Can I make one VR game in Unity that works with all PC VR sets (Oculus, HTC VIVE) [closed] - unity3d

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am making a game for school with my friend, and we want to make it VR. Our school has no VR set but is willing to buy one for our project. We are also planning to upload our game onto Steam (I don't know if that changes anything).
I have seen how I can make a Unity game VR using VIVE and using Oculus, but I haven't seen any tutorials with both. So I was wondering if/how I can make it so that my game can use Oculus and VIVE, without having to make two different games for it.
I hope that by knowing this I can tell my school to buy the right VR set.

Its possible, the most common way would be to use SteamVR (aka OpenVR), it primarily targets Vive but works fine with Oculus (at least on the PC, I am not sure about Quest - its likely not supported).
Alternative is to to write your own wrappers to individual API's that would have implementation depending on the actual hardware platform. This should be possible to achieve wihtin a single ebinary but is a bit easier if you allow differen builds for each platform


What steps do you need to take to transition from pc game development to vr game development? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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Im being hesitant to either dive straight into learning vr development or first start with 2d/3d games for pc or mobile.
Once you learn 2d/3d game development with unity, what steps do you need to take to move on to VR game development? would the two types of game development have a lot in common? or would it be two very different areas?
I myself do not have any experience in VR development but I can say that diving straight into VR development might be a little overwhelming if you do not have any experience in game development or any experience in Unity. I suggest that you first follow some tutorials on YouTube to make a simple 2D pc game so you can get more comfortable using Unity and its features.
Transfering to VR from 2D shouldn't be that hard if you are starting to get more familiar with Unity. There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube relating to VR deveploment
Great YouTube channel for learning Unitys basic features is Brackeys. They have made some great tutorials that helped me in the beginning of my game deveploment journey.

How to choose technology to create mobile app with 3D object? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am a Vue JS developer(frontend)
I have a task to create mobile app for Android and IOS.
I didn't develop any mobile apps before
I have to choose a technology for creating this app.
There is 3D object on main screen. User can rotate object with fingers. There are buttons also around this 3D object. So a user can rotate the 3D object, click on any button on that object and current screen go to another screen.
I recently discovered Nativescript framework that can help to develop mobile apps for Android and IOS with any frontend framework like Vue or Angular, but I don't know if it can support any javascript libraries like THREE JS, to interract with 3D objects.
I also know there is Unity platform that can create games for different platforms, but I don'r know if there is a possibility to create an application not a a game.
3D object was made in Unity and has extension .obj
What technologies should I pick to create an application like this?
What you describe looks like interface of a game pretty much.
Also Unity is not just for games, its is used for simulators, training of surgeons etc.
It is very flexible tool.

Creating CrossPlatform Animated Video Rendering Application [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am planning to create a cross-platform (Windows,Android and iOS in future) application just like Plotagon, where we can add/modify 3d model characters in some background scene, apply some animations & sound effects to those characters and finally produce rendered video of it.
When it comes to CrossPlatform, right now I can think of two technologies.
As far as I have researched, currently Xamarin has excellent support for Android and iOS. But, handling 3d Models and rendering becomes nightmare.
Since Unity can be used to develop Apps apart from games, Handling 3d Models and animating it becomes easier task. And I think its the way to go.
But, I have no clue of how to deal with rendering stuff.
Am I going in the wrong direction? If yes, can someone suggest better technology for accomplishing all the requirements.
How can we render a video inside the app?
Little background:
I have 3+ Years of experience in developing enterprise applications(Web based) and few desktop applications using Java and .Net platform. Now started learning Unity3d.
Note: I am trying to avoid C/C++ languages.
I had a similar question when I was making my first game. I would strongly suggest going with Unity3D. I did and was very happy with it. Unity3D has a rich set of tools to help you develop your app and it is great for cross-platform distribution. And, in the case that it does not have what you need built-in, there is a store (the AssetStore) that has an enormous amount of helpful tools and assets.
Take a look around to see what it has. You can search for "movie" and get multitude of hits (everything from video capture to movie theater models). As a note, not everything in the AssetStore is free.

Can I develop high quality games for Android/iOS using libGDX? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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All I wanna know is, "Can I develop high quality games for Android/iOS using libGDX or game engines like Unity3D would be needed?"
Unity3D is much more than a library (like libGDX). You get a very good editor, that allows you to see your game objects and make debugging a dream compared to building something without a visual aid.
Unity3D has another major advantage in its asset store. Whenever I want to do something new, I look into the asset store first, and usually someone else has done it, with much better quality than what I'd achieve in a small time frame.
I did this game in Unity3D: and while I could have done it in many other engines, it would have taken me much longer.

Is there good open source chess game for iphone? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am newbie with iphone development. I want to make a chess like game. Could you point me to some good open source chess like game with cocos2d.
Also i am interested in how to make multiplayer games (in this case 2 player chess based game). Is there any easy to use servers or i have to implement my own server side game logic and deploy it on my application server.
I read that open faint and game center have some features about multiplayer games but i am not quite sure how they work. Please point me to some tutorials/resources/open source games for that.
Stockfish, mentioned in the other answers, released the full source code for their iOS app in their support forum, which includes the game engine and UI.
Definitely take a look at Stockfish Chess. It's a chess engine, not a game itself. The repository is located # Github - StockFish. I haven't developed for Iphone, but it seems they have an app in the Apple Store. I've been playing around with it and it's pretty awesome.
stock fish best and probably only good open source chess app for iPhone. Shredder
Hiarcs are also good but not open source