IBM Aspera get size of file before download - server

I am using Aspera Connect on mac to download files from a server. It works fine in terminal, but i was wondering if before i download a file, i could read its size first and then decide if i want to download it or not. I found the flag
but it's only doing that right before download and there's no way to stop the download.
The current command i use is this:
/Applications/Aspera\ -QT -l 200M -P33001 -i "/Applications/Aspera"{asp_path} {local_path}
The resources for the flags are here:

To answer your question, without going too much in the details:
If you want to display the size of an elements on an Aspera server for which you have access, you can use the command line "Amelia", see:
mlia server --url=ssh:// --username=emp_ext3 --ssh-keys=~/.aspera/mlia/aspera_bypass_dsa.pem br /10002/data/100_movie_gc.mrcs
there are plenty of options, like : --format=csv --fields=size
Note that this displays individual file sizes, but not recursive folder size.
a few other things:
You are not exactly using "Connect", but rather the "ascp" command line. Connect refers rather to the browser extension and lightweight app. while ascp is the implementation of Aspera FASP transfer protocol, found basically in all Aspera products.
the latest ascp documentation can be found here:
did you know you can also use the free client:
it includes also ascp, but also a graphical user interface


de- serialize JSON metadata to .qvf using qlik sense API

I am aware of Qlik sense serialize app where we generate a JSON object containing metadata information of a .qvf file using Qlik sense API.
I want to do a reverse operation of this i.e generate .qvf file back from json metadata.
After many research just found this link github and it doesnot have a complete information.
Any solution would be helpfull.
Technically you cant create qvf directly from json. You'll have to create an empty qvf and then use various api to import the json.
Qlik have a very nice tool for un-build/build apps (and more). qlik-cli have dedicated commands for un-build/build:
If you are looking for something more "programmable" then ive create some enigma.js mixin for the same purpouse - enigma-mixin. I still need to perform more detailed testing there but it was working ok with simpler tests
Update 08/10/2021
Using qlik-cli
setup context
first unbuild an app:
qlik app unbuild --app 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555
This will create new folder in the current folder named <app_name>-unbuild. The folder will contain all info about the app in json and/or yaml files
once these files are available then you can use them to build another app. Just to mention that the target app should exists before the build is ran:
qlik.exe app build --config ./config.yml --app 55555555-4444-3333-2222-111111111111
The above command will use all available files (specified in config.yml) and update the target app
If you dont want all files to be used and only want to update the data connections, for example, then the build command can be ran with different arguments:
qlik.exe app build --connections ./connections.yml --app 55555555-4444-3333-2222-111111111111
This command will only update the data connections in the target app and will not update anything else

How to replace JS file with mitmproxy/mitmdump

I am trying to use mitmdump to replace a JS file being requested by the server with my own JS file. I am not able to find anything in the docs regarding this, especially for the version that I'm using, i.e., 4.0.4.
What I tried was - mitmdump --listen-port 8888 --replacements :~q:
(Here I wanted to replace file with /home/akshansh/Projects/repo/web/js/jpAllJsFuncs_v129.js which is present on my local machine.)
The above didn't seem to work. Also, the separator according to documents is : and I have : in the part I want to replace as well, how will I go around it? I wasn't able to find much in the docs. --replace-from-file is another option, which is now deprecated in the newer versions, for which I was not able to find the docs.
I use script that is launched together with mitmproxy:
from mitmproxy import http
def request(flow: http.HTTPFlow) -> None:
if flow.request.url == '':
flow.request.url = '/home/akshansh/Projects/repo/web/js/jpAllJsFuncs_v129.js'

Downloading public data directory from google cloud storage with command line utilities like wget

I would like to download publicly available data from google cloud storage. However, because I need to be in a Python3.x environment, it is not possible to use gsutil. I can download individual files with wget as
wget -O output_filename
However, commands like
wget -r --no-parent -O output_directoryname
do not seem to work as they just download an index file for the directory. Neither do rsync or curl attempts based on some initial attempts. Any idea of how to download publicly available data on google cloud storage as a directory?
The approach you mentioned above does not work because Google Cloud Storage doesn't have real "directories". As an example, "path/to/some/files/file.txt" is the entire name of that object. A similarly named object, "path/to/some/files/file2.txt", just happens to share the same naming prefix.
As for how you could fetch these files: The GCS APIs (both XML and JSON) allow you to do an object listing against the parent bucket, specifying a prefix; in this case, you'd want all objects starting with the prefix "path/to/some/files/". You could then make individual HTTP requests for each of the objects specified in the response body. That being said, you'd probably find this much easier to do via one of the GCS client libraries, such as the Python library.
Also, gsutil currently has a GitHub issue open to track adding support for Python 3.

Error 403 with Ckan 2.6.2 - Datapush

I have, in order to process some big data, to set up ckan on a local machine. I've set up the whole system following this guide :
I wanted to display a preview of a locally loaded file, so the user can actually see it before downloading it. And it doesn't work, because it only works for online files. For instance, it DOES work with this online file but NOT with my own file I upload.
So, I've been interested about Datastore and Datapusher. I've followed every part of the guide, and it appears on my ckan. However, I have an error. Specifically this one :
Upload error: An Error occurred while sending the job: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url:
Here's my most important parts about my production.ini file (copying the whole would be very long) :
ckan.site_url = http://localhost
ckan.plugins = datastore datapusher stats text_view image_view
recline_view recline_graph_view recline_map_view webpage_view
ckan.datapusher.formats = csv xls xlsx tsv application/csv
ckan.datapusher.url =
I truly have no idea about what my problem could be, I tried to change the datapusher.url to as the guide suggested, but it doesn't work either.
If the data to be added to CKAN is in a file on your computer, select “Upload a file” option. CKAN will give you a file browser to select it. You should use link to a file option just for publicly available resources.
Have you installed datapusher also? Its a separate process running on port 8800. CKAN uses datastore to be able to have a grid view of tabular data. Data needs to be pushed through datapusher to be used by datastore.
Yes, you need to set up the Datapusher.It's not activated by default.
Pull the datapusher code, install the dependencies and run it using:
python datapusher/ deployment/
The instructions to configure the settings are on the repository.
Here's the datapusher manual:
Here's the repository:
Had the exact same error message.
This post solved my issue though.
short: insert/check the following in your virtualhost in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/datapusher.conf
<Directory /etc/ckan>
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require all granted

Write a simple mod_perl handler

I want to write a simple mod_perl handler which returns the local time like described on this page (, but where have I to locate this file to access it.
I'm using Ubuntu but don't have a directory called MyApache2. So where to locate this file to try the functionality?
This is just an example. You need to create the files yourself. (You'll see your example refers to "file:MyApache2/").
mkdir -p example-lib/MyApache2
touch example-lib/MyApache2/
Then paste the contents from the example into the file you just created.
In order for this to run under mod_perl, you'll also have to let the server know where your MyApache2 is located. You should be able to add something like this to your Apache config:
PerlSwitches -I/path/to/example-lib
Don't forget to restart Apache before you test this out.