UIImagePickerController crashes app and sometimes restarts the device - memory warning issue - iphone

We have customized the camera view and the move&scale options. after taking picture the original image will be opened up in the new view controller which has customized move&scale. It works fine but the app crashes and sometimes os restarts if we are open the camera more than around 7 times continuously. we checked the profile instruments there is no memory leaks its getting released after picture is taken
app throws memory warning continuously after around 7 time continues use of camera
we are using ARC.
Any idea?

i found the answer.there was a problem in image i used for cropping.
See the below links.


iPhone 3Gs iOS 5.0.1 get Recieved memory warning error and crash the app

I have created slideshow in my app and caching images in "CacheDirectory" of iPhone under "images" folder. After 10-15 minutes of slideshow app received memory warning and suddenly get crash without doing anything. But its not getting memory warning and even crash on iPhone 4 or 4s with same iOS.
The iPhone 4 and 4S both have more memory than the 3GS, so if you have a memory leak, or just use a lot of memory the memory warning would come at a later point on the 4/4S.
Wether or not you save the images in the cache directory has no impact on memory usage. You must be keeping more images in memory than possible. When implementing a slideshow that can handle an arbitrary number of images you would have to make sure that images that are not currently displayed are released.

Very strange iPhone app crash problem with tabbar based app

I know the title sounds a bit awkward but let me explain my problem.
I have a tab bar based iPhone app which works perfectly so far. I can switch through the tabs and every tab loads a view controller.
But here is how it crashes. After I used the app and working with a bunch of other apps I switch back to my app (for example after one hour). The app shows the screen where I left it. Now when I try to change the tab, it crashes immediately.
The problem is that I can't reproduce this crash in the simulator or in the debug mode. I tried to open it, then close it, then reopen it but then everything works. Only after a certain amount of time the crash can be reproduced. But I don't have any logs.
Maybe anyone had the same the problem and knows what to do here?
Could it be related to low memory (i.e., you have a bug that only shows up during low memory)? Have you tried "Simulate Memory Warning" in the simulator?
Connect your device with system using iPhone utility and found the reason for crash. It may be memory problem only.

Mysterious glitch in iPhone app

My app/game has gone live in the App Store two days ago. Now I'm getting reports of a mysterious glitch that occurs when several levels have been completed (it's a puzzle game). The screen just gets black, no user interaction is possible anymore at all.
I think what happens is that my view gets deallocated, so the only thing that's left is my window, which has a black background.
At first I thought this could be due to a memory warning to which my view controller responds by releasing the view. But when I simulate memory warnings on the Simulator, everythings goes fine.
I have tested my app extensively using Instruments. It contains no memory leaks. It is using a constant ~43MB during gameplay. CPU load is low.
I'm quite clueless here. It's frustrating that I cannot reproduce the problem myself. I can't count the levels I've played myself anymore, trying to get this glitch to occur. Anyone have some suggestions?
But when I simulate memory warnings on the Simulator, everythings goes fine.
Did you try to simulate it on a real device with instruments? Did you try with older device models like 3g, 3gs?

iPhone Launch Image zoom animation not working on physical device

I have developed an iPhone app with a launch image. When starting the app in the simulator, the image zooms in as expected. However, when the app is deployed to my physical device, the zoom animation is very short and sometimes completes instantaneously.
I'm sure it's nothing to do with my app start up as I put a sleep call in applicationDidFinishLoading to slow it down and this occurs after the zoom animation has completed.
Has nothing to do with your startup image. Has everything to do with the speed of your device and what you're loading on starting. If you're not loading much at startup the animation will be very fast, especially on a 3GS device.
I tracked this down to the fact I have a large number of resources. Either the number of files (2400) or the combined size of them is causing a pause before the start up image is shown.

iPhone - UIImagePickerController shows a white screen sometimes

I am using a shared instance of UIImagePickerController in my application. I am using the Camera Roll as the image source.
Sometimes when the image picker opens, instead of seeing the photos gallery, I am able to see only a blank white screen. This issue is not reproducible every time and happens only some of the times.
Has someone else faced this issue? Is it the memory usage? I checked the app with Instruments while testing on the device but memory doesn't seem to be the issue.
Thanks for any help.
The issue was caused by a memory issue. I created a shared instance of UIImagePickerController and used it throughout the app.