Update HTTP Handler - Request Restrictions - Mapping Tab via Powershell or APPCMD - powershell

In IIS 7.5, I am trying to update the request restrictions for the handler mappings. I know you can use appcmd or ps and edit the verbs or access, but I want to be able to run a command that will "Invoke handler only if request is mapped to: FILE".
I found this article in technet, which basically will allow me to edit everything except the tab that I need to change.
For example
appcmd set config /section:handlers /[name=' ImageCopyrightHandler '].verb:GET,HEAD
I've tried pretty much every command I can come up with but none of them seem to work.
This is what I am trying to edit for each handler mapping.
I'd hate to have to do each one manually, since it has to be done on 3 servers are there are 35 isapi module handers in each one. Any ideas?

The attribute you're looking for is resourceType with a value of File

You sir are awesome.
For anyone interested here is the full string that I'm using for each module.
appcmd set config /section:handlers /[name='PageHandlerFactory-ISAPI-4.0_32bit'].resourceType:File


Datahandler (TCEmain) in cli_dispatch.phpsh (Extbase Command)

is it possible to to use Datahander Scripts (TCEmain) in a Extbase Command Controller via cli_dispatch.phpsh? I tried but i got no result - no error message and no entry in the tables.
Perhaps there is no backend available in cli scripts ...
You find the documentation for using DataHandler in CLI scripts here.
CLI scripts use the backend user _cli_ (should be created automatically). You can take a look at the source of \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Console\CliRequestHandler::boot if you're interested in how it works.
You can check the public instance variable $dataHandler->errorLog for any errors, DataHandler won't output anything else.
Mind that cli_dispatch.phpsh & Co. are deprecated, you can already use Symfony Commands in TYPO3 CMS 8.

Fastest way to get openam attribute names for ssoadm

I am trying to script an openam deployment using ssoadm, and want to know what will be the fastest and fool proof way to get the attribute names for ssoadm?
Right now, i login to the console and "view html source" for the attribute i am interested in, and use that via ssoadm. But, this approach is time consuming, plus with openam13 the attribute names are not available in the source.
Are you interested in any configuration or service in particular?
For most configurations and services (such as datastores, auth modules, server properties, etc...) there is an ssoadm command that will give you the current values from where you can grab the property names and use the in your script.
For example if you have a Datastore called OpenDJ in your top-level realm you can get the current configuration values using the following command:
ssoadm show-datastore -u amadmin -f /tmp/amadmin.pwd -e / -m OpenDJ
Typically it's just a matter of finding the right ssoadm command. Another option will be to look at the service definition. All these definitions are kept in xml format in your configuration store inside ou=Services.
Hope this helps.
I think the easiest approach is probably to look up the service XML files. At the time of the configuration, the service XML files are all copied over to ~/<OPENAM_HOME>/config/xml folder, so normally you can just try to grep for certain strings (like dynamic), but even then that may not work well.
If you know what service you are dealing with, then things get a bit easier. Are you trying to change an Authentication configuration? It must be defined in amAuth.xml then. The service name to be used for the ssoadm command is defined in the <Service> element under the "name" attribute. The service attribute names are defined under <AttributeSchema> elements with "name" attribute.
Yet another alternative would be to just read the documentation as most of the property names are already documented:

Is it possible to ignore Ember CLI's http-mocks proxy server?

I've created some ember g http-mocks, and they live in my ember app under /server.
I'd also like to be able to run my ember cli app, proxying all api requests to localhost:3000.
It seems if /server exists, ember will use it, regardless of the -proxy flag. I found some discussion about a --no-http-mocks flag near the end of this issue, but I don't think there's a formal proposal yet.
Is there any hackish intermediate way to get ember cli to ignore /server, other than by deleting the entire /server directory?
You could probably set up ember-cli to enable/disable http-mock based on an environments.js variable as described here:
Then to manually flip http-mock on and off as you like, pass in a process environment variable when you run your ember serve at command line. Seems like the way to do that is in this SO post:
How to pass API keys in environment variables to Ember CLI using process.env?

