before download

I am using Aspera Connect on mac to download files from a server. It works fine in terminal, but i was wondering if before i download a file, i could read its size first and then decide if i want to download it or not. I found the flag
but it's only doing that right before download and there's no way to stop the download.
The current command i use is this:
/Applications/Aspera\ -QT -l 200M -P33001 -i "/Applications/Aspera"{asp_path} {local_path}
The resources for the flags are here:
To answer your question, without going too much in the details:
If you want to display the size of an elements on an Aspera server for which you have access, you can use the command line "Amelia", see:
mlia server --url=ssh:// --username=emp_ext3 --ssh-keys=~/.aspera/mlia/aspera_bypass_dsa.pem br /10002/data/100_movie_gc.mrcs
there are plenty of options, like : --format=csv --fields=size
Note that this displays individual file sizes, but not recursive folder size.
a few other things:
You are not exactly using "Connect", but rather the "ascp" command line. Connect refers rather to the browser extension and lightweight app. while ascp is the implementation of Aspera FASP transfer protocol, found basically in all Aspera products.
the latest ascp documentation can be found here:
did you know you can also use the free client:
it includes also ascp, but also a graphical user interface

Disable a standard systemd service in Yocto build

I need to start my own systemd service, let's call it custom.service. I know how to write a recipe for it to be added and enabled on boot:
SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "custom.service"
However, it conflicts with one of the default systemd services - systemd-timesyncd.service.
Is there a nice preferred way to disable that default systemd service in my bitbake file even though the actually enables it?
I can create a systemd_%.bbappend file to modify the systemd settings, but I can't locate the place where one service can be disabled leaving all others enabled.
The working solution I found is to remove the timesyncd altogether using
PACKAGECONFIG_remove = "timesyncd"
But I wonder if this is a appropriate way and if there is a way to just disable it, but leave in the system.
How about adding a .bbappend recipe for the conflicting service you want disabled. In it, you would add:
If the system runs fine with the other package removed, then removing the package is a preferred solution. Fewer packages means a simpler system.
Usually you would set SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE_${PN} = "disable" and that would let the service be part of image but disabled on boot. However for systemd which provides a lot of default service units this may not be a solution you might want to deploy. You could surgically delete the symlink in etc which will ensure that service is not started automatically on boot but the .service file is still part of image. So add following to systemd_%.bbappend file in your layer
do_install_append() {
rm -rf ${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/system/
There are other ways to disable this e.g. using systemd presets as described here
Use the systemd.preset — Service enablement presets and in particular following steps.
Create a .bbappend file meta-xxx/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend with this content:
do_configure_append() {
#disabling autostart of systemd-timesyncd
sed -i -e "s/enable systemd-timesyncd.service/disable systemd-timesyncd.service/g" ${S}/presets/90-systemd.preset
In my yocto-based Linux distribution (yocto zeus release) above steps are enough to disable the service which remains installed.
In the output distribution previous steps modify the file /lib/systemd/system-preset/90-systemd.preset.
After the modification, in that file, appear the row: disable systemd-timesyncd.service and this row substitutes the raw: enable systemd-timesyncd.service
At this link there are some information about the topic: systemd.preset — Service enablement presets.
Other useful.
I was not able to use SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE_${PN} = "disable" in this context.
For other recipes (for example the previous assignment works correctly and I have used it to enable (or disable) a service in the yocto distribution.
I think the "official" way to do this is to have something like this somewhere in your project:
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-systemd = "--disable-timesyncd"
This does basically the same you already suggested. To simply not enable the service you have to do it manually since you can modify the auto enable only per recipe.

How do I configure a webserver for a collective in Bluemix?

I found doc that indicates I need to setup a webserver in my collective environment, however, I cannot determine the correct set of steps. Thoughts?
It would help to see what you've already tried, but consider the following:
Create two or more servers on one or more of the hosts and join them to the collective. Make sure your servers are clusterMembers and collectiveMembers. The following post should help with creating servers and joining them to the collective:
How can I setup a cell and collective in Bluemix
Update the controller's /etc/hosts file with the hostnames of all the hosts in the collective.
Download and follow this guide to generate the plugin-cfg.xml file on the controller:
Copy the generated plugin-cfg.xml file to /opt/IBM/WebSphere/HTTPServer/conf
Edit /opt/IBM/WebSphere/HTTPServer/conf/httpd.conf and uncomment these two lines at the bottom of the file:
LoadModule was_ap22_module /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Plugins/bin/64bits/
WebSpherePluginConfig /opt/IBM/WebSphere/Profiles/Liberty/servers/controller/pluginConfig/myLibertyCluster-plugin-cfg.xml
Change the WebSpherePluginConfig value to be /opt/IBM/WebSphere/HTTPServer/conf/plugin-cfg.xml
Stop and start the HTTP server
sudo ./apachectl stop
sudo ./apachectl start
Verify the application can be reached using the webserver <webserverIP>:80/appname
Generate the plugin again if the application is added or removed.

Update HTTP Handler - Request Restrictions - Mapping Tab via Powershell or APPCMD

In IIS 7.5, I am trying to update the request restrictions for the handler mappings. I know you can use appcmd or ps and edit the verbs or access, but I want to be able to run a command that will "Invoke handler only if request is mapped to: FILE".
I found this article in technet, which basically will allow me to edit everything except the tab that I need to change.
For example
appcmd set config /section:handlers /[name=' ImageCopyrightHandler '].verb:GET,HEAD
I've tried pretty much every command I can come up with but none of them seem to work.
This is what I am trying to edit for each handler mapping.
I'd hate to have to do each one manually, since it has to be done on 3 servers are there are 35 isapi module handers in each one. Any ideas?
The attribute you're looking for is resourceType with a value of File
You sir are awesome.
For anyone interested here is the full string that I'm using for each module.
appcmd set config /section:handlers /[name='PageHandlerFactory-ISAPI-4.0_32bit'].resourceType:File

Write a simple mod_perl handler

I want to write a simple mod_perl handler which returns the local time like described on this page (, but where have I to locate this file to access it.
I'm using Ubuntu but don't have a directory called MyApache2. So where to locate this file to try the functionality?
This is just an example. You need to create the files yourself. (You'll see your example refers to "file:MyApache2/").
mkdir -p example-lib/MyApache2
touch example-lib/MyApache2/
Then paste the contents from the example into the file you just created.
In order for this to run under mod_perl, you'll also have to let the server know where your MyApache2 is located. You should be able to add something like this to your Apache config:
PerlSwitches -I/path/to/example-lib
Don't forget to restart Apache before you test this out.