Disable a standard systemd service in Yocto build - yocto

I need to start my own systemd service, let's call it custom.service. I know how to write a recipe for it to be added and enabled on boot:
SYSTEMD_SERVICE_${PN} = "custom.service"
However, it conflicts with one of the default systemd services - systemd-timesyncd.service.
Is there a nice preferred way to disable that default systemd service in my bitbake file even though the systemd_XX.bb actually enables it?
I can create a systemd_%.bbappend file to modify the systemd settings, but I can't locate the place where one service can be disabled leaving all others enabled.
The working solution I found is to remove the timesyncd altogether using
PACKAGECONFIG_remove = "timesyncd"
But I wonder if this is a appropriate way and if there is a way to just disable it, but leave in the system.

How about adding a .bbappend recipe for the conflicting service you want disabled. In it, you would add:

If the system runs fine with the other package removed, then removing the package is a preferred solution. Fewer packages means a simpler system.

Usually you would set SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE_${PN} = "disable" and that would let the service be part of image but disabled on boot. However for systemd which provides a lot of default service units this may not be a solution you might want to deploy. You could surgically delete the symlink in etc which will ensure that service is not started automatically on boot but the .service file is still part of image. So add following to systemd_%.bbappend file in your layer
do_install_append() {
rm -rf ${D}${sysconfdir}/systemd/system/sysinit.target.wants/systemd-timesyncd.service
There are other ways to disable this e.g. using systemd presets as described here

Use the systemd.preset — Service enablement presets and in particular following steps.
Create a .bbappend file meta-xxx/recipes-core/systemd/systemd_%.bbappend with this content:
do_configure_append() {
#disabling autostart of systemd-timesyncd
sed -i -e "s/enable systemd-timesyncd.service/disable systemd-timesyncd.service/g" ${S}/presets/90-systemd.preset
In my yocto-based Linux distribution (yocto zeus release) above steps are enough to disable the service which remains installed.
In the output distribution previous steps modify the file /lib/systemd/system-preset/90-systemd.preset.
After the modification, in that file, appear the row: disable systemd-timesyncd.service and this row substitutes the raw: enable systemd-timesyncd.service
At this link there are some information about the topic: systemd.preset — Service enablement presets.
Other useful.
I was not able to use SYSTEMD_AUTO_ENABLE_${PN} = "disable" in this context.
For other recipes (for example dnsmasq_2.82.bb) the previous assignment works correctly and I have used it to enable (or disable) a service in the yocto distribution.

I think the "official" way to do this is to have something like this somewhere in your project:
PACKAGECONFIG_append_pn-systemd = "--disable-timesyncd"
This does basically the same you already suggested. To simply not enable the service you have to do it manually since you can modify the auto enable only per recipe.


How do I mask serail-getty#ttyAMA0 service in yocto

I am trying to mask the serial-getty#ttyAMA0 service from within a Recipe.
How Can I achieve this?
I tried creating a initscripts bbappend file with this addition as shown below
systemctl mask serial-getty#ttyAMA0.service
But this gives me an error. Could not invoke Dnf
I have run out of Ideas
Correct solution is to control SERIAL_CONSOLES variable in local.conf. systemd-serialgetty parses it and creates corresponding systemd service files. Simple
can do the trick for you.

Debian: where are services installed

I want edit raspberrypi-net-mods.service to copy a file, rather than move it.
How would I go about locating this please?
YOu can get the location of a systemd-unit via
systemctl status raspberrypi-net-mods.service
You shouldn't edit system-installed service-files directly.
Instead you can customize a service by adding configuration to /etc/systemd/system/
You probably want to read the documentation, e.g. man 5 systemd.unit

Configuring spring-xd to use oracle as job repository

I want to run spring xd with Oracle(11g) which i already have in my environment. Currently my first concern is the jobs UI (my database has existing data of job executions that were performed by spring-batch and i simply want to display the details of those executions).
i'm using spring-xd-1.0.0.M5. I followed the instructions in the reference guide and i changed application.yml to have the following:
url: jdbc:oracle:oci:MY_USERNAME/MYPWD#//orarmydomain.com:1521/myservice
username: MY_USERNAME
password: MYPWD
driverClassName: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
active: default,oracle
i modified also batch-jdbc.properties to have the database configuration similar to the above.
Yet, when i start xd-singlnode.bat (or either xd-admin.bat) it seems like it ignores my oracle configuration and still uses the default hsqldb.
what am i doing wrong?
The likely reason is that we did not upgrade the windows .bat scripts to take advantage of the property overriding via xd-config.yml. If you go into the unix script for xd-singlenode you will see that when java is invoked there there is an option
you can for now hardcode your location of that file, use file: as the prefix.
Also, The UI right now is very primitive, you will not be able to see many details about the job execution. There are however many job related commands you can execute in the shell and there is only one gap regarding step execution information as compared to what is available via spring-batch-admin.
The issue to watch for this is https://jira.springsource.org/browse/XD-1209 and it is schedule for the next milestone release.
Let me know how it goes, thanks!