Can I call synchroniseUserDirectories (ConfluenceRpc) via REST, SOAP or XML-RPC?

I am using Confluence 4.2.5 (build 3284) with CAS SSO connected to my LDAP server and would like to be able to call synchroniseUserDirectories() from the LDAP server when a user changes their password so that the change is instantaneous.
The way it works now is that users have to wait for the Confluence to run it's periodic LDAP synchronization which can be disconcerting for them.
I have tried using the XML-RPC interface to call changeUserPassword() (as an administrator) but it doesn't work. The operation raises an exception "Error changing password for user ...". I presume that that is because the user is defined in the LDAP but I can't tell for sure because the exception message wasn't clear about the cause.
Here is example code that I would like to be able to use. It doesn't work.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import xmlrpclib
url = 'https://docs.example.com'
admin_user = 'frobisher'
admin_pass = 'supersecretstuff'
username = 'bigbob'
new_password = 'bigbobsbigsecret'
server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(url + '/rpc/xmlrpc')
token = server.confluence2.login(admin_user, admin_pass)
# CITATION: https://developer.atlassian.com/display/CONFDEV/Remote+Confluence+Methods
# this doesn't exist but would be my preferred approach.
# It raises a NoSuchMethodException exception.
# this throws a general exception, because of the LDAP? The message
# wasn't clear about the source of the problem.
# username,
# password)
Is there any way to do this using SOAP or REST? I was concerned about REST because it sounds like it is still a prototype.
If none of those approaches will work, can it be done with a simple plugin considering that this must be a push operation from the LDAP server to the Confluence server? I have no experience writing plugins but I do some java work occasionally.
Any hints would be greatly appreciated.
The short answer is "no". The ability to synchronise remote user directories is not exposed as a remote operation in Confluence.
The long answer is "yes", you can write a plugin to do this. If you're already familiar with java, then perhaps the best answer is to just show you some source code I've written that performs a similar function: https://bitbucket.org/jaysee00/confluence-user-sync-api This plugin gives you SOAP, XML-RPC and JSON-RPC methods to force an individual user account to be synced in to Confluence from a remote directory.
That might suit your purposes as-is, but I imagine it would be possible to edit the source of this plugin and change it to synchronise an entire directory, too.

Setting moodle online

Good day everyone, I have been trying to put my moodle online so pcs from internet can access it, but until now, no luck at all. (Im using moodle 2.3.2 on Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7).
I tried to configure the moodle file config.php, setting the directive $CFG -> wwwroot = "my-public-ip/moodle". Then, when I access to moodel from the server, I can access it by "http://my-public-ip/moodle", when I try to access via localhost, it sends an error which it is OK.
But the funny part comes when I try to access the server from an outside pc. When I type "http://my-public-ip/moodle" it simply cant "see" the configuration I made to the config.php file (it says: This server cna only be accessed via localhost/moodle) it looks like the outside pcs are either ignoring it, or searching for another configuration file. I dont know what the hell is happening, this is very odd.
Any ideas?? tnx!!!
Change the following file:
Redirect ($CFG->wwwroot, get_string('wwwrootmismatch', 'error', $CFG->wwwroot), 3);
Redirect ($CFG->wwwroot, get_string('wwwrootmismatch', 'error', $CFG->wwwroot), 0);
I realise this is an old question, but it's also worth pointing out you may need to also run the database search and replace script, at:
as referenced in Method 2 here.
This is required if you change the name of the site once you have installed it. If you were already using Moodle under "localhost", then there will be a number of references to the old localhost address stored in the database that need to be updated to the new IP-based address.
It might be because the http:// part is missing?
$CFG->wwwroot = "my-public-ip/moodle"
should be
$CFG->wwwroot = "http://my-public-ip/moodle"