iPhone - UIImagePickerController shows a white screen sometimes - iphone

I am using a shared instance of UIImagePickerController in my application. I am using the Camera Roll as the image source.
Sometimes when the image picker opens, instead of seeing the photos gallery, I am able to see only a blank white screen. This issue is not reproducible every time and happens only some of the times.
Has someone else faced this issue? Is it the memory usage? I checked the app with Instruments while testing on the device but memory doesn't seem to be the issue.
Thanks for any help.

The issue was caused by a memory issue. I created a shared instance of UIImagePickerController and used it throughout the app.


UIImagePickerController crashes app and sometimes restarts the device - memory warning issue

We have customized the camera view and the move&scale options. after taking picture the original image will be opened up in the new view controller which has customized move&scale. It works fine but the app crashes and sometimes os restarts if we are open the camera more than around 7 times continuously. we checked the profile instruments there is no memory leaks its getting released after picture is taken
app throws memory warning continuously after around 7 time continues use of camera
we are using ARC.
Any idea?
i found the answer.there was a problem in image i used for cropping.
See the below links.

Corona SDK, build for iOS device works not correctly

I build my Corona app for iPhone Simulator, and it running well. But if I installed my app on my device(iPad), and i have many issues(no scrollview and tabbar working) buttons is visible only.
How to solve the problem?
Look at what happens when you run it in the iPad simulator- Do you get any errors in the console if you check it while running the app on your iPad? If so this could shed some light on the issue. One possibility is a corrupted image, or an incorrect image format.
If only the buttons are visible it sounds like you app has an error that is preventing all of the display objects from loading. (Just based on the fact you mention your buttons display but nothing else.)

PhotoScroller Zooming/Appearance

I have been looking through the code and .xib files which are included in the Photoscroller app provided by Apple. Through all of this and a few internet searches I have not been able to locate where the button which controls whether the image is 1x or 2x zoom is located in the code or any events which are fired as a result of clicking it.
If someone cant point me to where this button is held that would be very helpful. My end goal is to implement the tiling in full screen so any advice on this would also be appreciated.
Thanks for any help you can provide.
The 1x/2x button is not in the application at all. The app is set to iPhone only so when you run it on the iPad it still runs at iPhone size. Any time you run an iPhone only app on an iPad it will display the 1x/2x button allowing you to zoom the app to a bigger size. You can see the difference by going to the Project Build Settings and changing Targeted Device Family to iPhone/iPad and running it again.

Problem in camera activities in ios4

hi so far i have used UIImagePickerController for camera activities in IOS3. But in IOS4 the ImagePickerController is not working properly. When i tried to capture image it shows either a white image or else the app gets crashed often.
So i started using the AVCapture device for my camera activities. In this too i started facing new problems. When i capture the image in landscape the image preview shows the image to be portrait and vice versa. And some times it shows memory level warning.
Both the UIImagePickerController and the AVCapture are making problems. I want to know how to solve these problems. Else is there any other way to handle camera activities in IOS4.
Please help me friends.....
If you just want to enable the user to take photos, UIImagePickerController is the way to go. AVFoundation is quite low level and requires you to handle a lot of things yourself (e.g. compensating for the device orientation).
I've used UIImagePickerController extensively on iOS 4 and it works just fine for me. I suspect the white image/crashing problems are due to something else in your code. If you post a few code snippets we can try to figure out what's going on.

Very strange iPhone app crash problem with tabbar based app

I know the title sounds a bit awkward but let me explain my problem.
I have a tab bar based iPhone app which works perfectly so far. I can switch through the tabs and every tab loads a view controller.
But here is how it crashes. After I used the app and working with a bunch of other apps I switch back to my app (for example after one hour). The app shows the screen where I left it. Now when I try to change the tab, it crashes immediately.
The problem is that I can't reproduce this crash in the simulator or in the debug mode. I tried to open it, then close it, then reopen it but then everything works. Only after a certain amount of time the crash can be reproduced. But I don't have any logs.
Maybe anyone had the same the problem and knows what to do here?
Could it be related to low memory (i.e., you have a bug that only shows up during low memory)? Have you tried "Simulate Memory Warning" in the simulator?
Connect your device with system using iPhone utility and found the reason for crash. It may be memory problem only.