Capistrano deploy how to use use_sudo and admin_runner

I'm trying to configure Capistrano so that it works for our server setup. We are deploying symfony projects so i'm also using capifony. I'm still experiencing some problems with permissions.
On our server every project runs as a project user, so every project has it's own user. So i configured use_sudo and set it to true and i configured the admin_runner to be the user of the project. But it still didn't work so i modified the capifony to start using try_sudo in stead of the regular run. Which made it work a little bit better. But i'm a bit confused about what to use in which case. You have try_sudo, sudo and run. But which is needed for which use-case?
When you use run i think it'll always be your local user
try_sudo i think will check if the use_sudo flag is true if so it will use the sudo command if not it will use the local user. If you have admin_runner configured it will sudo to the user configured as admin_runner
sudo will always try to sudo
Now my problem is the deploy:symlink method this is also just a regular run command so it executes as the local user, which gives permission problems when i try to view the website.
So can anyone tell me if my description of the 3 commands is correct? and also does anyone know how the admin_runner and use_sudo is suposed to be used, so that the symlink is also being done correctly (and also all other commands done by capistrano)?
kind regards,
Apologies for such a tardy answer Daan. Your understanding of Capistrano is correct. Note also that the :use_sudo flag defaults to true.
In Capistrano 2.11.2, you'll find lib/capistrano/configuration/variables.rb:
_cset(:run_method) { fetch(:use_sudo, true) ? :sudo : :run }
and lib/capistrano/recipes/deploy.rb:
def try_sudo(*args)
options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {}
command = args.shift
raise ArgumentError, "too many arguments" if args.any?
as = options.fetch(:as, fetch(:admin_runner, nil))
via = fetch(:run_method, :sudo)
if command
invoke_command(command, :via => via, :as => as)
elsif via == :sudo
sudo(:as => as)
Perhaps your permissions problem involves your server, running as a normal user, not being able to read the contents of the release directory that your current symlink is pointing to?

What's the best Perl module for hierarchical and inheritable configuration?

If I have a greenfield project, what is the best practice Perl based configuration module to use?
There will be a Catalyst app and some command line scripts. They should share the same configuration.
Some features I think I want ...
Hierarchical Configurations to cleanly maintain different development and live settings.
I'd like to define "global" configurations once (eg, results_per_page => 20), have those inherited but override-able by my dev/live configs.
results_per_page: 20
db_dsn: DBI:mysql;
db_name: my_app
inherit_from: Global
db_user: dev
db_pass: dev
inherit_from: Dev
db_name: my_app_new_feature
inherit_from: Global
db_user: live
db_pass: secure
When I deploy a project to a new server, or branch/fork/copy it somewhere new (eg, a new development instance), I want to (one time only) set which configuration set/file to use, and then all future updates are automatic.
I'd envisage this could be achieved with a symlink:
git clone example.com:/var/git/my_project . # or any equiv vcs
cd my_project/etc
ln -s live.config to_use.config
Then in the future
git pull # or any equiv vcs
I'd also like something that akin to FindBin, so that my configs can either use absolute paths, or relative to the current deployment. Given
where /home/me/development/project/etc/config contains:
tmpl_dir: templates/
when my perl code looks up the tmpl_dir configuration it'll get:
But on the live deployment:
The same code would magically return
Absolute values in the config should be honoured, so that:
apache_config: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
would return "/etc/apache2/httpd.conf" in all cases.
Rather than a FindBin style approach, an alternative might be to allow configuration values to be defined in terms of other configuration values?
tmpl_dir: $base_dir/templates
I'd also like a pony ;)
Catalyst::Plugin::ConfigLoader supports multiple overriding config files. If your Catalyst app is called MyApp, then it has three levels of override: 1) MyApp.pm can have a __PACKAGE__->config(...) directive, 2) it next looks for MyApp.yml in the main directory of the app, 3) it looks for MyApp_local.yml. Each level may override settings in each other level.
In a Catalyst app I built, I put all of my immutable settings in MyApp.pm, my debug settings in MyApp.yml, and my production settings in MyApp_<servertype>.yml and then symlinked MyApp_local.yml to point at MyApp_<servertype>.yml on each deployed server (they were all a little different...).
That way, all of my config was in SVN and I just needed one ln -s step to manually config a server.
Perl Best Practices warns against exactly what you want. It states that config files should be simple and avoid the sort of baroque features you desire. It goes on to recommend three modules (none of which are Core Perl): Config::General, Config::Std, and Config::Tiny.
The general rational behind this is that the editing of config files tends to be done by non-programmers and the more complicated you make your config files, the more likely they will screw them up.
All of that said, you might take a look at YAML. It provides a full featured, human readable*, serialization format. I believe the currently recommend parser in Perl is YAML::XS. If you do go this route I would suggest writing a configuration tool for end users to use instead of having them edit the files directly.
ETA: Based on Chris Dolan's answer it sounds like YAML is the way to go for you since Catalyst is already using it (.yml is the de facto extension for YAML files).
* I have heard complaints that blind people may have difficulty with it
YAML is hateful for config - it's not non-programmer friendly partly because yaml in pod is by definition broken as they're both white-space dependent in different ways. This addresses the main problem with Config::General. I've written some quite complicated config files with C::G in the past and it really keeps out of your way in terms of syntax requirements etc. Other than that, Chris' advice seems on the money.